External battery for tablets: reviews, tests, comparisons. How to bring a tablet out of deep discharge

External battery for tablets: reviews, tests, comparisons.  How to bring a tablet out of deep discharge
External battery for tablets: reviews, tests, comparisons. How to bring a tablet out of deep discharge

As a rule, the batteries on Chinese inexpensive (cheap) tablets are weak, not capacious, and also of very poor quality (small number of guaranteed charge-discharge cycles). A year, sometimes even less, and such a battery requires replacement. Symptoms are usually:

    the battery discharges quickly;

    and also charges quickly (the capacity has decreased);

    the indicator shows about 15%, and the device may turn off completely;

    Overnight, a fully charged tablet loses 10-20% of its charge (without an Internet connection);

    Ways to save energy like: reducing screen brightness or forcing the end of many background applications do practically nothing.

Having determined that my tablet needed a battery replacement, I rushed to YouTube: watch instructions and master classes.

Instructions for replacing the battery on the tablet.

Method one.

Take your tablet to a repair shop and they will replace the battery for a fee. Non-branded batteries cost from 5 to 10 US dollars; a professional’s work will cost the same. Branded ones cost twice as much - the work of a master costs 5-8 dollars. Disadvantages of this method: expensive and most importantly - not interested!Pros: all the points and problems listed below will fall on the shoulders - or rather, in the hands and brain of the master.

Method two.

Replacing the battery on your tablet yourself(using a live example of Assistant AP-875 - an inexpensive Chinese tablet).

    Carefully inspect the tablet to determine the make and model of the device.

    In my case, the brand and model were printed on the back of the tablet, but someone may not even have the brand indicated - here you can look in the android settings: about the device.

    Determine how to disassemble the tablet.: it is rectangular in shape, most often the color of aluminum foil (polyethylene foil is the battery housing).The following are important to us: the dimensions of the battery (its length, width and thickness);capacity - directly depends on the dimensions;

    voltage; view; number of wires.The inspection revealed an unpleasant point - I have the “wrong” battery, it is connected to the motherboard with a small cable(with five wires) with a plastic connector. Aafter watching several videos onyoutubeon the topic “replacing the battery on a Chinese tablet”

    The most popular option is a battery with two wires, which are simply soldered to the motherboard.We will look for the battery on a large website of free advertisements in a group of sellers who sell spare parts for repairmen. Such sellers are easy to find - dozens of lots of the same type (touchscreens, batteries, etc., etc.)and everything is new. After a careful and lengthy search, 5-pin batteries could not be found.Most are 2-pin and less often with three wires. But a 5-pin connection exists, and I found a similar case on one of the forums! If you look closely, you can see that out of the five wires, two are red and two are black, and one is (white, blue, green). Thus, the plus, minus and wire of the temperature sensor (as the super-experts wrote). The respondents were divided into two groups:the former advised a three-wire version that was suitable in size, the latter argued that a two-wire option was sufficient and no sensor was needed. I still don’t understand what the person asking did 3 years ago, but I accepted the option of the first ones - a battery

    with three wires. I asked the question to the seller, but to the contact personIt turned out that a hired employee of a small online store did not know the answer, the owner left repairs for pure buy and sell and also did not know a specific answer. I paid by card and the next day in the evening the package arrived (thank you to the carrier). All coaches recommend finding a larger battery (with a correspondingly larger capacity), but in reality it turned out to be more difficult - mine turned out to be even a little smaller: I remove pieces of electrical tape and also tin the wires one by one (3-4 mm I think is enough) and immediately put on pieces (about 10 mm) of silicone tubes (the tube from a butterfly catheter No. 23 was ideal - in any pharmacy about 0.05 cent). If the wires are not insulated, there is a risk of short circuit and damage to the battery. I tinned the wires on half of the cable with a plastic plug and soldered them with battery wires: two black with one black, yellow with a dark green sensor, two red with one red.

  1. I glue the battery into the tablet and insert the plug. I close the lid and.. Everything works!

The battery was bought as an absolute “noname”, experts claim that they collect them from us - controller boards are attached to the “banks”. The quality was simply amazing - it holds the charge perfectly! Looks like the factory one was defective.

