How to find out FPS in a game? What FPS should be for a comfortable game. What is FPS in games What is black FPS

How to find out FPS in a game?  What FPS should be for a comfortable game.  What is FPS in games What is black FPS
How to find out FPS in a game? What FPS should be for a comfortable game. What is FPS in games What is black FPS

The abbreviation FPS stands for FramePerseconds, which literally means “ Frames per second" This value is expressed in a numerical indicator. The number shows us how many frames displayed on the computer monitor during gameplay in one second. This parameter is considered one of the most important when assessing the performance of personal computers in games. The higher the indicator, the more comfortable the player is and the more pleasant the picture on the screen. You can independently check the FPS indicator in any game and understand whether your computer is good enough by modern standards.

How to determine FPS

Some computer games have built-in capability FPS tracking directly during gameplay. Enough for this turn on corresponding setting in the menu. In other cases, you will have to use third-party software. One such program is FRAPS. The application does not affect the computer's performance at all and runs in the background.

First thing download Fraps on computer and install. To do this, open the official website of the application in your browser and click on the Download button.

Run installation file. Click on the consent button " IAgree" and in the next window specify the installation folder:

After selecting the directory, click Next And Install. The program will install in a matter of seconds. Close the installer with the button Close.

Now you need to run Fraps and set it to run in the background in all games. Run application from a desktop shortcut.

On the main screen, check the following boxes:

Fraps will now work in the background. To have the program automatically start when the operating system boots, check the box next to “ RunFrapswhenWindowsstarts».

In the FPS tab you can change folder to save screenshots and assign a button to enable/disable FPS display in games. Don't forget to check the appropriate boxes:

With Fraps you can write down gameplay and save it to your hard drive, but our goal is to obtain frames per second data. Now you can click on the minimize button so that the program appears in the tray on the Start panel.

Now run any of the games installed on your PC. Yellow numbers will appear in the upper left corner, which are the FPS indicator. The value will be displayed until the game is closed.

Optimal number of frames per second

The generally accepted norm for comfortable gameplay is 30fps. However, the smoothness of the picture and the reaction speed in dynamic games largely depend on the FPS, so players prefer the minimum 60 FPS without subsidence during high load on the iron. Especially it concerns eSports disciplines (for example, Dota 2 or CS GO), in which every second is important when making game decisions. For such games, an acceptable indicator is considered from 100 FPS and higher. If your computer does not produce the coveted 30 or 60 frames, you can always reduce the graphics settings to medium or minimum.

Performance in modern games depends on the FPS parameter. At low values, the image will slow down, making it difficult to hit the target and overtake the enemy. Let's figure out how to measure and increase FPS in games to ensure maximum computer performance.

Fps is an abbreviation for frames per second in English. What is fps in games: the more frames per unit of time you see, the better the image on the screen. With good performance, the picture does not slow down even during a fast chase or a big explosion. The fps value directly depends on the video card - the faster it processes graphics, the more frames per second it produces.

The most famous program for showing FPS is Fraps. It is shareware, but the full version has advanced capabilities for recording video and saving screenshots. After installing Fraps:

  • Go to the “99 FPS” tab and set the measurement start key (“Benchmarking”) and the display of values ​​on the screen (“Overlay”).
  • Start the game, press the specified key.
  • Information will appear in the upper corner.

During the game, the numbers will change depending on the load on the system.

The free MSI Afterburner application is not just a counter, but a full-fledged utility for overclocking a video card. To configure the fps display, go to the “Monitoring” tab and check the “Frame rate” sub-item. Additionally, the program can show memory and GPU load. After changing the settings, restart MSI Afterburner and check the desired setting in games.

The universal Overwolf application is an entire social network for gamers. In addition to recording game video, it can also measure FPS. To constantly see the measurement result, go to “FPS” in the settings and check the “Enable in-game monitor” box. Also specify the corner of the screen in which the values ​​will be displayed.

After viewing the number of fps, evaluate it: for active games such as shooters, a value of 60 will be normal. If you prefer calm strategies, 30 frames will be enough for a smooth picture. The parameter also depends on the monitor frequency: 60 fps looks good at 60 Hz, but if your monitor has 120 Hz, you need 120 fps for a comfortable image. If your value is lower, read all the possible ways we have collected in 2018 on how to increase the number of frames:

How to improve FPS

There are several ways to increase FPS in games; to get the best results, follow all the steps described below. Don't forget - spyware can significantly slow down the system.


