How to delete an account on Instagram (step by step instructions). How to delete a page on Instagram How to delete from Instagram

How to delete an account on Instagram (step by step instructions).  How to delete a page on Instagram How to delete from Instagram
How to delete an account on Instagram (step by step instructions). How to delete a page on Instagram How to delete from Instagram

The active growth of Instagram popularity is observed all over the world. This social network is constantly developing and updating. Until recently, only photographs were posted there, but today they added videos. We can only guess what they will implement next. Some are happy with these changes, but others want to stop using Instagram. Therefore, today we want to tell you how to delete an Instagram account from your phone or computer. That is, the application itself is needed, you just wanted to create a new profile, so to speak, start life with a new leaf.

Due to the latest updates The option to delete an account in the profile editing settings has disappeared. Here you can simply block it for an indefinite period. But you and I understand that your data is still available in the system and this is not a way to remove yourself from Instagram. Of course, this is sometimes beneficial, because over time you can restore your profile. But we are interested in deleting all data.

After we figured out what blocking is not too early to remove, let's move on to considering possible ways to implement this procedure.

Once you delete your profile, you will not be able to register again with the same username or add it to another account!

Removal from Android

To do this, log into your profile. You can do this through the installed application on Android, or through your favorite browser. Next, select the menu - “parameters”.

There, scroll down with your phone to the “Instagram Help Center” item.

Once you enter it, you will see something like this screen.

Here we select account management, then “delete account”.

Later, the system will once again ask you to confirm that you want to delete and not block and will direct you to the appropriate page with instructions and warnings. Here you just need to follow the following link

That is, if you don’t want to do everything described above, just follow it.

In the screen that appears, from the lower drop-down menu, indicate the reason.

Let's go even lower. Re-enter your profile password and select “Permanently delete my account.”

Agree, simple? It all comes down to this you need to follow the required link and enter the password. But if you have any difficulties, watch the example in this video.

Removing from your computer

As you may have noticed from the video, the deletion on this Android device took place from the browser. Therefore, the removal procedure from a laptop or computer is completely identical.

I hope you have figured it out, and if you have problems with deletion, or have something to add to the material, write everything in the comments to the article.

Hello dear visitors of our site website. Previously, we told How to register on Instagram from a mobile device and told how Instagram registration is done via a computer. In this article we will tell How to delete Instagram.

How to delete a page on Instagram

After you registered an account on Instagram, for various reasons it may be necessary to delete your Instagram account. It’s very easy to delete a page on Instagram, but when you try to do this, problems usually arise because you can’t find the treasured button anywhere. Delete Instagram". Users are wondering: Is it possible to delete Instagram? You can delete your account. In this article, we tell users how to delete an account on Instagram.

If you decide to delete Instagram, we recommend that before your Instagram page is deleted, you make a backup copy of your photos and save them on your computer, as we told you how to do this

Attention important to know:

  • Delete Instagram account via mobile application it is forbidden;
  • In order to delete Instagram from your mobile device, you need to open a regular web browser and follow the steps described below in this article;
  • An Instagram account can be reactivated, but without the username and all account data, including previously published photos and videos. Use complex passwords to prevent hackers from hacking it;
  • Once Instagram is deleted, you will be able to log into your Instagram account via your computer;

2) Click on the “Login” button

3) Enter your username and password and click “Login” again

4) Click on your account name in the upper right corner of the screen

5) In the menu that opens, select the “Edit Profile” tab

6) Scroll to the very bottom of the page and in the lower right corner, you will find a link “I want to delete my account”

7) Before deleting a page, Instagram prompts you to select from the list the reason for deleting your account

8) After selecting the reason, you will need to enter the password for your Instagram account

9) All that remains is to click on the big red button “Permanently deactivate my account”

Be careful:

  • Once your Instagram account is deactivated, you will not be able to restore the previously used username, it will be available to all users and anyone can take it;
  • After your Instagram account is deleted, you will not be able to restore your username if someone took it;

An overabundance of social media can be annoying: it is for this reason that many users delete their social media accounts. Recently, we have received many questions from you regarding the method of permanently deleting an Instagram account.

So, in order to show how to do this, I decided to delete the Instagram page specially created for this. As it turns out, this can be done, but it’s not at all as easy as it seems: to delete an account, I had to go through many menus. I will show you the whole process in this guide.

Below we will look at two methods step by step:

How to delete an Instagram account from your phone

I only have an iOS phone, so all screenshots will be based on that. In Android everything is done similarly.

Open the Instagram app on your iPhone and click on the profile icon - it's the right one in the bottom menu. Then click on the “Settings” icon in the upper right corner.

In the application window that opens, scroll down to Help Center and click on it.

Now click “General Information” and select the first item “First Steps”.

Select “Delete account” and a page will open where there will be two questions: how to temporarily block your account and how to erase it completely. Click on "How to delete your account."

If you choose the first option, you will simply temporarily disable your Instagram profile. All your photos, comments and likes will be temporarily hidden from other users. At any time, you can log into Instagram and turn on your profile.