Batteries in mobile gadgets ensure autonomous operation of devices and allow you to solve various tasks without being tied to your workplace. Problems with the element prevent the user from fully operating the device and cause a lot of inconvenience. In the company "Magazin-Details.RU" you can find and buy batteries for tablets.

Where to buy a battery for a tablet?

Are you planning to buy a battery for your tablet, but don’t know the best place to do it? Contact our store, the website offers a wide range of products. We suggest that you do not wait for deliveries for several months, but quickly receive the necessary part.

Our clients include many spare parts stores and service centers. Thousands of retail clients from all over Russia trust us. Large turnover allows the store to maintain a warehouse with large stocks of spare parts. Therefore, you can quickly buy a battery for your tablet.

The site contains parts for Acer, Lenovo, Asus, MSI, Dell, HP, Toshiba, Apple, Sony, etc. It is also easy to buy a battery for a Chinese tablet here. Some models can be equipped with a large capacity battery. All products are certified and safe for use.

It’s easy to find the parts you’re interested in using the search bar (by model number or markings on spare parts) or by manually selecting items.

Prices for tablet batteries depend on the model and manufacturer. You can clarify cost information and get up-to-date information on balances through our catalog or by phone.

You can buy a battery for your tablet with delivery by Russian Post, transport companies or courier services. We offer to use high-quality service and quickly solve the problem with your favorite gadget.

Operation, charging and labeling of tablet batteries

We live in an era of heyday of all kinds of mobile gadgets. The stores offer a huge selection of tablets, smartphones, and many other mobile devices. Each of these devices contains a battery that ensures their operation in autonomous mode. It determines how long you can surf the Internet, play toys, listen to music and watch videos without an outlet. Almost all batteries in modern tablets are of the lithium-ion (Li-Ion) and lithium-polymer (Li-Pol) type. Like all other types of batteries, they have their advantages and disadvantages. In this material we will try to explain the main points about the design and operation of tablet batteries.

In simple terms, the tablet battery is a rectangular box with leads for connecting it to the device. There are two types of designs for such batteries:

  • With charge controller;
  • Without charge controller.

Externally, they can be distinguished by the presence or absence of wires. Batteries with a charge controller have terminals in the form of insulated wires of red (+) and black (-) colors. Batteries without a controller have terminals in the form of metal plates.

Tablet battery usage

The first thing that should be said when using the tablet battery is to avoid heating it. A battery is a chemical source of current, and as the temperature in the battery increases, all chemical reactions accelerate. Therefore, try to avoid excessive heating of the battery. Store your tablet in a cool place away from heat sources and direct sunlight.

The lithium battery of a tablet can also heat up as a result of heavy load on it, frequent extreme discharge charges, etc. In addition to the heating itself, the batteries can also swell due to excessive load.

It is worth remembering that the higher the temperature, the shorter the service life will be. If you are going to store lithium-ion batteries, then their charge should be at the level of 40-50 percent, and the temperature should be 0-10 degrees Celsius. One more point is worth noting here. Lithium batteries age when stored. Even if you don't use them, the battery loses about 20 percent of its capacity over two years. From this we can conclude that you should not buy lithium batteries in reserve.

By the way, you can find out the actual battery capacity of the tablet yourself. Read about it. The information is also relevant for tablet batteries.

Among the periodic maintenance of tablet PC batteries, calibration can be noted. This procedure can be carried out once a month. Calibration consists of carrying out a complete discharge-charge cycle. As a result, the battery cells are calibrated. To understand the process, you can read about.

What is it for? In tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices, failures occur in the algorithm that controls the charge level of the battery. This occurs due to the tablet operating in modes with frequent and short charges.

For example, they came home from work and left the tablet to charge overnight. When you do a full discharge-charge cycle, the battery algorithm is calibrated and the charge level indicator returns to normal.

Charging the tablet battery

As for charging the tablet battery, you should remember that the battery cannot be completely discharged. Manufacturers recommend discharging the battery no more than 80 percent. The myth about the need for a full discharge remains from the times when they were used in mobile electronics. This category of batteries is completely discharged due to the “memory effect”. Now the tablet is equipped with lithium batteries, which are free from this disease.

