How to make night mode on YouTube. How to enable hidden dark mode in the YouTube Android app

How to make night mode on YouTube.  How to enable hidden dark mode in the YouTube Android app
How to make night mode on YouTube. How to enable hidden dark mode in the YouTube Android app

The YouTube mobile app for iOS has finally arrived dark mode interface. Let us remind you that the YouTube web interface acquired a dark theme last year, and before official application It's just the turn. Of course, the night theme looks best on the iPhone X. Moreover, for iPhone owners X, this mode will also help save battery power, since only this version uses OLED displays. In this article, we will detail how to enable dark mode on YouTube on your iPhone or iPad.

If you want to enable dark mode on YouTube, first make sure that you have iOS version 13.01.4 or higher installed. To see which version you are using, open the YouTube app on your mobile device, click on your profile on the right top corner, then go to Settings and scroll down - the app version will be listed there.

Only after this check do we proceed directly to enabling the dark theme on YouTube. Below are detailed instructions:

After completing these simple steps, YouTube will apply a dark interface mode. Please note that this is not all mobile users“caught” an update to the YouTube application. If it hasn't arrived to you yet, wait until it does. As usual, the app update is rolling out gradually.

The majority of users do not realize that such an option recently appeared on YouTube - " night mode "with which you can watch videos without straining your eyesight. Now we will look in detail at how to enable dark background. There is one caveat: this function only works on computers, unfortunately not on smartphones.

Activation process in YouTube dark background

Everything is very simple, to do this, register or log in using your Google account, if you already have mail.

Go to YouTube, scroll the page to the very bottom, you will see a link " New features", click on it with the left mouse.

Click on the item " Go to new design ".

Changes in the updated interface

Google developers decided to simplify the video hosting interface for the convenience of users. The updated design includes the following features:

  1. In addition to the night theme, the developers have made it as convenient and quick search videos.
  2. The side navigation menu has been straightened out.
  3. Video titles, which were blue in the old design, are now black and are less distracting.
  4. The YouTube logo, search bar and account icons have become smaller.
  5. Now there is no need to click the "More" button when scrolling down the page. The videos are loaded automatically.

Click " Try it" and install the updated interface for YouTube.

Click on the icon in the top right corner and find the " tab Night mode"Click on it and activate it. This mode is turned off here.

The dark background is activated, now your eyes will not get tired from watching videos at night. So, we’ve looked at the main nuances, enabling and disabling night mode in YouTube, and also discussed the main properties updated interface video hosting.

If you think dark modes are just for programs, think again. YouTube now offers a dark "night" theme for users who are tired of the video streaming site that fills their faces with bright white light.

Initially night "dark" mode YouTube worked exclusively on desktop computers, but on March 13 YouTube implemented it into its mobile applications in iOS and Android, now you will learn how to set up this feature on your computer and iOS. If the mobile instructions don't work, try updating it, force quitting the app, and reopening it.

How to turn on night "dark" YouTube mode on PC:

1. Click your profile icon in the upper right corner.

2. Tap Night Mode: Off.

3. Tap the Night Mode switch: you have unlocked YouTube dark mode! Let's grab some popcorn and enjoy your favorite video.

How to enable YouTube night dark mode on iOS:

1. Click your profile icon in the upper right corner.

2. Click Settings.

3. Turn on night mode.

You have enabled dark mode for YouTube! Now you have learned how to independently enable a completely new night mode setting YouTube on iOS, with which I greet you. I recommend reading about another and very important function “”.

In 2016, bloggers accidentally found a test version of the updated, more minimalist design of In May 2017, it became known: testing has not yet been completed, but Google is already offering the updated YouTube “look” as an option, and anyone can use it.

In contact with

The redesign was based on the principles of the design language that Google introduced into latest versions Android.

Fred Gilbert, Head of User Experience at YouTube:

“We don't want the UI to interfere with users. Content should always come first.”

What has changed in the updated YouTube?

  • The titles of the videos, which were in blue font, are now black and are not distracting;
  • “Trimmed” the sidebar menu;

  • The YouTube logo, search bar and channel icons have become smaller (and the latter are also round).
  • New videos now automatically load when you scroll down (you no longer need to click the “More” button).

Needless to say, it turned out great, and a return to old version YouTube leaves a painful impression.

But there are changes not only externally, but also “under the hood”. The new YouTube site runs on the Polymer framework.

Thanks to it, the service works a little faster, but the most important thing here is that Polymer allows you to add new functions - such as night mode (how to enable it is described below). The latter changes the light “background” to black, and as a result, watching videos at night becomes much more comfortable - the black color does not “hurt” the eyes.”

Do you want to switch to a new one? YouTube design? Then just go via this link and press Try it.

Without a doubt, many users would not mind the appearance of a dark mode in all applications and services, reducing eye strain. Google is constantly improving its programs and services, adding new features to them.

One of these innovations affected YouTube video hosting. Attentive users have noticed that YouTube has hidden mode, which changes White background web interface on gray and black.

How to enable YouTube dark mode

Click on your YouTube avatar and in the menu that opens, activate the option “ Dark mode" After this, a dark theme should appear.

I have already told you how you can change the theme on YouTube from light to dark. If in the last lesson we used a special extension for browsers, then in this lesson we will use the built-in mechanisms of the Youtube site itself. Now you will feel a little like developers.

Open your browser and go to the video hosting site Youtube. Next, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I or right-click on empty space site and from the drop-down menu select “View code” (in other browsers it may be called “Examine element”). This will open the developer tools panel. Here we are interested in the “Console” tab, so let’s go straight to it.

The next step is to paste the code below into the console and press Enter:

This action added special cookies to your browser. Thanks to them, you can get a little more features compared to ordinary users.

Now let's close the developer console and refresh the page. The site needs to change a little, but the theme still remains light. The next step is to click on your icon in the upper right corner of the page. A new item should appear in the drop-down menu that allows you to enable a special “Night mode”.

To turn off YouTube night mode, simply turn the switch to the Off position. For those who want to completely switch off this topic and the ability to switch, just select “Return to classic design” in the menu.

After reloading the page, the site will return to its previous mode of operation, and there will be no trace of YouTube’s night mode.

In this lesson I will tell you about the function watch later on YouTube. This option allows you to save to your separate folder videos that are interesting to you, but, unfortunately, there is no opportunity to watch them now, i.e. those videos you don't want to lose.

Today we will look at the first of several ways in which you can change the standard white theme of YouTube video hosting to a dark one. A special extension called Magic Actions for Youtube. This extension is available for all browsers and has a number of additional features, which we will discuss below.

In this lesson I will tell you how to enable and How to disable autoplay of Youtube videos. The principle of this function is that while you are watching a certain video, YouTube analyzes it, selects a similar one and automatically starts showing it when the current video ends.