Below you will see what you need to do to permanently delete your Instagram profile. Click the link in the third paragraph to go to the Account Deletion page.

A window will appear asking you to log in. Come in.

In the next step, you will once again be asked to simply disable your page. If you are determined, then answer the question “Why are you deleting your account?” and enter your password.

After entering your password, a red button “Permanently delete my account” will appear at the bottom of the page. Click and confirm deletion. That's it, your Instagram profile no longer exists!

The procedure is very similar to what we discussed above when we deleted an Instagram account from a phone.

From your computer, go to the help center website and in the left menu, click on “Basic about Instagram” -> “First steps”.

You will be taken to the following page:

Click on “Delete account” and select “How to delete account”:

You will be asked to confirm your registration and indicate the reason for your decision.

After selecting a reason and entering a password, a red button will appear at the bottom. Click it and your account will be permanently deleted.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the procedure. But if you don’t know how and what to click, you can fuss with deleting your profile for a very long time. I hope I helped you save some time.

Deleting an Instagram account is easy. You can temporarily block or completely delete your Instagram page permanently. Let's look at how to do this on your phone and via a computer.

Instagram is a popular service for sharing photos and videos. No matter how popular this application with social network elements is, there will always be people who want to delete their page due to the abundance of advertising, spam, and wasted time.

To delete an Instagram page via phone, log in to your account. Then go to “Profile” by clicking on the “person” icon.

In the next step, click on the “Edit Profile” button.

Then indicate the reason, to choose from: you need a break, there are problems with startup, there is another profile on Instagram, you are busy, etc. Enter your password again and temporarily block your account.

Once blocked, your photos, comments, and likes will be hidden from other users until you restore your account by logging in again.

If you don’t want to restore your deleted account, then just don’t log into it.

To delete an Instagram profile via your computer, log in and then go to your account settings.

On the next page, scroll to the bottom and follow the link “Temporarily block my account.”

Indicate the reason for your decision, write your password and confirm the blocking.

Once you do this, your photos, likes, and comments will no longer be visible to other users until you restore your profile by logging in again.

How to permanently delete an Instagram account from your computer

On the Instagram website, at the bottom of the page, there is a link to the “Help” section - follow it. On the left, in the menu, select “Delete account”, and on the right, “How to delete your account”.

Do you want to temporarily or completely and permanently delete your Instagram account from your Android phone? No problem.

With this guide, you'll learn how to quickly and efficiently delete your entire account on your browser, tablet, or Android phone or iPhone.

In my instructions, I already wrote how to exit the application on your phone and how to log into several Instagram accounts at the same time.

This time I want to show you how easy it is to delete your Instagram account. The method I provide here works both in browsers and on Android smartphones, iPhones or tablets.

Of course, before deleting your account, you should carefully consider whether you really want to do this.

Your data (photos, posts, comments) will be permanently deleted and your account cannot be restored.

Instagram currently offers two ways to delete your account. It is important to decide which solution you want to use.

Temporarily disable your Instagram account or completely and permanently delete your account.

Step-by-step instructions on how to temporarily or permanently delete an Instagram account on an Android phone or iPhone

The first way is to temporarily suspend your account. It will not work (the entrance will be closed), but your pictures, notes, etc. will remain saved.

You can restore them at any time. This solution is suitable for people who do not want to use their account and do not want to lose the materials stored there.

At the same time, photos from Instagram can be downloaded to your computer without problems.

Step 1: To temporarily suspend your Instagram account, you need to log into your account, then click on your avatar icon and select “Edit Profile” from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Select a reason, enter a password and click block.

Your account will now be disabled - until your next login. If you want to permanently delete your Instagram account, go to to the Instagram website, specially designed for this purpose.

There you must indicate the reason why you are going to delete your account. Then enter your login password again in the appropriate field and click “Delete my account forever” (red button).

That's all, the account will be deleted completely and forever - if you want to use the service again, create a new one, it is impossible to restore. The whole procedure is the same as on Android, and exactly the same on iPhone.

How to permanently delete an Instagram account directly on an Android phone or iPhone

You can also delete your Instagram account from a mobile device on an iPhone or Android - tablet or smartphone.

To do this, go to the Instagram application on your phone and check whether you are logged into the account you want to get rid of.

If yes, go to your profile. To do this, click the person icon at the bottom of the screen, on the right.

Then, once you're in your profile, click the icon in the top right corner of the app. Now in the “Support” section we open the “Help Center” tab.

The next step you need to do is to press your finger on the “Manage Account” link and select “Delete Account”.

As with the browser, you will need to re-enter your account password and confirm that you want to delete it (or suspend it). That's it, your account has just been deleted permanently.

How to permanently delete an Instagram account if you forgot your login and password

If you forgot your login and password, then it’s unlikely that anything will come of your idea.

Unless you contact support and prove to them that this is your account.

If you forgot your password, but remember your login, then it’s easy to recover it.

After recovery, the procedure is similar to that described above.