The lifespan of your tablet's battery largely depends on charging. Lithium batteries function perfectly even when not fully charged. For them, the optimal charge level is 50-80 percent. By the way, for this type of battery, a 100 percent charge is undesirable, as is overcharging. At the same time, deep discharge is also dangerous for them, which can even lead to failure.

Most high-quality tablets and smartphones have their own charge controller, which turns off charging when the battery reaches full capacity. If your device does not have such a controller, then you need to constantly monitor the charging process. And the tablet’s battery will need to be immediately turned off when it reaches 100 degrees of charge.
Charging the battery is usually done using a power supply for a household network that comes with the device. The tablet's battery can be charged via the USB interface or service connectors, if available. But nothing prevents you from charging the battery directly using various multifunctional devices such as. But to do this, you will need to disassemble the tablet to remove the battery.

Below you can watch a video of charging the tablet battery directly from the charger.

Tablets have become widespread among modern users. We can say that this is one of the most popular types of computer technology. Tablets have managed to completely displace netbooks, which were very popular 5-7 years ago, from the market. If a netbook is a smaller copy of a laptop, then a tablet can be called an enlarged copy of a smartphone. They may or may not have a conversational function. In this article we will be interested in batteries for tablets, how to choose and buy them correctly. After all, with intensive use of the tablet, the battery exhausts its resource in 3-4, and sometimes in 1-2 years. After this, the battery capacity drops significantly and the battery life is significantly reduced. If at this point you are not yet planning to buy a new model, then you will have to choose a replacement battery. Let's figure out how to do this.

If you take your tablet apart, you will find a lot of interesting things there. In particular, you will see that the battery takes up a significant part of the internal space there. Rechargeable batteries on tablets are usually non-removable. This does not mean that they cannot be removed, but this will require some effort. That is, not just remove the cover, but also disconnect some other components, disconnect connectors, etc. Usually on cheap tablet computers the battery wires are soldered directly to the board, and on more expensive ones they are connected using a connector.

The batteries used in tablets differ in capacity and rated voltage. In widely used tablets with a diagonal of 7-8 inches, the output voltage is 3.7 volts. Such batteries are easily charged via a USB interface.

Most modern models have this feature. With a larger display diagonal, 7.4 volt batteries are usually installed. Such models already have a special power connector for charging the battery.

There is a wide variation in capacity among tablet batteries. Below is an approximate dependence of the battery capacity of a tablet PC on the diagonal of its display.

  • 7 inches – from 3200 to 3700 mAh;
  • 8 – from 4000 to 4500 mAh;
  • 9.7 – from 6500 to 7200 mAh;
  • 10.1 inches – from 7500 mAh.

It is worth saying that this is an approximate dependence without taking into account dimensions, weight, functionality and based on a voltage of 3.7 volts. In reality, the numbers will be different on specific models. But the general direction is a proportional increase in capacity as the display diagonal increases.

When choosing a battery for your tablet, you need to consider a number of important parameters. If you have a tablet model that was released in large quantities, then there will be no problems with the search. You can easily buy it in the store by naming your model.

But if you have a budget Chinese tablet, you will have to find out all the battery parameters in order to buy a similar or compatible battery. These parameters are as follows:

  • battery type. As already mentioned, most batteries in tablet computers are lithium polymer. In any case, you need to buy exactly the same type of battery that the old one had.;
  • dimensions. The length, width and thickness of the battery must be exactly the same as the old one. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to install the battery in the tablet;
  • voltage. As already mentioned, tablets with a diagonal of 7-8 inches are equipped with 3.7 volt batteries, and those with a larger diagonal are equipped with 7.4 volt batteries. When purchasing, you need to choose exactly the same voltage as the old battery;
  • manufacturer. Most tablet batteries are branded, compatible, “Chinese”. You can read more about these batteries in the next section;
  • capacity. This value for tablet batteries is indicated in milliamp-hours. There is some room for maneuver here and you can take a battery with a larger capacity if all other characteristics are the same. But this issue must be approached carefully. The larger the capacity, the larger the dimensions of the battery. Therefore, you can buy a battery for a tablet with a larger capacity only if there is additional free space in the case.