The video card is responsible for image processing, so we’ll start increasing fps with it. To start with the videos, it’s best to download them from the official websites of video adapter manufacturers: NVIDIA or AMD. Such files will best suit the characteristics of the equipment.

On the NVIDIA website you can check the driver's relevance online - if a new version is available, the system will offer to download the file. The AMD resource offers to download a driver update utility that tests your computer and installs the latest versions of system software. You can also manually select the required file on the website by specifying the video card model.

Video card settings

After installing the drivers, configure them. Modern video adapters are equipped with dozens of functions that make the picture more pleasing to the eye. In the game, these improvements are often invisible, and they create a significant load on the GPU. It is worth setting a number of parameters to the minimum level, slightly worsening the image, but increasing the speed of its processing.

For NVIDIA cards, open the control panel - click on an empty space on the desktop with the mouse and select the item of the same name. Go to “Manage 3D Settings” and disable:

  • vertical sync;
  • smoothing;
  • scalable textures;
  • triple buffering;
  • expansion limitation

Activate a number of parameters:

  • negative deviation LOD;
  • three-line optimization;
  • texture filtering - set to maximum.

In the AMD utility install:

  • minimum level of anti-aliasing, detailing, waiting for vertical scan, anisotropic filtering;
  • turn off Open GL triple buffering.

Save the settings, the number of frames per second will increase by 20%.


OS settings have a significant impact on video performance. Clear the lists of programs that automatically load when you turn on your computer. In Windows 10, right-click on “Start” and launch “Task Manager”; in previous versions, hold down Ctrl+Alt+Del and select the same item. Go to the “Startup” tab and uncheck infrequently used applications - update utilities Update, Skype, uTorrent. The programs themselves will remain on the PC, but will not constantly hang in the processes.

Then disable the visual effects of the OS: right-click, open the properties of “My Computer”, go to “Advanced Settings”. In the “Performance” block, enable “Ensure the best…”.


The computer's hard drive is gradually littered with files, they are broken into fragments. To optimize data layout:

  • in Explorer, right-click on the disk, if there are several of them in the system, then repeat the steps for each;
  • in “Properties” click on “Disk Cleanup” and wait until the files are deleted;
  • select “Run defragmentation” - in the window, first run content analysis, then defragmentation.

A specialized program, CCleaner, can do deeper cleaning. It removes unnecessary data on the disk and in the Windows registry, increasing performance.

Special programs

Special programs will help improve game parameters:

  • Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​9 – by removing unnecessary files, cleaning the registry and startup. Increases network connection speed.
  • Game Booster – setting parameters manually and automatically. Cleans memory, disables background processes, and intelligently redistributes system resources.
  • Game Accelerator – Adjusts values ​​to improve game performance by optimizing OS and hardware parameters.


We figured out how to increase fps in computer games. If the resulting increase is still not enough for a comfortable game, the computer is too weak for a particular game. Do not get carried away with overclocking video cards if you do not understand the meaning of the parameters - you can burn the device.

Do you often notice when playing that your picture slows down, as if the monitor freezes for 1-2 seconds? If not, then you most likely have a very powerful one. If yes, then the situation can be assessed exactly the opposite. All “brakes” in games are related to the number of FPS (Frames Per Second), that is, the number of frames per second produced by the video card on the monitor screen. For films, the optimal number of FPS is always 23-25 ​​frames, and in games - 50-60 (in some projects, especially those ported from consoles or even console exclusives, the usual number of FPS is 30 frames).

The number of FPS in the game directly depends on the power of your computer. First of all, this concerns the computing power of the video card and processor, as well as RAM (random access) memory. Naturally, the higher the FPS in the game, the more coordinated gameplay is provided to the gamer. Apart from these factors, the frame rate also depends on your monitor. If your system settings are set to 60 Hz, then the maximum number of frames will be 60, if 75, then 75, and so on. Nowadays, video game developers strive for perfection in the graphical component of their projects, and therefore, with each game, the system requirements for your computer become more and more. Many players are simply not able to upgrade their PC every year, and therefore they have to be content with medium and low settings, lack of anti-aliasing, tessellation and other graphical delights of video games.

