Logging into your computer without a Windows 10 password.

Logging into your computer without a Windows 10 password.
Logging into your computer without a Windows 10 password.

It often happens that there is no need to enter a password every time Windows startup 10. For example, you home computer or a laptop, and you are sure that no one except you and your close relatives (who already know the password) will be able to use the device. And you want your Windows 10 to start right up to the desktop when you start your computer, without the obstacle of having to enter a password.

If you are sure that you definitely don’t need a password when logging in, then I’ll tell you step by step with pictures, how to disable entering a password when logging into Windows 10.

In Windows 10, this is done in the same way as in previous versions of this Microsoft operating system: “seven” and “eight”.

To begin, hold down the Win key (this is the Windows system key on the keyboard, located, as a rule, between the left Ctrl and Alt), and press the Latin letter R.

In the Run window that opens, enter the command netplwiz and click OK.

In the “User Accounts” window that opens, we need to uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox, and then save the changes made by clicking OK.

The final step will ask you to enter your password twice to confirm that you really want to disable password entry when logging into Windows 10.

That's all. Windows 10 will no longer require you to enter a password when logging in. Your computer will start up on its own to the desktop state while you, for example, go about your business in the morning.

Note! Disable password entry when booting Windows 10 may not turn off immediately, but only from the second reboot. That is, the next time you turn off and turn on the computer, you will have to enter the password. Perhaps this is a glitch of the operating system, or perhaps its additional protection.

Need I say that enable password entry when logging into Windows 10 you can do it the same way.

P.S.: After writing the article, the following entry appeared in the comments below: “ After all the suggested actions, I rebooted twice; Initially it does not require a password, but if the beech lid is closed and opened again, it asks for a password again.» A Windows 10 user had a completely natural and fair question. Therefore, I am adding here a way to cope with this task.

Before that we are with you disabled the password request when turning on or restarting the computer. And in this case (closing the laptop lid), the computer goes into sleep mode. The appearance of the password after exiting these states is determined by completely different parameters. And here's how to disable it:

  1. Go to the search bar of the taskbar (magnifying glass next to the Start menu)
  2. Type the phrase " Login Options»
  3. Run the found tool " Login Options» .
  4. Under Login Required, select " Never».

Or here's an even faster way:

  1. Press Win + i
  2. Select the “Accounts” item.
  3. In the left column “Login Options”.
  4. In the “Login required” item, set “Never”.

Thus, you and I are still disabled the password request in Windows 10 after waking up from sleep .

When you turn on the computer, it usually asks you to enter an access code. Protecting your account with a password is designed to prevent access to your confidential information for other users. However, if you are single user personal computer, constantly asking for a password when logging in will be more of a hindrance than a help.

This is an extra action, extra information that needs to be remembered, an increase in boot time when turning on the PC, and so on. Besides, if you forget it, you will get a lot of problems.

Therefore, for most users it is easier remove password entry for your account in Windows 10. This article is devoted to this issue.

Disabling a local account password

If you use a local account to log in to Windows 10, cancel password entry simple enough. You can simply delete it.

To do this, do the following:

Active the password will be removed immediately and will not be required to log into the Windows 10 operating system the next time you turn on your personal computer.

Alternative way to disable the request

If you don't like the settings menu that was introduced in Windows 10, you can remove the passcode using the usual control panels. The tool " Change».

Do the following:

As in the previous method, the password will be removed and you will not need to enter it the next time you log into Windows 10.

Disable the prompt for a Microsoft account

The methods described above allow you to get rid of the password check at login, but only when you work with local account. However, Windows 10 allows you to log in to the system using single Microsoft account. And it is no longer possible to remove the password from it. However, you can configure automatic entry of login information when starting this personal computer. This can be done in two different ways.

Account Settings

The first way to remove the check is simpler. However, unfortunately does not work on all computers. It is highly recommended that you try it first. And in case of failure, move on to the next point. To set up automatic entry without prompting, follow the instructions below:

In most cases, this is enough to log into the OS without asking for a password. However, if you were unable to remove the check, you will need to do manually editing the registry.

Registry changes

The registry stores data that Windows 10 uses to operate. By changing existing entries and creating new ones, users can seriously change the way the operating system works. Therefore, all changes must be made extremely carefully, since any mistake can lead to incorrect operation computer.

Before starting work in the registry editor, it is strongly recommended to create a system restore point. If something goes wrong, you can easily roll back to the saved one. Windows versions 10 without resorting to reinstallation.

Registry Editor

To enter the editor, users will need to do the following:

If you do everything correctly, Windows will not ask for a password when you boot.

