Emergency call tele2 phone number. How to call an ambulance from Tele2? Contact details of other services

Emergency call tele2 phone number.  How to call an ambulance from Tele2?  Contact details of other services
Emergency call tele2 phone number. How to call an ambulance from Tele2? Contact details of other services

You can call emergency numbers from mobile phones completely free of charge, even with a negative balance. You need to call differently from each operator's number. How can I reach ambulance, police, fire, gas and other services using Tele2?

How to call emergency numbers from Tele2?

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You can simply call the single number 112, the operator will redirect the call to the desired service after describing the situation. While you are describing the situation, a lot may already happen, so it is better to immediately dial the appropriate number:

  • 101 - call rescuers (EMERCOM) and fire service;
  • 102 - number to call the police;
  • 103 - call to ambulance;
  • 104 - call the gas service.

Even if there is no network, you can call any of these numbers.

Additional numbers for Tele2 subscribers

Other emergency numbers may also come in handy. They are also free, and you can call them without money on your account or Tele2 network:

121 and 123 - for children who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

115 is a number for people in need of municipal and government services.

Qualified employees answer the numbers. They can tell you how to act in a particular situation, where and who to contact, and also tell you what documents you need to collect.

Calling an ambulance in a timely manner in an emergency saves lives. Below we will describe in detail how to call an ambulance for a Tele2 subscriber, what short numbers use and how to communicate with the dispatcher.

Why can’t I call number 03?

Two digit numbers were used when cellular communication hasn't happened yet. Today 03 is a number that can be used to call an ambulance only via a landline telephone. Mobile subscribers Out of habit, they dial these numbers, but cannot get through. Short beeps are heard in the handset, since the line is almost always busy.

Short numbers for calling an ambulance

Calling an ambulance for Tele2 subscribers is free. The list of numbers to dial is as follows:

  • 030 is the combination most often used by Tele2 subscribers;
  • 03* – option in case you can’t reach 030;
  • 103 is a universal combination, the same for all Russian operators.

Emergency call

112 – emergency number. It is available not only for Russia, but also for all European countries and even southern Africa.

The main advantage of dialing this combination is that you can call the number even with an inactive SIM card and a negative balance.

When you call 112, you are connected to an operator. He needs to name a specific special service (in this case, an ambulance) to whose line you will be transferred.

When you call an ambulance, it is important to follow some rules so that your call is accepted and the service leaves quickly. When talking with the dispatcher you must:

  1. Make sure he introduces himself and gives his number. In case of misunderstandings, this information will be useful.
  2. Report everything about the victim: first name, last name, gender, age, exact address, etc. It is necessary to describe in detail the incident or symptoms of the disease, and also talk about the patient’s possible use of alcohol, drugs, or medications. This information will help the service navigate the situation.

The operator should answer as clearly, succinctly and clearly as possible.

Questions from subscribers

Is it possible to view current emergency numbers on the operator’s website?

Yes, on the official Tele2 website in the “Help and Support” section all emergency numbers: https://krasnodar.tele2.ru/help/article/emergency-number.

With Tele2 you can call an ambulance in several ways. The operator listed all combinations on its official website.

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Emergency situations can happen to anyone; in such conditions it is very important to react clearly and immediately. Of course, you can always try to get out of an emergency on your own, but it’s better if you entrust this to specialists. If you or someone around you has health problems, then you simply need the help of a doctor, how to call an ambulance from Tele2, we'll tell you.

How to call an ambulance from Tele2 mobile?

It is worth noting that calls to telephones emergency assistance free. However, each of mobile operators has its own method of communication that everyone needs to know. An ambulance number familiar from childhood 03 not always the best choice since it is a shared line that may be busy. You should use this number when calling from landline phone. If you don’t have time to wait and the number is busy, you should try other numbers.

Call an ambulance from your mobile Tele 2 by number 030 . Remember that when accepting a call, the dispatcher has a direct responsibility to introduce himself so that there are no problems in the future. Any issues related to health will not tolerate negligence.

Don't worry if your phone suddenly runs out of funds or suddenly has no SIM card. Some difficulties may arise if your card is blocked or missing. In this case, to call an ambulance from Tele2 you need to dial the general number 112 . It is valid throughout Europe. In this case, the operator will answer you first and only then will the connection to the service of your city be completed.

If you were unable to reach the numbers listed above, then dial number 03 and press the “asterisk” sign at the end. This combination is guaranteed to work.

Remember, just in case, a separate number, which is common to all emergency response services in Russia - 103 . The call, of course, is free from all numbers.