What to do if you don’t have money for a quality upgrade of your personal computer? The answer is quite simple and banal - buying a console. The fact is that the current Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 are identical in price to top-end video cards. Based on this, it is easier to buy a console once and enjoy spending time in the virtual world without any difficulties, rather than throwing a considerable amount of money on powerful computers. Of course, for wealthy gamers, the best choice will still be a top-end PC, because it is capable of reproducing all the beauty of graphics in every detail using DirectX 11 settings, which, unfortunately, you will not see on the current generation of consoles. Also, the balance in favor of choosing a console is tipped by a large number of console exclusives (Red Dead Redemption, Heavy Rain, Halo and others), which will probably never visit a PC again. And finally, some statistics: in the USA, Japan and some Western European countries the number of console players is close to 90%, which cannot be said about Russia.

If you are still a devoted PC fan, but cannot slightly upgrade it, then FPS in games can be increased in several ways. We will describe the most effective of them.

So, first one. It consists of detailed configuration of your video card for gaming mode. Your task is simple: go to the control panel of your video card (ATI or Nvidia) and set maximum gaming performance. The second method is your video card and DirectX libraries. As a rule, this helps to increase the FPS in the game by 5-10 frames. If the above actions did not help, then you should intervene in the system itself: disable all unnecessary services for the functioning of Windows and other little things that “clog” the RAM of your PC. If you are using an antivirus, then stop it before entering the game, as it consumes a large amount of PC resources. This is all. Nothing helped? This means that you have only one option - upgrading outdated parts. By the way, in order to see the FPS in the game, you need to download the appropriate program. Examples of these could be GameBooster, FPSTools, Fraps and others like them, of which there are now countless numbers on the Internet.

Finally, let's talk about one more thing. The concept of FPS described in our article should not be confused with the video game genre. FPS games are, by the way, one of the most popular genres in the gaming world. Such as First Person Shooter. Don't confuse these concepts!

One of the performance indicators of computers is their ability to reproduce gameplay. It's no secret that the appeal of workstations and mobile computers for many users lies in their gaming capabilities. The concept of “game slowdown” has long been known even to children, and it is expressed in the disruption of the smooth flow of dynamic scenes of the game plot, or in their complete freezing on the screen (so-called freezes). Whatever the characteristics of the video subsystem, the main result of its operation is expressed in comfortable image transmission. To assess the quality of reproduction of the dynamics of the game process, a value called FPS (from the English. “ F rame- P er- S econd" - frames-per-second. This term dates back to the end of the 19th century, when chronophotography, the predecessor of cinema, was born. One of the most famous photographers of the time, Eadweard Muybridge, experimented with photographing moving objects using several cameras that released the shutter alternately. The result was a series of photographic images that, when quickly flipped through, created the effect of movement. The photographer's first such experience was photographing horses, and the frame rate was called Frames per second, abbreviated FPS, which is translated into Russian as frame rate, measured per second. A popular way for schoolchildren to obtain moving pictures was once to draw pictures on the pages of old books, which changed slightly from page to page. If you then leaf through the book, you get a changing image, a kind of cartoon. The speed of turning pages was demonstrated by FPS; the faster the book was flipped, the more realistic the simulation of movement in the drawings was. Experiments with chronophotography served as an impetus for its further development and gradual transformation into cinema. In the film industry, FPS is a standardized value and its value is constant throughout the entire video. The first films produced by the Lumière brothers had a frame rate of 16 frames per second. This value was chosen to make it easier to calculate the footage of 35 mm wide film, since the length of 16 frames was one foot. It is worth noting that the speed of film playback at that time was not a constant value. The projection devices were operated manually, and the frame rate was manually selected by the operator of the device, and could be of different values ​​depending on his experience and vision of the process of showing the film. In order for dynamic images in silent films to look smooth, it is enough that the FPS value is 12-18. However, the advent of sound cinema made its own adjustments, as the need arose to convey high-quality sound of the soundtrack. As a result, a frame rate of 24 per second was chosen. This value was chosen for several reasons, including the consumption of expensive film material and the possibility of playing the film several times in a film projector. In the early days of cinema, the process of making a film involved not only production costs, but also film production, the latter process being very expensive. The main difference between a static image and a moving image was that the former did not require constant contact with the mechanical parts of the projection equipment, so wear and tear was not as severe. A film copy had to be shown several times, otherwise film distribution would become unprofitable. Plus, a higher frame rate led to an increase in the length of the film and, as a result, an increase in the number of reels on which it was wound. As a result, a global FPS standard of 24 emerged. In television, a frame is built in two passes, and its frequency depends on the AC standards adopted in a particular country. For example, in those countries where a frequency of 50 Hz is used, a half-frame is constructed at a speed of 25 per second.

