This is powered by a solar battery. The principle of operation of solar panels

This is powered by a solar battery.  The principle of operation of solar panels
This is powered by a solar battery. The principle of operation of solar panels

Almost 100% of all the energy we use in everyday life is solar energy, converted in one way or another. Coal is dead plants that lived thanks to photosynthesis, oil is plants and animals that died out millions of years ago and grew due to the energy of the sun. Even when you burn wood, you release the solar energy that the wood has absorbed. In fact, any thermal power plant converts solar energy accumulated in the form of coal, oil, gas and other fossils into electricity.

The solar panel simply does this directly, without the participation of “middlemen”. Electricity is the most convenient form of using solar energy. The entire life of mankind is now built around electricity, and it is very difficult to imagine civilization without it. Despite the fact that the first solar cells appeared more than half a century ago, solar energy has not yet found proper distribution. Why? More on this at the end of the article, but for now let’s figure out how it all works.

It's all about the silicon

Solar panels consist of cells smaller size– photocells that are made of silicon.

A solar panel consists of several photocells.

Important. Silicon is the most abundant semiconductor on Earth (about 30% of the entire earth's crust)

Silicon is located between two conductive layers.

"Sandwich" of silicon and conductive layers

Each silicon atom is connected to its neighbors by four strong bonds that hold electrons in place, so current cannot flow that way.

Structure of silicon atoms

In order to obtain current, two different layers of silicon are used:

  • N-type silicon has an excess of electrons
  • P-type silicon – extra seats for electrons (holes)

Silicon P and N type

Where two types of silicon are connected, electrons can move across the P-N junction, leaving positive charge on one side and negative on the other.

To make this easier to imagine, it's better to think of light as a stream of particles (photons) that hit our cell so hard that it knocks an electron out of its bond, leaving a hole. The negatively charged electron and the site of the positively charged hole can now move freely, but because we have an electric field on P-N junction, they only move in one direction. The electron goes towards the N-conductor, the hole tends to the P side of the plate.

After being “released” the electron tends to the conductor

All electrons are collected by metal conductors at the top of the cell and go to the external network, powering current collectors, batteries for solar panels or an electric chair for a hamster :) . After the work done, the electrons return to the back side of the plate and take up places in those very “holes”.

Photocell operation

A standard plate, 150x150 mm, nominally produces only 0.5 volts, but if you combine them into one large panel, you can get more power and voltage. To charge a mobile phone, you need to combine 12 such plates. To power a home, you need to spend a lot more plates and panels.

Due to the fact that the only moving part in solar cells is electrons, solar panels do not require maintenance and can last 20-25 years without wearing out or breaking.

Why haven't people switched to solar energy completely?

You can talk a lot about politics, business and other conspiracy theories, but within the framework of this article I would like to talk about other problems.

  1. Uneven distribution of solar energy over the surface of the planet. Some areas are sunnier than others and this is also variable. There is much less solar energy on cloudy days and none at all at night. And to fully rely on solar energy, you need effective ways obtaining electricity for all areas.
  2. Efficiency In laboratory conditions, a result of 46% was achieved. But commercial systems don't even achieve 25% efficiency.
  3. Storage. The weakest link in solar energy is the lack of an efficient and cheap way to store the generated electricity. Existing rechargeable batteries are heavy and significantly reduce the efficiency of the already weak solar system. In general, storing 10 tons of coal is easier and more convenient than 46 megawatts generated by the same coal or the sun.
  4. Infrastructure. In order to power megacities, the roof areas of these cities will not be enough to satisfy all demands, therefore, to implement solar energy, it is necessary to transport energy, and for this it is necessary to build new energy facilities

Video about how solar panels are produced.

The video describes in detail the manufacturing process of polycrystalline solar cells, the principle of their operation in a solar power plant system, and the operating principle of the charge controller and inverter.


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Selecting a battery for a solar power plant

Generating alternative solar energy. It appeared relatively recently, but has already gained popularity in the European Union due to its high efficiency and reasonable cost.

A solar battery is an almost inexhaustible source of energy, capable of storing and converting light rays into energy and electricity. In CIS countries new source

energy is gradually gaining popularity. (By the way, you can read the article on how to choose a solar battery.)


  • There are two types of their connection
  • sequential;

parallel. The only difference is that in parallel connection

There is an increase in current, and with sequential voltage increases.

If there is a need for maximum operation of two parameters at once, then parallel-sequential is used.

But it is worth considering that high loads may cause some contacts to burn out. To prevent this, diodes are used. One diode is capable of protecting one fourth of the photocell. If they are not in the device, that is Great chance

that the entire energy source will stop functioning after the first rain or hurricane.: Important point neither the accumulation nor the current strength at all correspond to the possible parameters of modern household appliances

, so it is necessary to redistribute and accumulate electricity. To do this, it is recommended to additionally connect at least two.

