Disable dialing prevention mode lenovo. Prevent unwanted actions with policies

Disable dialing prevention mode lenovo. Prevent unwanted actions with policies

Included Microsoft SQL Server 2008 includes Declarative Management Framework (DMF) tool, which can used to prevent changes to the system, Not relevant organization standards.

Let's say we would like to implement coding standard, in which everything tables newly created for a specific database must begin with the prefix "tbl". Let's create politics. For the test we created a database called"AdventureWorks"

Let's open SQL Server Management Studio. Let's expand the Management branch, then expand the Policy Management branch (Policy management). SCH elknim right click mouse Condition) and select the itemcreate a condition New Condition.

In the dialog box when creating new condition, in Name field entername "DBA - Table Name Prefix". After entering the name select Facet - "Table", then type the expression "@Name like "tbl%"" and click "OK"

Let us remind you that for testing we wanted to apply our new policies to the "AdventureWorks" database. For this reason we must create new conditions applicable to"AdventureWorks" database. Let's call it: "DBA - AdventureWorksDB".

Let's create a policy. In Object Explorer (O object browser) right clickPolicies mouse button (R politics) and select New Policy ( Create a policy).

IN Create New Policy dialog box (Withcreating a new policy) In the Name field, enter "DBA - Table Name Prefix Policy" and select the condition "DBA - Table Name Prefix".

Specify tables andselect condition"DBA - AdventureWorksDB" for the current database.

In the last step when creating our policy from the drop-down list select On Change - Prevent (Change - prohibition) in execution mode. This condition will allow you to prohibit the creation of all tables except those that begin with the prefix "tbl." Click OK.

The policy has been created. Let's check our policy by creating a table that does not comply this condition, i.e. without the "tbl" prefix".

Let's create a column for the table and name it "TestTable".

The condition has been met. SQL Server Management gave an error: "The table 'TestTable' cannot be created. Transaction ended in trigger. Package execution was interrupted"

Prevent unwanted actions with policies| 2012-04-27 09:37:42 | Super User | SQL Server | https://site/media/system/images/new.png | Included Microsoft SQL Server 2008 includes the Declara tool | dr.web journal key, windows settings, write protection

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://androidkak.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/talkback..png 400w, http://androidkak.ru/wp-content/ uploads/2016/05/talkback-300x178.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px"> Sometimes novice operating room users Android systems out of curiosity they decide to try what it is talkback function or they activate it completely by accident. As a result of unusual changes in the use of a smartphone or tablet, returning to the previous functionality is often extremely problematic. Breeders, as a rule, do not make any efforts detailed description this opportunity, leaving everything to the intuitive development of the owner of the technical device himself.

To avoid wasting several hours or even days fruitlessly struggling with your device, first familiarize yourself with the features of the talkback program. Knowing its location and settings details for your Android model, you can easily return to your usual settings.

Why is this function needed?

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://androidkak.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/babuwka-i-telefon.gif" alt="babuwka-i -telephone" width="300" height="200"> !}
Talkback program created as a special opportunity for people with low or no vision. It makes working with the phone a little easier and voices almost all the owner’s actions. This feature is convenient for those who have previously only worked with computers, because the controls become similar to clicking a mouse.

Keys that are pressed with one touch are spoken, and text is typed using the keyboard. The program also notifies about incoming calls, and when shaken, it can begin to read out all the information that the screen displays.

If you hold your finger on one of the letters for a few seconds, talkback will first pronounce the letter itself, and then the word that begins with it. This option helps you better understand certain sounds by ear for error-free typing of a message. Among other devices, talkback is useful with audio prompts that provide auxiliary information on certain phone objects. It is also possible to execute commands with gestures and synthesize human speech into text.

Read also: How to change the keyboard on an Android phone

How management has changed

Similar to standard clicks computer mouse First of all, the user needs to select the desired object on the monitor - with one touch. Interaction with it begins with a double quick click.

To scroll the menu list, browser page up or down, or scroll the menu left or right, you will need to pull the screen in the desired direction by touching it with two fingers. The screen will not respond to a single touch!

Removing the screen lock also follows this principle: press the pads of two fingers against the base of the screen and, without releasing, gently pull up. You may need to enter a password to unlock. A similar method is to double-click on the unlock button at the bottom of the screen, in the very center. However, sometimes you need to follow voice instructions.

