Different ways how to calculate sum in excel

Different ways how to calculate sum in excel
Different ways how to calculate sum in excel

Hello everyone, IT blogger Alexander Glebov is with you. In this informative article, I tell you how to calculate the amount in excel with different options. Probably the most popular action in Excel is the calculation of the sum. It would seem a simple action, but it can be performed in various ways, so...

how to calculate sum in excel

Excel is a very powerful spreadsheet tool, and of course it allows you to perform various mathematical operations, ranging from simple summation to tricky logarithmic functions. In this article, I look at 3 ways to find the sum of values. Read below to learn how to calculate the amount in excel.

Sum formula in excel - option 1

So, in my opinion, this is the most common option. To calculate the amount using the formula, follow these steps:

Autosum in excel - option 2

This option is very convenient, and most importantly fast, literally one click of the mouse button. So, to calculate the autosum, we will perform the following steps: