Why does iPhone disconnect from Wi-Fi in standby mode? Why does iPhone disconnect from Wi-Fi in standby mode? What is wi-fi in sleep mode?

Why does iPhone disconnect from Wi-Fi in standby mode?  Why does iPhone disconnect from Wi-Fi in standby mode? What is wi-fi in sleep mode?
Why does iPhone disconnect from Wi-Fi in standby mode? Why does iPhone disconnect from Wi-Fi in standby mode? What is wi-fi in sleep mode?

Hello, dear friends. Artyom is with you.

Today we’ll talk about Wi-Fi on mobile gadgets running the Android operating system, and specifically about the battery drain by the Wi-Fi module of your device.

First problem and option-

Connecting to a Wi-Fi network can work even when the smartphone is locked and in sleep mode.

This is done so that the smartphone searches for available and public Wi-Fi networks in the background for the operation of some services. For example, a file may continue to download when the smartphone is locked for a long time.

If you don't need this mode, you can turn it off in the advanced Wi-Fi settings.

Second problem and option - “Always search for Wi-FI networks”.

It may be called slightly differently, depending on the shell installed on the mobile device. However, the meaning will be the same.

Even when the Wi-Fi module is physically turned off (in the notification shade), scanning networks can continue in the background. This feature is used for geolocation services.

Satellites will be found faster, and navigation can be more accurate, even when Wi-Fi is not active. Again, the option is disabled in the advanced Wi-Fi settings.

For example, on Huawei devices this option is called "Search Settings".

And on ASUS "Always look for networks".

Usually this does not have a significant effect on battery drain. If you don't think you need these options, you can safely turn them off. However, this will not affect the correct operation of Wi-Fi or the GPS module.

P.S. The graph of battery discharge and the services that drain it can be viewed in the Android settings (usually this option is located in the battery section).

That's all:)

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Hello! I have an iPhone 6s on iOS 10.3.2. After switching to standby mode, Wi-Fi turns off after 3-5 minutes and switches to mobile Internet mode. When you exit sleep mode, Wi-Fi turns on after 2-3 seconds. Tell me how to fix this situation?

In fact, Wi-Fi in standby mode does not turn off, but goes into a low-power standby mode. Disconnection from Wi-Fi may be caused by settings or features of the router. Some routers automatically disconnect consumers that do not request or forward packets over the network.

What can be done

1. First, check the operation of the iPhone in any other place with Wi-Fi (at work, at a neighbor’s). The main thing is that the router is different. Most likely there won't be a problem there. You can even turn off your mobile Internet during the check.

Wait for the phone to “fall asleep” and try sending messages to it via instant messengers for which notifications are configured in iOS ( Settings - Notifications).

2. The next step is to check the iPhone's connection to the router. We show you how to monitor connected devices to the network.

From a computer or other smartphone, see if the connection with the iPhone is lost after it goes into sleep mode.

3. If you find that your iPhone “falls off” from the network in standby mode, you need to tinker with the router settings.

  • Look for the setting first IP address lease time. Increase the value of the variable to several weeks or even a month.
  • Sometimes it helps to turn off the device EAP encryption. Try turning it off.
  • You can also try .
  • Some routers have an option WMM(Wireless Multimedia Extensions), it allows you to minimize errors and the number of lost packets when transmitting data over the network. Turn it on.
  • Try changing the 2.4/5 GHz band if your router supports it.

Surely many active Internet users via a wireless connection have noted the peculiarity of smartphones.

It consists of turning off the Wi-Fi connection when going into sleep mode. In most cases, this can be associated with the energy-saving mode, which leads to wi-fi turning off on Lenovo.

Rules for setting up a wireless connection

You can change the situation by changing the settings. To do this, you need to go to the Wi-Fi settings management mode.
In this case, a list of networks available for connection will appear for the user. You need to use the Menu button. Most often it is the first one on your device. Next, you select the Additional Features section. The main interest here is how to set up sleep mode on Android.

Select the appropriate item. When you click on it, a series of actions will appear that you can perform when this condition occurs. Accordingly, you will be interested in the actions of Wi-Fi when your smartphone falls asleep.