You can find a lot of useful information in the markings on the battery. Read about it at the given link. Before buying a new battery, extract all the necessary information from the labeling of the old battery, and then select a model with similar parameters.

Tablet battery manufacturers

Manufacturing companies that produce batteries for tablets can be divided into the following groups:

  • branded models. Tablets are equipped with such batteries on the assembly line. It is difficult to find such batteries in retail sales. At the same time, unscrupulous sellers often sell batteries from third-party companies under the guise of “original” batteries. In this case, the buyer overpays a significant amount;
  • compatible batteries. It is best to look for these batteries to replace your old one. The production of such models is carried out by third-party companies. As a rule, they have all the necessary permissions and certifications from tablet manufacturers. The product line of such manufacturers includes all batteries for current and outdated tablets. And tablet companies often discontinue batteries for older models. There are many examples when OEM manufacturers supply their batteries to tablet assembly plants, where they are used for initial configuration;
  • "Chinese". All kinds of fakes are usually combined under this name. But low-quality batteries are not necessarily made in China. They may well be produced in other countries. Such products are not recommended for purchase, especially online. This is a “pig in a poke” purchase. In this case, you may encounter sticking of labels, ignition of the battery, etc.

Now there are quite a lot of online stores that sell batteries for tablets, cell phones, laptops, players, etc. You can also find specialized stores that sell batteries and accessories for products of a particular brand. Ordering batteries online has become a mass phenomenon.

True, prices in domestic stores cannot be called affordable. Therefore, many of our compatriots purchase batteries for tablets on aliexpress.com. The site has long been Russified and the process has already been tested.

Since the topic is of interest to many, let's look at the main points of purchasing on aliexpress.

You need to remember the following about delivering goods from Aliexpress:

  • After you place an order and pay for it, the payment is verified within 24 hours. It is then sent to the address you specified in your account;
  • The sent parcel has a tracking number. You can track the movement of the parcel using the track number;
  • if you ordered goods from several sellers, then there will be several parcels;
  • Delivery time varies from 2 weeks to 2 months. The specific time is determined by the shipping method. When using a courier service, the package arrives the fastest; when using mail, it takes the longest.

And finally, a few words about protecting your order on Aliexpress:

  • The money you pay for the order is blocked on Aliexpress until the goods are received. Until you confirm that you have received the ordered product in good condition, the seller will not be able to receive this money into his account. If problems arise during delivery or with the product itself, the buyer can open a dispute. Then the issue of partial or full compensation of funds will be decided;
  • Never agree to offers to pay for goods that bypass Aliexpress. This means that an unscrupulous seller seeks to deceive. In this case, he can disappear with your money without any consequences for himself. So, pay according to the standard scheme;
  • Be sure to check the functionality of the product after receiving it and then confirm the order. Then Aliexpress will transfer the payment to the seller.

A video about purchasing goods on the AliExpress website will help you:

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What are the ways to push and charge the batteries of a smartphone or tablet at home?

When lithium-ion batteries from various mobile gadgets (smartphones, tablets) are deeply discharged, they fall into a comatose state and show a voltage of 0 V. At the same time, they accept charge in the usual way. That is, you cannot charge them in your device with standard charging. What to do in such a situation. In most cases, the tablet’s battery is still alive and you just need to “push” it. This procedure can be easily done at home.

Perhaps the safest and most convenient way to push the battery of a tablet or smartphone at home is to use a “frog”. This nickname is popularly received by the universal charger, which allows you to charge the battery directly, bypassing the tablet.

To do this, you just need to remove the battery from your tablet or smartphone and insert it into the frog. If the battery has wires (most tablets) and not contact pads (smartphones and phones), then you just have to tinker a little with the connection.

After the indication on the frog shows that the charging process has begun, wait 20-30 minutes. Then you can remove the battery, install it in the tablet and continue charging as normal. Or you can fully charge it in the “frog” itself. This is up to you.