Gaming FPS

If the frame rate in television and cinema is a value that, by and large, is of little interest to anyone except specialists, then the concept of FPS in gaming applications for personal computers occupies a special place. Not only the comfort of the gaming process, but also its very possibility depends on how productive the computing system is. When applied to computer games, the term FPS shows how smoothly the dynamics of the game plot proceed, and how well the hardware and software can produce a comfortable image under specific game parameters. Frame rate has acquired an important role in modern games, since drawing a single frame as close as possible to the picture of the real world requires significant system resources due to the presence of a large number of small details. Now imagine that this frame should constantly change over time, displaying the rapid movement of individual objects, and this entire process should be smooth. The central link in ensuring sufficient FPS in games is the video subsystem of the computer. This includes a video card and a set of utilities that control it - drivers. That is, providing the gaming process with the necessary resources depends not only on the performance of the video chip, but also on the ability of its software to provide maximum hardware performance. Therefore, it is worth considering that with different drivers the performance of the video card will be different with the same hardware. This fact is especially evident in the Linux operating system when using so-called free drivers, that is, those written not by the hardware manufacturer, but by alternative programmers. In order to get the most out of the video subsystem, you need to use proprietary drivers, and it is advisable to install their latest versions. You should also understand that the gaming FPS is affected not only by the performance of the video subsystem. The bottleneck can easily be insufficient speed and volume of RAM, low computing power of the central processor, frequent buffering of data due to insufficient speed of the disk subsystem. When purchasing a high-performance video card, you need to take care of eliminating possible delays due to the rest of the hardware by installing other components in accordance with the capabilities of the video chip. The thermal operating conditions of the video card also have a direct impact on the smoothness of the gameplay. It's no secret that the most dynamic gaming scenes sometimes require 100% "exhaust" of the video chip, and the electronic components begin to heat up. Insufficient cooling can lead to failures in the memory of electronic circuits, which will directly affect the smoothness of the display of frames. So, FPS in the game is characterized by the smoothness of its plot, comfortable display of dynamic scenes without breaks or pauses. This indicator also evaluates the capabilities of the video card, so you can focus on this parameter when choosing it. But the FPS of the same video card will be different for different games and settings. In order to determine the real capabilities of the video chip, the average and minimum frame rates are determined for it in synthetic tests or in some game with certain graphics settings. The user will be more interested in the minimum FPS, since it gives an idea of ​​​​the performance of the video card in the most dynamically branched game scenes. The average frame rate may not reflect its ability to handle intense moments of game battles, as these values ​​are derived based on the performance of the chip as a whole in the game. Synthetic tests can give a general idea of ​​the capabilities of a video card and the computing system as a whole. They are small segments of game scenes that occur without the participation of the player. Usually, FPS is measured right during the playback of these game segments, and the user can actually compare the performance of several chips. Synthetics are usually released annually, and are adjusted to the computing capabilities of new video chips. Based on such test measurements, video card ratings are compiled. The frame rate in the game depends not only on the capabilities of the hardware, but also on the settings of the gameplay itself. For example, with the maximum values ​​set, at which the game image is most realistic, the video card may “sag”, producing an insufficient frame rate, which will lead to jerky images and skipped scenes. At the same time, when setting the game parameters to average values, or even minimum ones, FPS can be quite suitable. Thus, when considering a specific model of a computing system, even within the context of one game, you can get different results for displaying dynamic scenes. However, for the most comfortable “vision” of the plot, you need to focus on the maximum impact in the game’s graphics, and select the video subsystem and other structural blocks of the computer to the highest levels of gameplay settings. Specific game FPS indicators that satisfy the user must be at least 60 frames per second. Moreover, it is advisable to focus specifically on the minimum values ​​of this indicator. But it is also important to understand that if in some game the video card is capable of delivering a high frame rate, then this will have a beneficial effect not only on the passage of the game plot, but also on the stability of not only the video subsystem, but also the entire computer as a whole. If the video chip easily copes with the dynamics of the game, it means that it is not working at full capacity, does not heat up and does not consume a lot of electrical energy. And the whole system will be more stable. Since real game FPS depends on the specific operating conditions of the video card, let's look at the main points that affect the frame rate produced by the video chip.
To begin with, let’s briefly summarize everything that has been said above about FPS in the context of a personal computer video system. Here you need to understand the main thing - the frame rate in this case refers to the ability of the video card to produce the required number of frames per second. That is, the monitor serves only as a means of displaying the operation of the video chip. At the same time, there is a certain connection between the refresh rate of the monitor screen and the number of frames produced by the video card per unit of time. FPS of a video card is not a constant value. It has already been noted that many factors influence its value, but now let’s abstract from them, leaving only the influence of the game process, that is, the game’s graphics and the dynamism of its scenes. Let's assume that our computer system operates in linear mode, and all its bottlenecks have been eliminated, and the operating conditions are ideal, that is, nothing overheats and does not interfere with the operation of the game plot. Let's remember what screen refresh rate is. We will consider this concept in relation to liquid crystal monitors, since it is unlikely that anyone else uses cathode ray tube displays. For an LCD, the refresh rate indicates how many times per second all the pixels on the screen are refreshed. This value is constant, measured in hertz, and for a regular monitor it is equal to 60. That is, 60 screen content updates occur in one second. It would seem, why doesn’t the video card constantly produce a certain number of frames? The fact is that it is not for nothing that the main requirement for computer games is the performance of the video chip. One frame of the game plot itself has many graphic objects. The picture must convey the realistic depth of the game landscape, so its size in itself is no longer small. Now imagine that this picture is constantly changing, the characters in the plot are constantly moving and performing other actions, releasing charges from weapons, etc. And at the same time, the surrounding world should not be static either: the grass is swaying, the foliage is moving, the clouds are floating in the sky... That is, each frame of the game is different from the previous one, and must be processed by a video card, which is equipped with its own processor and RAM. The most complex frames will require more processing power, and the equipment simply may not have time to produce different frames at the same frequency.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Continuing with another topic related to games, in this article we will look at another most common problem that many gamers have to face.