One will be cumulative, and the second will be spare or reserve.

Let's give an example of how additional batteries work. When the weather outside is good and sunny, the charge goes quickly and after a short amount of time, excess energy appears. Therefore, this entire process is controlled by a special rheostat, which is capable of certain moment

You can read reviews from solar panel owners in this article:

Principle of operation

What is the operating principle of an alternative energy source?

Firstly, solar cells are silicon wafers. In turn, silicon in its chemical composition is extremely similar to pure silicon. It was this nuance that made it possible to reduce the cost of a solar battery and put it on the assembly line.

Silicon must be crystallized, since it itself is a semiconductor. Single crystals are much simpler to manufacture, but do not have many edges, due to which electrons are able to move in a straight line.

It is important to know that adding phosphorus or arsenic increases electrical conductivity. Also, one of the important properties of silicon is invisibility to infrared radiation.

Thanks to this element, the conversion units absorb only useful parts of the solar spectrum.

Sequence of solar battery actions:

So we found out what solar panels are made of and what their operating principle is.

In conclusion, I would like to add that such an alternative can be made at home yourself, if you have all the necessary parts.

Watch the video, which explains in an easy and informative way the principle of operation of solar panels:

They have become so widespread that each user can order components and assemble and install photovoltaic panels with their own hands. Of course, the issue of price remains relevant, because solar panels are not a cheap option, but they are environmentally friendly. And the cost is getting cheaper every year. So everyone has probably come across the idea of ​​using such a source of electricity, but not everyone knows the principle of operation of a solar battery.

Video about how a solar battery works

The principle of operation of a solar battery

To understand how a solar battery works, you need to understand what it consists of. Typically, a solar energy source consists of the following parts:

  • DC generator(aka solar panel)
  • Battery with charge control and inverter that converts current into alternating current
  • In its turn the panel consists of photoelectric converters which, speaking in simple language, transform solar energy into electrical energy. Most often these are polycrystalline or monocrystalline silicon batteries. The difference is in efficiency and production technology.

The operating principle of a solar power plant is the sequential interaction of a number of elements unified network. The elements in a solar panel are connected in series and in parallel. This is done in order to increase power, voltage and current. Plus, such a connection will protect the remaining parts of the circuit in case of failure of one element.

  • The batteries are also riddled with so-called diodes. The operating principle of solar panels is based on these elements. Such diodes protect the panel during partial dimming. During such blackouts, the battery does not interrupt its operation, but produces a quarter less power. The bottom line is that diodes prevent solar cells from overheating, which during darkening begin to consume electricity instead of generating it.
  • Further Electricity is stored in batteries. And then it is sent to the system. The important point is that the number of parallel and series-connected elements in the solar panel is calculated in such a way that the voltage supplied to the batteries exceeds the voltage of the battery itself. Even taking into account the drawdown. In this case, the load current of the solar battery must provide a sufficient amount of charging current. This parameter must be taken into account when .
  • Another important factor in the operation of solar panels is the usable power. Exactly this indicator reflects the cost-effectiveness of use for the user. This power is calculated based on the voltage and output current of the installation. And these indicators, in turn, depend on the strength of sunlight that falls directly on the panel. By the way, temperatures that are too high for solar panels to operate are not useful. After all, with intense heating by the sun, the so-called electromotive force of the electric-producing elements decreases. However, the brighter the light from the sun, the more current is generated.

Now a few formulas about the principle of operation of solar panels.

How does a solar panel work? For example, a solar battery is connected to a load with a measured resistance (Rн). Consequently, a current appears in the circuit (I). At the same time, the indicator I is formed in direct dependence on the quality of the converter in the circuit, the strength of solar illumination and resistance. Next we'll look at Un. Un- this is the voltage that is created at the terminals of solar panels. As a result, knowing these indicators, we can calculate the power that appears in the load on the installation: Pn = InUn

However, each panel has its own optimal resistance and it depends on the level of efficiency.

  • In cloudy weather, the battery charge naturally decreases due to less electricity generated by the panels.
  • During this process, the electricity is received by the receiver. In other words, batteries are always either charged or discharged. This interaction mechanism is controlled by the controller. Most often, the operation of batteries in a circuit is designed in such a way that they are very They quickly charge up to 80-90%, and then take a long time to collect the remaining charge.

Today, the most effective batteries for use in alternative energy supply systems are gel batteries. Such batteries do not require maintenance and are unpretentious in operating conditions. In this case, the service life usually reaches 10 years.