What to do if you don’t have a frog charger. How then to push the battery at home? More on this below.

How to push a tablet battery using an AC adapter

This is a fairly common method that is described on many forums. I wanted to use it to push the battery from my old Sony Ericsson Z550i flip phone. But then I didn’t have the required resistor at hand, and I revived it in another way, which will be described below.

In order to charge the battery of a tablet or smartphone using an AC power supply, you will need:

  • the power supply itself (voltage is better than 6─12 V);
  • resistor;
  • voltage monitoring equipment (multimeter, voltmeter).

The power supply can be taken from the same tablet, router, etc. The power supply from a microdrill is shown below. We are interested in the output parameters marked in red. Voltage 12 V and current 400 mA. This is quite enough to push.

It is better to take the power supply that provides an output voltage of 6-12 volts. Although you can take it more powerfully. For example, from a laptop.

Then you just need to choose a resistor of higher power and resistance. Although overvoltage is not recommended for lithium batteries.
How, in general, do you choose the resistor value? Ohm's law will help us with this. To push the battery, it is recommended to use a current of 50 mA. Then for a power supply with output voltage we have:

I = U / R, which in our case is 0.05 = 12 / R.

We get a resistor resistance of 240 Ohms. Now let's talk about how it all connects. The photo below shows the power supply connector from the micro drill. I didn’t have another one at hand, but in terms of its characteristics it is completely suitable.

On the outside of the connector we have a “minus”, on the inside there is a “plus”.

And in the next photo the patient himself is a Sony Ericsson Z550i battery. As I said, at first I didn’t have a resistor and I tried to push it from the car battery stupidly directly. Then a tuning resistor was found and the following circuit was assembled.

And here is the patient himself, because of whom all the fuss flared up. The voltage at its terminals was 0.2 V and it did not react in any way to attempts to charge it in the phone with standard charging.

To make it more convenient, I attached the wires to the positive and negative terminals of the battery with zip ties.

In the case of a tablet battery, where there are wires, it will be even easier.

The entire assembled system looked like this.

I started charging with a voltage at the battery terminals of 1.3 volts. From the initial 0.2 to 1.3 V, the voltage was raised by passing current from a car battery (read below). During the charging process, I monitored the battery terminals with a multimeter. First, the voltage increased sharply from 1.3 to 2.4 volts within a couple of minutes.

Then the process slowed down and over the next 20 minutes the voltage increased to 3.1 volts. After this, the process completely slowed down. As a result, the voltage increased from 3.1 to 3.6 V (the nominal value of this battery) for 1.5 hours. In principle, you could try to increase the charging current using a trimming resistor. But I didn’t take any risks because I had enough time and the safety of the battery was a priority.

During charging, I was most concerned about the condition of the battery in terms of heating. But the battery did not heat up at all. Her temperature was slightly above room temperature. But the tuning resistor did not get hot enough. I didn’t measure the temperature, but it was impossible to hold my finger on it for more than a second.

After the voltage increased to 3.6 volts, I kept the battery on charge for another 15-20 minutes. Then I disconnected it and inserted it into the phone, which came to life. I already did further charging using the “native” charger directly on the phone. Then I checked the connection to the computer. The phone was identified and I was able to pull out some files, which is what I needed. Additionally, you can read about.

Now about how I tried to revive this battery before assembling this circuit.

The high discharge rate of tablet computers from individual manufacturers today has already become the subject of numerous anecdotes and jokes.

Indeed, this is one of the most common problems among tablet and smartphone users. In some cases, devices discharge quickly enough only when they are actively used, as expected.

However, sometimes the energy supply decreases even when the device is completely turned off - this is not normal and indicates that there is a problem with the tablet or its battery.

Why does a switched off tablet discharge?

There are several reasons why the tablet quickly discharges even when turned off. Firstly, it is possible that you do not completely turn off the tablet, but only put it into sleep mode; in this state, it continues to consume a small amount of energy.