Are you unable to play properly due to constant FPS and ping spikes? In this article I will tell you in detail why FPS drops and how to deal with it and, of course, we will learn how to increase FPS. First, let's figure out what FPS is?

Starting today's article, I would like to remind you that in the last article I told you how to install a skin on minecraft, so if you don’t know how to do it yet, then read this article:

So, the abbreviation stands for “Frame Per Second”, which is translated into Russian as frames per second. The FPS number tells how often the image on the screen changes in one second. If frame processing is high, then the game runs smoothly and without any lags.

Yes, and before I forget, for the most complete understanding of the term “Ping”, I would recommend you read one of my articles, which is called:

So, let's continue, I guess. The frame rate per second depends on three components of a personal computer or laptop:

— Amount of RAM;

— Video card;

- Processor.

Your monitor is a frame limiter, so it also somewhat affects FPS. For example, you have a monitor with a refresh rate of 75 Hz, this means that performance does not rise above 75 FPS, even if the game tells you about 100 FPS or more. It is important for you to remember this in order to know how to increase FPS.

Increasing FPS by changing video card settings

The first step is to determine what type of video card is installed on your computer. Today two types are used:

Integrated. They are soldered into the mother memory, so integrated video cards do not have their own processor. They consume RAM and CPU resources. Today, almost every motherboard has such a unit, but you won’t be able to play with it normally. The exception is laptops that have powerful built-in video cards.

Discrete. These are removable video cards that have not only their own processor, but also memory. You can fully play modern games only with a powerful discrete card.