An endless white stripe is very rare in our lives, so knowing how to quickly and correctly call for medical help is the responsibility of every person. Never forget to follow the innovations related to changing numbers. We will talk about how to call an ambulance from Tele2, what you need to tell the dispatcher and how to behave in emergency cases.

Main numbers

Call emergency services by cell phone more convenient, since it can be implemented in any area. To commit mobile call uniform short calling formats implemented mobile operator. These are combinations of three numbers that can be dialed throughout the Russian Federation.

To establish a connection with medical services, use the following numbers:

  • 030 and 03* are the most effective option, designed for calling an ambulance from Tele2.
  • 103 - guarantees a call to medical workers directly through the Tele2 operator.

It is worth noting that the second number is constant throughout the country.

Emergency number 112 and its features

This combination of numbers is a universal number for any emergency. After dialing, the dispatcher will greet you and ask you to describe the current situation in order to determine which service to switch you to. Dialing from a cell phone combination 112 is a full-fledged analogue of the American 911 rescue service, except that you can call an ambulance from any country in the world. The call will work even if your SIM card is from another country or is not in the phone at all, the main thing is that the screen says “Only emergency calls" or "SOS".

To call an ambulance on Tele2, you can safely dial 112 and report your problem, it will work anywhere Russian Federation and at any level of communication.

How to communicate with the dispatcher correctly

When answering a call, the Tele2 operator must introduce himself, giving his last name or personal ID. This information needs to be recorded; it may be needed in ambiguous situations. The operator does not have the authority to refuse medical support to those who seek help: it does not matter whether the patient is young or elderly, or whether he is under the influence of any substances or alcohol. There is a criminal penalty for refusal; in such cases it is necessary immediately.

When talking with the operator, you should clarify:

  • the exact location where the victim is;
  • his name and age so that emergency assistance can be provided;
  • answer truthfully and in as much detail as possible possible problems with drugs, alcohol or medicinal substances, about signs of illness.

This data is needed to provide better emergency medical support to the patient.

Before the arrival of medical workers, it is necessary to prepare the patient’s documents and collect things for the purpose of probable hospitalization.

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At any moment in life, a situation may arise when you need to urgently resort to medical, fire or police assistance. So, in Soviet times, even any child knew short emergency numbers - 01, 02, 03, 04. These numbers were visible in elevators, at the entrances of residential buildings, at bus stops, etc.

But in the 2000s, hardware phones and payphones were replaced by mobile phones and smartphones, and phone numbers began to be 10-digit numbers.

Taking into account the needs of its customers, Tele2 has offered short 3-digit numbers, which are much easier to use in an emergency.

What numbers can a Tele2 client use to call for help?

International dialing number for all emergency services

On the territory of Europe, countries that are members of the European Union, as well as countries that are not members of it (for example, South Africa or Switzerland) there is single number calling emergency services. It is the same for all operators. It operates according to a single scheme.

This number is 112.

So, in the absence of a SIM card, and in the absence of a network, and in the absence of Money on your account or even a negative balance, just dial: 112 and the call button. All you have to do is describe the essence of the problem and the situation to the operator, who will transfer you to emergency medical dispatchers.

What are the short dial numbers for calling emergency medical services?

You can reach doctors using the Tele2 operator:

Classic dialing number 03 - here you should remember that this is certainly the same number that both old and young remember. And you can dial this number, of course, from any operator. However, for the same reason that the number is in demand, and therefore sick old man, most likely he will dial from a landline phone; the network is often overloaded. And then you will constantly hear the busy tone.

Another option is to dial 030 or 03* and call, and this is the case when getting through is much faster

By dialing the 3-digit number directly from the Tele2 operator - 103 and the call button. This number is valid for all clients of the Tele2 operator, regardless of their region of location in Russia.

It is advisable to remember all the methods, but to be on the safe side, keep these numbers first written down in your contacts list phone book mobile phone or a smartphone, since sometimes human life can count in seconds.

Instructions for interaction between the caller and the dispatcher

  • For efficiency, dispatchers work according to a clear scheme - full name or number, further recording of information.
  • No matter who's on the other side telephone line, the dispatcher has no right to refuse to help him. The dispatcher is obliged to accept absolutely any call, of any degree of adequacy, from a person of absolutely any age, etc.
  • For refusing to accept a call or information, the dispatcher may face criminal liability. And in case of refusal, the caller, if possible, has written down or remembered the number or name of the dispatcher, can immediately contact the police.
  • However, there are certain mandatory questions for the caller, such as the name, address of the patient or injured person, brief information about the incident, brief information about the condition - presence of alcohol, blood pressure, previous intake medicines and other information that will help doctors provide care faster and better.
  • If possible, collect documents and/or things before the ambulance arrives, as minutes can count.
  • Remember, you can ask for help at absolutely any time.