This problem can be solved quite simply - to completely turn off the device, press and hold the corresponding key for a long time (5-10 seconds). Secondly, it is possible that the tablet's battery is draining quickly due to Wi-fi being turned on. Despite the fact that manufacturers say that this should not happen and is wrong, many users note that turning off Wi-fi before completely stopping the tablet's operation significantly reduces its discharge rate.

Thirdly, such problems can arise due to the operating system and certain types of applications; we will talk about this in more detail below. Well, the last option, the most unpleasant for the tablet owner, is that problems arise due to technical faults, ranging from poor battery performance to failures on the motherboard. In such cases, the only solution is to contact specialists to repair or replace damaged parts.

Tablet battery drains quickly due to software

Quite often on specialized resources, users complain that the tablet runs out of power very quickly after installing a new version of software or a new application. Moreover, problems exist not only with the Android operating system, but also with Windows. Especially often, such problems arise after installing update packs that were released just recently.

The development companies themselves are aware of this problem and warn in advance that you should not rush to install the latest updates immediately after they have been released. An example is the operating system from Microsoft Corporation.

If Windows 7 allowed you to continuously use the tablet for 7 hours, then later update packs led to the fact that now the battery only lasts for 3 hours. It is likely that these problems will be fixed in the future, but for now we can only recommend not using the latest operating system updates until they have been fully tested.

Particularly worth mentioning are the various applications from third-party developers. Very often, it is because of them that the battery on the tablet quickly discharges. A typical example of this is Skype, which consumes quite a lot of system resources even when you are not actively using it.

A temporary solution to these problems is to install an older version of Skype - 4.2 or disable the application when you do not need it. The same goes for other programs - if you notice that some of the installed applications are consuming too much energy, it is recommended to disable them, provided that you do not need them at the moment.

Do you want to know, how to increase tablet operating time? READ below.

Now almost any tablet computer can boast of mobility and functionality, but it must be said that it will be better if these parameters are available to us for as long as possible without the need to recharge the computer.

Mobility is based on the fact that we will be able to use it offline for a long time. In the event that you need to charge your tablet computer every couple of hours, there will be no talk of any mobility, at least this parameter will no longer be so impressive. How can you avoid this?
Selecting a tablet
It must be said that there are interesting techniques that will allow you to enjoy using your tablet computer for a much longer period of time. For example, it’s worth starting with the banal - you should approach the choice of the tablet computer itself as best and as responsibly as possible.

It is worth noting that this is not always done as simply as you would like, but a high-quality result will not keep you waiting long. Browse a large number of forums and discussions, study the technical characteristics of tablet computers. Pay attention not only to its power, but also to how much it can withstand in a particular operating mode, which will allow you to make a truly high-quality choice. In addition, the duration of operation of a tablet computer without recharging is indirect evidence of how well the manufacturing company treated its brainchild, as well as the requirements of ordinary buyers.

Reducing backlight power

If you decide to fight a problem, you must fight its cause. What consumes so much energy on a tablet computer that you don’t have enough charge for more or less normal activities, be it reading or chatting with friends? In fact, the screen consumes the most, no matter how trivial it may sound. About 57% of the energy consumed by the entire tablet computer comes from the screen, specifically from the screen backlight. If you can afford to reduce the screen brightness, then do so - this move will allow you to significantly reduce battery consumption. Note that this is the simplest, not requiring third-party intervention, and the safest way to reduce energy consumption on a tablet computer.

Extra processes

Next, it is necessary to note a method that can rather be called something like a forced measure. The point is that we need to check whether the program we were using has closed completely or is still in working order, just hidden from our eyes. This must be done using the task manager. The procedure is not complicated, and gradually you will be able to understand which programs you need and which ones you can ignore.

In principle, there is nothing incredible in the development of such an approach. It is very conveniently used by a wide variety of users. It is worth mentioning that there is another way to protect your tablet computer from losing battery power too quickly. It is necessary to turn off all energy consumers, and these are Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth, NFC, GPS and much more. Don't think that this won't help much.

It is this energy that may not be enough for you to be able to use this device throughout the day. Be that as it may, you have already seen that there are quite a lot of subtleties in this matter. You will be happy with the result if you use the capabilities that are at your fingertips.