To get the most out of your hardware, it must have the latest drivers. You should also set maximum performance - this can be done in the video card settings. Today on computers you can find video cards from NVIDIA or ATI (Radeon), so below are instructions for these models so that you know how to increase FPS, for example, in the game tanks online.

Setting up NVIDIA

In the NVIDIA settings menu you will see two main tabs: 3D settings management and image adjustments. We are interested in image adjustment - let's go to it. In the screenshot you can see the “Performance” option. We need to drag the slider from minimum to maximum - this will degrade the image with the NVIDIA logo. After that, click “Apply”. Now the priority of the video card is performance, not image quality.

Well, to further increase FPS, you need to go to the advanced settings, which are located in the “3D Control” tab. Listed below are a number of settings that you need to disable to improve performance. The screenshot below shows which features need to be disabled.

If you are not satisfied with the result, you can always reset the settings using the “Restore” button. Changing the settings should help increase FPS both in single-player games and in multiplayer games, for example, in World of Tanks.

How to configure a Radeon video card?

To get to the video card settings center, you need to right-click anywhere on the desktop. Go to “Settings” “Radeon” or “AMD Catalyst Control Center”, the names may differ depending on the video card model.

Now you need to check the box next to “Standard view” in the settings. Go to the section with video game settings.

Here we need to get into the “Image Quality” and “Performance” sections.

First, let's go to the performance section, as shown in the screenshot above. Uncheck the standard settings and move the slider towards maximum performance. Here the process occurs exactly the same as in the settings of AMD’s main competitor, NVIDIA.

Let's move on to the section with anti-aliasing, here you need to uncheck the application settings and morphological filtering - we will not explain the operation of these filters, but they affect performance. Now launch the filter called “Standard” and move the slider to 2X, as in the screenshot below.

In the “smoothing method” tab, you need to move the slider all the way to maximum performance.

Next, go to the section with “anisotropic filtering”. Perhaps this is the most important parameter that affects the number of FPS. At this point you can see how the image quality will change when you disable the parameter. Uncheck the box and move the slider to the left.

Before exiting settings, be sure to save your changes.

By the way, I want to give you very useful advice! In Settings, you will also find a tab called "Advanced View". Next, you will need to go to 3D Settings. Here you can set settings for both all games and for a specific application. To increase FPS, the settings should be set as follows:

Changing game settings

FPS can also be increased by changes in the game itself. For example, let's take the popular “World of Tanks” again. The settings look like this:

The biggest impact on performance is screen widening and anti-aliasing. If you have a weak computer, it is recommended to set the minimum resolution at which the image will not be distorted. It is also recommended to completely remove shadows in advanced settings, as they consume a lot of video memory. By dragging the “Texture quality” slider to minimum, you will have to observe “soapy models” during the game, so it is better to sacrifice the “amount of vegetation” and “quality of effects”.

In general, the main FPS killers are shadows, effects, amount of detail and water quality. By setting these parameters to a minimum, you will significantly relieve the graphics card, but at the same time you need to prepare for a gray picture. Below I suggest you also watch a short video “How to increase FPS on your computer.”

Improving performance in Windows

The operating system also consumes a lot of resources, especially for versions after XP. To improve performance in the game, you should kill unnecessary processes. This is especially true for antiviruses, programs for downloading torrents, as well as various communication applications - Skype, ICQ, Mail Agent, etc.

It is also recommended to disable operating system visual effects. To do this, go to the “Control Panel”, then go to “All Panel Items”, in this section find “Counters and Productivity Tools”. Now let's move on to setting up visual effects.

Our task here is to choose the best performance. Check the box next to the appropriate item and click “Ok”, and then “Apply”.

Well, dear friends, before finishing today’s article, in which we discussed the question of how to increase FPS, it will be necessary to summarize. Most of all, don’t forget to clean your computer from dust at least once a month. You will see that it will start to work faster, and this will be noticeable in FPS performance. Finally, I’ll leave you with an article:

The above are proven and working ways to increase FPS and lower ping in the game, I do not recommend that you download programs that supposedly increase the frame refresh rate, since they do nothing. One thing I can say for sure is that this has already been tested by many users. FPS will remain at the same level, but you will constantly see ads, thanks to such downloaded programs.

And this, in turn, is an extra load on your computer’s processor, and you don’t need annoying and distracting advertising, take my word for it.