Profile updates and how to remove subscribers in a contact

Profile updates and how to remove subscribers in a contact
Profile updates and how to remove subscribers in a contact

Possibility to subscribe VKontakte

Social networks are gaining momentum every day. Many people from all over the globe register in them and sit there for hours. Various popular resources have their own original features. Today we will talk about the most common social network, which is called VKontakte, and specifically about its function, which allows other people to view up-to-date information about users. In this case, a person does not have to be a friend.

Who are subscribers

Each user of the resource can easily become a subscriber of another registered participant. The only exceptions are cases when a person is on the black list. In such a situation, he will not be able to do this. As soon as you send your friend request to someone, you automatically become a subscriber of this person. Accordingly, if he does so, the same fate awaits him. This also applies when you are unfriended. In this situation, a person turns from a friend into a subscriber.

What Subscribers Can Do

Members of the social network who are on the list of the user's subscribers will, like his friends, receive updates, news, published statuses, movies, music - in general, everything related to a particular profile. This can be convenient for those users who are not friends with a certain person, but at the same time wish to receive such notifications. In order for a person to become your subscriber, it will be enough for him to go to your page, where he clicks on the button, which is called: “Subscribe to updates”. This button is located right below your profile picture.

How to remove subscribers in VKontakte

What to do in cases where the user does not want anyone other than friends to receive his updates? It's very simple, you need to remove the signers. The question of how to remove subscribers in VKontakte is asked quite often. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. To remove subscribers in VKontakte, you just need to blacklist the necessary participant. This is done through the "My Settings" option. They will be your blacklist.

Where can you see your followers

Before removing subscribers in Vkontakte, you should see which of the social network members receives notifications about the status of your profile. To do this, find a section under your photo called "My followers". Click on it and you will see a list of all these people. This is what they are. Just do not ask about how to unsubscribe in VKontakte. While this possibility is not provided by the system, each user can subscribe to any page. But now you have already understood how to remove subscribers in Vkontakte. If someone does not suit you, you already know what to do with this person. Now you have learned who subscribers are, what they are entitled to, and how to deal with them.