You need to check the box next to Always on or Smart. After this, you can exit and save the settings. You need to understand that turning on wi-fi on Lenovo will reduce the operating time of the device due to high power consumption, but you will always be connected.

If on your Android system, sleep mode still disables the Wi-Fi module, then you can use other methods.

For this, there are special applications that allow you to change system settings. The most common is LBE Security.

How to set up LBE Security program

The program can be downloaded from the Play Market or from 4pda - .

To use the application and configure the module to operate in sleep mode, you need to go to the Battery section. In some cases, you may notice that the Event Profile function is checked in the presets.

It is here that Wi-Fi can be explicitly set to turn off when the screen is turned off or the device’s operating profile is changed.

If you want wi-fi to always work, regardless of the state of the smartphone, you need to remove this option.

It is important to note that different devices may have different presets, so each situation is individual and requires re-checking all parameters.

Some programs cannot operate in full mode when Wi-Fi is turned off. Moreover, it turns off not because of a bad signal, but because the tablet goes into sleep mode. This is enough for the wireless connection to be interrupted, the music to stop playing, and you to not receive messages from ICQ. On the surface, this process does not hide anything annoying, but when you encounter a problem at the level of the user, and not an outside observer, you learn dozens of nuances.

How to make sure that wi-fi does not turn off on the tablet in sleep mode?

"Depriving your tablet of sleep"? A dead battery will cause much more inconvenience. Install a special utility that will prevent the screen from going dark? But the network access indicator also blinks, as if wi-fi is available. There is no need to resort to installing additional software if you can set up continuous access to Wi-Fi using the resources of the tablet itself. This is not difficult to do. Just go into the settings and change some parameters.

Wi-fi does not “fall asleep”!

For earlier versions of the Android OS, this algorithm is useful. First, go to Settings. Find the "Wireless Networks" item in the menu. Select “Wi-Fi” from the list provided. In the same menu, click on “Advanced wi-fi settings” and in the options for disabling wi-fi, select “Never”.

If you are dealing with Android 3.0 and earlier, the “Advanced Settings” item also opens in the “Wi-Fi” section. In the upper right corner of the screen you will see a button with three dots, click on it. Select the command line “Leave Wi-Fi on in sleep mode”, and select “Never” in the drop-down menu. Or set a time period that suits your needs and the needs of the system.

If you want to install programs that will control your wi-fi connection, you can use Wifinostandby or another program. After installation, restart your tablet and activate the program.

Hello! I know many cases when in Windows 7, after waking up from sleep mode, the Internet on the computer disappeared. Internet, which was connected via Wi-Fi. He either completely switched off or was . In Windows 10, after the laptop wakes up from sleep mode, you can also see , and the Internet via Wi-Fi will not work. You will need to restart the laptop or try to connect to the network again. In any case, the thing is very unpleasant and will definitely be annoying.

This happens because, to save money, the system disables the Wi-Fi adapter. And after turning it on, it can no longer work normally, which is why the Internet disappears. This problem very often only occurs when running on battery power. Many similar problems happen after waking up from sleep mode: the sound, the keyboard, or the screen in general does not work. But our Internet doesn’t work here, this is much more serious :)

Internet in Windows 10 "Limited" after resuming from sleep mode

All you need to do is prevent the “ten” from turning off the wireless network adapter. To do this, you need to go to the control panel through the start menu.

Select item Devices.

Next we open device Manager, look for a tab in it Network adapters, right-click on your wireless adapter (usually the word Wireless is there), and select the item Properties.

In the new window, go to the tab Power management, and uncheck the box Allow this device to turn off to save power. Click ok.

After these steps, be sure to uncheck the second adapter “Realtek PCIE FE Controller” in the same way (it may be called differently in your case). This is a network card adapter. Judging by the comments, this solution helped a lot of people.

After these steps, the problem with Wi-Fi in Windows 10 after the laptop exits and sleep mode should disappear.

You can also try setting the maximum performance for the wireless adapter in the power settings. If anything happens, I’ll add this information to the article.

Write in the comments about the results, ask questions.