  • Controller, resistor and inverter Controller
  • necessary for connecting batteries to the network. It controls the charge. Resistor
  • absorbs excess power generation capacity. Inverter

necessary for the normal supply of the electrical network, except in cases where it is necessary to power receivers that operate on direct voltage rather than alternating voltage.

Of course, it is difficult to understand all the intricacies of the work. But we hope you will find the answers on the pages of our website. The operation of solar cells can be understood more clearly from graphical diagrams. Quite often, those who live in their own home have to deal with power being cut off due to technical reasons

or due to an emergency. Such problems cause not only discomfort, but also many problems, for example, food spoils, it is impossible to do work if this requires the use of electrical appliances. What to do in such a situation? It is worth installing solar panels, which allow you to solve this problem as quickly as possible and can only deliver benefits and nothing more.

A solar battery (or panel) is a battery (called a photoplate) that changes its conductivity and releases energy when exposed to sunlight. It is this transformation that will allow the residential structure to be enriched with the necessary electricity. Typically, solar panels come in different types.

  • The following designs are available for sale:
  • Monocrystalline;
  • Polycrystalline;

Amorphous. Each design has a certain performance, which directly determines the principle of operation and price. The plate with the minimum power is considered to be a battery made on the basis of monocrystals, and they also have the most. Basically, they try to use them in conditions where a constant supply of electricity is not too important.

The owner of a private home and such batteries must carefully ensure that the photovoltaic panel is clean, since if it gets on its coating a large number of contaminants such as snow, bird droppings and even dry leaves, this will reduce the operating efficiency and reduce the voltage level supplied. A solar battery for a home works according to a special principle.


  1. The sun's energy is captured by a silicon-based plate.
  2. When heated, energy is released.
  3. Next, electrons are activated, which facilitates their movement along the conductor.
  4. The conductors direct the current into the battery cavity, this forms a kind of recharging.
  5. Through a wired connection, current is supplied to household appliances.

The principle of operation of the installation is quite clear, but it is worth familiarizing yourself with the features of battery maintenance and whether it is required at all. Initially, it should be noted that the solar battery has no moving part at all, since these are stationary structures.

How to maintain a solar battery to work

As a rule, cleaning the coating should be done once every 7 days. Experts believe that this is quite enough to maintain the optimal condition of the plates in their pure form. It is also necessary to carry out a number of other procedures; this will allow the panels to be operated without problems, as well as to eliminate the formation of defects and malfunctions.


  1. External inspection to identify loose fasteners and the formation of cracks in the frame.
  2. Cleaning the panel.
  3. Check the power cable for exposed wires, which could cause a fire.
  4. Monitoring and recording the state of automation and instrumentation indicators.
  5. Battery charge level tracking.
  6. Monitoring the condition of the structural components of the block to identify corrosive formations.
  7. Inspecting the strength of the panel casing.

Adjustments to the position of the structure are also necessary, depending on the time of year, and tightening of each threaded connection. In addition, you can water the panels with a hose using ordinary running water, for which 4 procedures per year are enough.

You can assemble a safe and efficient wind generator with your own hands. All stages of work are described on the following page:

Efficiency of solar panels and other parameters

Solar panels are made from a material such as silicon, and when purchasing, you should pay attention to such features as the presence of an efficiency indicator, which should exceed 20%, and a high level of resistance.

The presence of tempered glass, resistance to the harshest weather conditions, polycrystalline coating, if the product is installed in a region with hot temperatures, is necessary.

Monocrystalline coating is important for areas with unfavorable climatic conditions. Modern silicon solar cookers have a number of advantages. Those who already use similar installations respond extremely positively.

The following products are recognized:

  • Autonomous;
  • Maximum cost-effective, since no electricity costs are required;
  • Very convenient to use, as no adjustment is needed;
  • Profitable, since the resource is replenished automatically;
  • Environmental;
  • Safe;
  • Practical, as they can be used as a reserve or main;
  • Very durable.

There are some disadvantages, but against the backdrop of many positive qualities they can be called insignificant. These include high cost, low resistance to weather disasters, the need to prepare a site for the location of the structure, maintenance, decreased productivity in winter, the need for modernization, if necessary, increase power and, accordingly, productivity.

Types of solar panels

Monocrystalline products are recognized as the most affordable products for capturing solar energy, since they are made using the simplest technology and can be significantly inferior in power to other types of plates. Each type has its own characteristics, due to which their choice is made.

There are three types of solar cookers:

  • Monocrystalline;
  • Polycrystalline;
  • Amorphous.

Panels made from polycrystalline silicon are the most expensive products, as they can accumulate solar energy even in cloudy and cloudy weather. Their peculiarity is their high productivity, as well as the slow cooling of the silicon melt. After the canvas has completely cooled, it is subjected to repeated heat treatment.

These plates are available in dark blue.