Video on the topic

Practice shows that operating system Windows 10 today is a rather specific system. Installing it without registering on the official Microsoft website and creating an account with a username and password is simply impossible. However, the user may forget the key combination to log into the systems. After all, upon registration simple passwords not accepted. For this reason, many users today are interested in the question of how to log into Window 10 without entering a password. Let's look at several standard and simple procedures for disabling a password. In this article we will not touch on issues related to deleting an account. Microsoft records.

Login without password. The simplest method

The simplest method that allows you to get rid of the requirement to enter a password when logging in is to disable it in the user account settings and activate automatic login mode. It’s worth noting right away that these settings need to be applied only if the user is the only user of this computer. Otherwise, for obvious reasons, it is not recommended to do this. How to log in without a password? The Windows 10 operating system offers the following methods. First of all, in the Run menu, you need to enter the netwiz command. Also this command can be activated via search in the Start menu. A window will appear asking you to enter a password. There is a checkmark next to this line. It is necessary to remove the “bird”. After this, the login settings window will appear. Here, with the specified username, you will need to enter a valid password and enter it again to confirm compliance. After this, all that remains is to save the changes made by clicking on the OK button. That's all. The next time the operating system boots, the user will be able to log in without having to enter a password. The Windows 10 operating system fully allows this option. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that such settings apply only to the moment the operating system starts. If the computer is in sleep mode, you will still be prompted to enter a password when you log in.

Windows 10: how to log in without a password? Wake Settings

As has already become clear, at this stage the user will need to change the parameters for exiting sleep mode. To do this you need to click right click mouse over the battery icon in the system tray. Next, you need to select the power options line. You can also use the standard control panel to access this section. In order not to dig around here for a long time, you can call it from the Start menu using the control command. However, these settings are called up much faster from the system tray. If you want to configure login without a password in the Windows 10 operating system, then you need to pay attention to the line for changing password settings on awakening. It is located on the left. When entering the section for changing parameters, you must activate the line indicating that a password request is not required. By applying the described methods, you can completely remove the password requirement when logging into the system from a sleep state and after startup.

How to disable the password in Windows 10 in the system registry?

You can also change the settings for signing in without a password in Windows 10 using system registry. To do this, you need to enter the editor by entering command line regedit. After this, you need to find the HKLM branch, and then go down through the Software directory to the Winlogon section. On the right side of the editor you need to check the DefaultUserName entry. It must include a name current user. After this, you need to go to the DefaultPassword line. If there is no such line, then you need to set a string parameter, rename it to this name and enter the current password in the value field, and then approve it. After that all you have to do is activate auto mode entrance. To do this, you must use the AutoAdminLogon line. When entering the parameters of this line, the value is set to one. As a result, the password will not be used after a system reboot.

Setting up a PIN code

There is another rather interesting way to set up login in the Windows 10 operating system without entering a password. In this case, the PIN will be used as a key. To configure it, you must use the options menu. In it you need to select the accounts section. Here you need to use the parameter line on the left. On the right side of the window there is an option for setting up a PIN code. You need to log in to the setup system using your existing Microsoft account, and then come up with and enter a four-digit code twice. Now when you log in you will need to enter this code. As many of you have probably already guessed, this works on the principle of how the owner of a mobile device logs into the system.

Whenever I install a new Windows OS on my PC at home, I set it up to sign in to my account automatically. This trick, when logging into a computer, bypasses the user selection screen and the need to enter an account password. While this is great if you're the only user on the system or have other security measures installed such as full disk encryption, it also means that anyone with access to your computer can log into the account you choose. This makes it practically unfeasible on multi-user systems, since each user will be signed into one account when the computer boots. Please note that other people will have access to your personal files, programs, and other information if they can access your PC locally.

Windows 10 uses the same mechanics as previous versions operating rooms Windows systems so that you can select an account to log in automatically. The method works for local and remote accounts Microsoft is the same as in Windows 8.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Sign in to your Windows10 account. You can sign in to any Windows10 account, you won't need to sign in to the account you want to set up to automatically sign in to ins. Just make sure it's not limited.
  2. Press Windows key, type cmd.exe and press Enter. This should boot Windows into the command line.
  3. Enter type command control userpasswords2 and press enter after that (You can also enter netplwiz which will take you to the same tool system). A window may appear asking for an administrator password. This will open the User Accounts window in Control Panel on the screen.
  4. From the list, select the User account with which you want to log in automatically. Uncheck “Users must enter a username and password to use this computer” and click the “Apply” button.
  5. After this, you will be asked to enter the password for your Windows 10 account, which will be used to automatically log in to the system.
  6. Windows 10 will display your user account registration so you can make sure it is correct.
  7. After you have entered your password twice and clicked OK, restart your computer to check the changes.

If everything goes well, you should be logged in automatically. Windows 10 will immediately load onto the Start screen or desktop, everything will depend on your computer settings. You can undo the changes at any time by repeating the steps above. Just check the “Users must enter...” checkbox to block automatic login again.