Procedure for turning off

Below is the most common algorithm, suitable for most device versions:

  1. Double-click to go to the main menu;
  2. Find the settings icon and activate it double click;
  3. Scroll through the list (pressing the screen with two fingers) to the “System” section;
  4. Open " Accessibility» double click and find the “Services” section;
  5. Open the talkback subsection, there you will see brief description and an on/off button (located on the right top corner screen);
  6. Double-click the toggle switch to off to disable the function;
  7. In the window that appears, “Stop the talkback service?” Click the "ok" button by quickly tapping it twice.

By installing each application, the smartphone owner agrees with requests for access to certain data and device capabilities, including a notification system. Thanks to this, you can be sure that you will not really miss important messages and reminders, however, some mobile software abuses this by distributing advertising or frequent irrelevant alerts.

There are two ways to get rid of annoying notifications - either using the Android system or through the settings inside the application itself. The first case is only suitable for smartphones based on version 4.1 and higher, while the second does not depend on the OS modification.

System disable notifications

The ability to configure alerts has begun to be implemented from devices based on Android Jelly Bean, on such devices you can either completely disable notifications for each individual application, or enable them all. In Android 6 there are already more fine tuning, allowing you to adjust frequency, sound and other parameters.

For users latest versions All you have to do is press and hold on the annoying pop-up notification until you can manage it.

In just two steps you can transfer all notifications from the application to silent mode or block it altogether. If this is not enough, you should go to “Other Settings”.

Turning off automatic mode By clicking on the letter “A”, you can adjust the level of importance by moving the slider. Depending on its position it changes:

  • Sound and vibration mode;
  • Priority of notification relative to others;
  • Permission to show messages on the lock screen.

Below are available additional options, allowing you to determine what information will be available on the locked screen - this way you can allow the display of all data, except for personal data (for example, the contents of messages) or block notifications of this nature and not show them without unlocking the device.

Also, notifications from this application can be moved to the “Important” category, and in this case they will make themselves felt even in “Do Not Disturb” mode. By setting a frequency limit, you will not hear more than one alert within a specified period of time (from 10 seconds to 30 minutes).

How to go to the notifications section?

There is another way to go to the same menu to set up notifications for each application.

Go to your phone settings. The gear icon is located in the general menu or on the right side of the curtain.

Under the “Device” heading, click on “Applications.” Having selected the appropriate utility from the list, click on the “Notifications” section.

In versions prior to Android 6, there is no such section; you can check or uncheck the “Enable notifications” item in the settings of the selected application.

If this option is not available on your phone, you should update the shell or go to the settings of the application itself.

Disable notifications in applications

Most popular applications allow own funds configure all incoming notifications - first of all, you should use them, and only if they do not solve the problem, go to the system settings.


One of the main system applications often notifies you about the current weather, traffic jams and much more. To turn off notifications from Google:

  • Launch the application;
  • Open the menu by swiping from left to right;
  • Select “Settings”;

  • Open the “Notifications” section;

  • Select “Feed”;

In the window that opens, you can set the ringtone and vibration signal for important notifications, select the data of interest for notification, or disable everything.

Important notifications (for example, when logging into your account from a new device) cannot be completely disabled.

Social networks

To stop receiving more messages from Facebook, open the application and click on the far right “Menu” icon. At the very bottom, in the “Help and Settings” section, open “Notification Settings”.

At the top you choose what notifications you want to receive, at the bottom - in what ways (among the available ones are push, email and SMS).

To turn off unwanted notifications, go to one of the categories and select "None". At the very bottom is the item “ Additional settings", where you can change the standard message sound, indicator color and other parameters.


Setting up notifications in most instant messengers is usually the same. For example, in WhatsApp you need:

  • Click on the “Menu” icon;
  • Select “Settings”;
  • Go to "Notifications".

To turn off all notifications, change the sound from Standard to Silent, set Light to None, and disable pop-ups.

Question: Good afternoon. A couple of days ago I bought a SIM card from an operator that supports 3G, because... I need a quick one mobile internet. And suddenly I was faced with an unexpected problem: some strange messages with hieroglyphs called “Public Alert” began to arrive on my phone. Messages come in hundreds and you have to delete them one by one. But the most annoying thing is not even this, but the fact that these notifications instantly drain the battery. After all, the phone constantly beeps and vibrates. Therefore, I have to charge my phone 3 times a day - both at home and at work.