If amorphous silicon is used to make a slab, then these are products that are not produced in large quantities. These designs are at the stage of improvement and modernization, as some test models have gone on sale.

What are solar panels mainly made of?

Many owners think that if they have created such equipment on their own, then for this they just need to follow the technology for assembling the system, but they must also meet the high requirements.

The composition of elements for capturing solar energy is very simple, since all structures consist of:

  • Solar module;
  • Controller;
  • Battery;
  • Inverter;
  • Primary converter;
  • Set of wires;
  • Devices capable of monitoring battery charge;
  • Devices for taking power from the battery.

In addition, the plates may contain polymer film roll coatings, which are needed for protection from external factors. A solar panel is designed to capture the sun's rays and convert them into electricity.

Solar battery design and design nuances

As soon as all the necessary devices, as well as materials and equipment have been acquired, the actual construction can begin. Anyone who came up with and independently invented a solar battery necessarily began with a design that took into account important points.


  1. Location of the structure.
  2. Product tilt angle.
  3. Calculation of the load-bearing capacity of the roof if installation will be carried out on the roof itself, and not on the walls or foundation of the house.

An aluminum corner is used for the frame, the thickness of which must be at least 35 mm. The volume of the cells must completely match the number of photocells. For example, 835x690 mm. Holes for hardware are made in the frame. Apply 2 layers of sealant to the inside of the corner. The frame is filled with plexiglass, polycarbonate, plexiglass or any other material.

In order to seal the seams between the frame and the material sheet, you will need to carefully press the sheet along the entire perimeter.

The product is left outdoors until completely dry. The glass is fixed at 10 points, in pre-prepared holes, which should be located in the corner of the frame and on each side. Before attaching photocells, you need to clean the surface from dust. Next, the wire is soldered to the tile, for which the contacts are first wiped with an alcohol solution and placed under flux. When working with a crystal, you should be as careful as possible, as its structure is too fragile.

The busbar is laid along the entire length of the contact and slowly warmed up using a soldering iron. Next, the plates need to be turned over and the same actions performed. Then the photocells are laid out on the surface of the plexiglass in a frame, and they are fixed to the mounting tape. As a fixative, ordinary silicone glue can be used, which is applied in a dotted manner. One small drop is enough, as it is very durable.

The arrangement of the crystals should be with gaps between them of 3-5 mm, so that when heated under the influence of ultraviolet rays there is no deformation of the surface. It is imperative to connect the conductor along the edges of the photocells to the cavity of the common busbars. The soldering quality is tested using a special device. To seal the panel, sealant is applied between the panels. It is necessary to carefully press down the sheets to ensure maximum adhesion to the glass. The edges of the frame are also coated with sealant.

The side of the frame is equipped with a connecting connector for connecting Schottky diodes. The frame is covered with glass for protection and the joints are also sealed to prevent moisture from penetrating into the structure. The front side needs to be varnished. The panel is installed on the roof, walls or any other place designated in advance for it.

Solar Panel Efficiency

As already noted, there are different types solar panels and each of them has its own characteristics. It is worth noting that there are also hybrid designs for capturing solar energy, but their cost is much higher, and they are mainly used for industrial buildings.

Naturally, the quality and performance of any solar battery directly depends on the efficiency of its photocells, which can be influenced by factors such as:

  • Climatic conditions;
  • Weather;
  • Length of day and night;
  • Panel illumination uniformity;
  • Changes in air temperature;
  • Presence of dirt on the plastic;
  • Irreversible losses.

Basically, the efficiency or, in other words, the performance of solar panels directly depends on the uniformity of illumination of the structure. For example, if one of the solar cells of a structure has a low lighting intensity, unlike the others, this will cause an uneven distribution of the sun's rays when hitting the panel, which means there will be an overload and a decrease in the overall energy output.

To reduce the influence of such a factor, in some cases the photocell that fails is simply turned off.

To ensure maximum performance from a solar panel, it should be aimed directly at the sun depending on the time of year. Some owners of such structures prefer to install special installations, through which it is possible to remotely control or, in other words, turn the structure in the desired direction. There are systems with automatic rotation depending on the location of the sun, which move during the day independently without outside help according to a given program.

In addition, the efficiency of the product can be affected by the presence of dust and dirt on the plate, since some solar cells darken and thus begin to unevenly distribute solar energy, as described earlier. There is a special composition on sale that can be used to coat the surface of a solar battery and thereby prevent the accumulation of various types of pollutants on it.

How a solar battery works (video)

A solar battery is an expensive piece of equipment, regardless of whether it is assembled yourself or purchased ready-made, and the need for constant maintenance can cause discomfort, but once you have invested in this product, you can be content with the constant presence of electricity and the absence of fees for a long time. him.