I also understand that it somehow depends on my movement around the city - in some place the phone is at rest, and in another there may be silence again. There may be silence for a couple of hours, and then the pop-up “population alert” messages begin to arrive again. I have a Lenovo A1000 smartphone, which I bought a month ago. Before this, we used another operator that operates in 2G mode, and there were no such problems on the same smartphone.

So, in this article we will try to collect all possible solutions. Unfortunately, one thing helps some, something completely different helps others. Some decisions can be conditionally called decisions - these are rather a way work around the problem.

What is Cell Broadcast?

Cell Broadcast (also known as “Broadcast messages”, “Network messages” or “BS Information”) is a standard feature of the GSM network designed to make life easier for the subscriber. Often it serves to display the name of the current metro station, the nearest settlement or telephone code terrain. On older phones like the Nokia 3310, network information was conveniently displayed on the screen under the operator name. But on new smartphones, broadcast messages arrive as SMS: with a sound signal and are displayed in the Messages application. It is worth remembering that the enabled Cell Broadcast function will in any case further drain the battery.

How to turn off public notification

Solution #1. Disable Cell Broadcast

On Lenovo smartphones:

Messages → Settings → SMS/MMS settings → Default message manager → Public notification.
Select the SIM card for which you want to disable notifications and uncheck the boxes.

Disabling messages from the base station in Samsung Galaxy:

Go to Messages.
Press the Menu key (or long press the Recent Applications).
Select Settings.
Network messages (or Network message settings).
Click the switch or uncheck the box to turn off:

Solution #2. Change broadcast channel

Sign in to Messages.
Bring up the menu and select Settings.
Select Channel configuration→ Reception channels → My channel.
After that, click Add channel and enter the number (let's say 10). By default, channel No. 50 is used, so you need to specify some other one.

Solution #3. Move the card to another slot

This method really helped my friend turn off the “population alert” spam with hieroglyphs on Lenovo smartphone A1000 with Android 5. Moreover, the interesting thing is that in the second slot the SIM card also works in full 3G mode (for some models of dual-SIM devices, only one of the two slots can work in 3G mode). It is not entirely clear why this happens, but the solution helped get rid of spam.

Solution #4. Change 3G mode to 2G

If none of the above helped, then finally I’ll tell you about one more way to get rid of annoying notification population on your phone. Switch the card to 2G mode. On some operators this solves the problem. Naturally, the data transfer speed will be reduced.

Go to Settings → Other networks → Mobile networks→ Network mode.
Select 2G or GSM Only.

This is more of a crutch than a solution... However, if you do not use the Internet on your phone, then you have an additional chance to get rid of broadcast spam.


In conclusion, I can say one more thing. They write on the Internet that supposedly the public notification can be turned off on the operator’s side by executing some USSD command, but we were unable to find such a solution. Operators refer this problem to the smartphone manufacturer. Therefore, I would really like to hear the opinion of Lenovo representatives regarding this problem on their devices.

Hello! As I understand it, you know the graphic key itself, you just can’t turn it off. So your situation looks something like this:

You can change your pattern to a password or PIN, but you can't choose the simpler, unsecured options because it's "Disabled by your administrator, encryption policy, or credential store." Usually the problem is that you have some kind of certificate installed on your smartphone, which, according to its internal policy, does not allow you to reduce the security of the phone, that is, disable the unlock password. Please note that if you have work email configured on your smartphone, remote connection to your organization's network, then this may be your company's security policy. In this case, you should first consult with your IT specialists. If you don’t have anything like that on your phone, the method described below will help you.

How to turn off a graphic key if it is prohibited by the administrator

Go to your phone’s settings and select “Security” -> “Device Administrators”. There shouldn’t be any applications enabled that you don’t recognize; if there are, try turning them off.

Next, the most important thing, scroll to the very bottom and click on the “Cleaning certificates” item. Confirm your action by clicking the "OK" button. After that, go to the shutdown menu graphic key, blocked items should now be accessible. You may have to restart your smartphone.

There is another method, it should be used only if the method above does not help (that is, you have some kind of unique situation) - full reset your smartphone to factory settings (we have detailed instructions). But keep in mind that all data will be lost. How to save them - read our article