What is iPhone Rostest and what is it not? What does Rostest mean for iPhone? What does RosTest mean?

What is iPhone Rostest and what is it not?  What does Rostest mean for iPhone?  What does RosTest mean?
What is iPhone Rostest and what is it not? What does Rostest mean for iPhone? What does RosTest mean?

Official dealers sell Apple products at prices recommended by the manufacturer. But the cost of certification itself, taxes and customs duties are included in the selling price of goods, so the final price of “white” phones is in most cases higher than the so-called “gray” ones, which we will discuss below.

Important! Rostest sign on the phone- abbreviation PCT - the meaning corresponds to the EAC mark. This is a mark of the Eurasian conformity and certification of the customs union, of which Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan are members. If you evaluate the product from the buyer’s side, the functions and guarantees of the Rostest and EAC smartphones are absolutely identical, since they have undergone a similar test. Phones with the EAC mark are also classified as “white”.

Rostest and Eurotest - what is the difference

Rostest and Eurotest - the procedure for checking manufactured or imported goods in Russia and European countries, respectively. The verification criteria and the functionality required for the devices to operate differs in different countries depending on the characteristics of the network and other parameters. Therefore, manufacturers produce different phone models for different countries.

Interesting! The term “Eurotest” is used exclusively in colloquial language; officially such a concept does not exist. Sellers of iPhones that were imported into Russia without proper inspection replaced the CE marking with the term “Eurotest,” which stands for “Conformité Européenne” or “European conformity.” The CE mark means that the product meets the requirements of European countries, which may differ from the requirements of the Russian Federation.

iPhone Rostest and Eurotest may differ in four important criteria:

🔌 Charger adapter.The shape and size of electrical outlets in Europe differ from their Russian counterparts, so the plugs in iPhone chargers intended for sale in Russia and, for example, Spain may differ. For the user, this means that the charger that comes with the Eurotest phone may not fit into the outlet and you will have to buy another charger or adapter.

🔒 Guarantee available.Not in all cases, iPhones that were unofficially shipped from Europe or America are covered by the manufacturer's warranty.

🔧 Duration of service.Smartphones with the Rostest mark can be repaired under warranty for two years after purchase. If such a service applies to the selected iPhone SE model, the service period is half as long - 1 year.

💵 Cost.Eurotest devices are usually imported without paying taxes and fees, so their selling price is lower than certified goods.

What is a “gray” phone

By analogy with the term “white” iPhone, “gray” refers to those smartphones that were imported into the Russian Federation unofficially from Europe or America and have not been certified. Unofficial import of consignments of goods allows you to avoid paying taxes and reduce prices. This is how some companies and online stores operate, seeking to increase the number of customers through lower prices for their range. In some cases, the cost of a “gray” and a “white” gadget may differ by 2 times.

In addition, “gray” iPhones can be sold under the guise of “white” ones and at an equally high price. This is how unscrupulous sellers increase the difference between the purchase and selling prices, and consequently their profits.

The characteristics of “gray” and “white” iPhones are practically the same - these are products of the same manufacturer - Apple, but made for different customer countries. Most often, the differences are in the phone software, or firmware. For some countries on iPhone:

🔸 maximum volume in headphones is limited;

🔸 FaceTime function is not supported;

🔸 you cannot turn off the camera shutter sound;

🔸 there is a restriction on the use of telecom operators;

🔸 other restrictions apply.

Interesting! If the phone is tied to a European operator, it will not work with a SIM card, for example, from the MTS operator. Fixing this feature can cost $100 or more.

The features of smartphones that are exported from Europe depend on the legislation of the country where it was supposed to be sold according to the manufacturer’s supply plan.

Examples: Rostest models from different iPhone series, “gray” analogue models and their features

Rostest models “Gray” models and their main features for the user
iPhone 7, 7 Plus A1778, A1784 A1779 and A1785 from Japan - the shutter sound does not turn off in the standard camera application; they may not work correctly with Russian payment terminals. A1660 and A1661 are faster LTE modules, the difference in speed can reach 30%.
iPhone 6s, 6s Plus A1688, A1687 A1633, A1700 A1634, A1699 from the USA and Asian countries - slight differences in supported frequencies, there is no difference in mobile Internet speed, they support work with Russian telecom operators.
iPhone SE A1723, A1724 A1662 from the USA - LTE will work selectively only with some operators and not in all regions of the Russian Federation.
iPhone 6, 6 Plus A1586, A1524 A1549, A1589, A1522, A1593 - do not support operation in LTE Band 38; MTS and Megafon operators operate on this frequency. They can only access the network via 3G or when changing operators.
iPhone 5s A1457 A1533 is a CDMA device - unlike modern GSM phones, CDMA technology is considered outdated. A1530 is a universal model, supports LTE for all Russian operators, works with 4G networks not only in Russia, but also in almost all countries of the world. A1528 from China is a simplified GSM device module, so the iPhone does not work with 4G LTE. A1518 – Asian model - problems with LTE for some operators. A1453 - problems with high-speed connection in most regions and most Russian operators.

How to distinguish a gray phone from the original

It is important to understand that the so-called “gray” smartphones are also original products, not fakes, not copies, not used or refurbished phones. They have been certified in another country, so some of their functions may not be supported or limited when used in Russia. At the same time, the main indicators, such as the power of RAM, processor, memory size, screen resolution, camera quality, meet the high standards of the manufacturer.

You can distinguish iPhones that have passed the Rostest test by a special PCT mark on the packaging. In addition, you can find out from which country the device was exported by the markings on the packaging, the phone itself, or by going to the smartphone settings, selecting the “Basic settings” and “About device” category. Information about the country is carried by the last two Latin letters in your model code. For example, PL, PM - Poland, ND - Netherlands, PP - Philippines.

Important! The markings on the packaging and the gadget itself must match.

How to check iPhone growth or not

🔹 iPhones that are officially imported into Russia and undergo appropriate testing are sold along with a cellular retailer’s guarantee. Currently, iPhones are imported into Russia only by Beeline and MTS. When choosing and purchasing a smartphone, check for the presence of a red warranty card, which is included with the basic documents.

🔹 In some cases, a phone may be sold without a guarantee from a cellular retailer and this is not a violation of the law. To check whether the device is intended for use in the Russian Federation, pay attention to the back of the packaging. If the products are certified, the inscriptions must be in Russian, and in the Part No. column. the country identifier is indicated - RR, for example, in this form - MC604RR.

How to check whether a phone is original or not

You can check the originality of your iPhone on the official Apple websitehttps://checkcoverage.apple.com/ru/ru . To do this, enter the iPhone serial number and imei number in the line. Information can be found on the phone itself and on the box. Automatic verification by number will show whether the smartphone is listed in the company’s database, its model, color and release date.

What else should you pay attention to when buying an iPhone?

🕵 Packaging.There should be no signs on the box that it should be opened before you. When opened, it could be damaged or the original packaging of the product could be disrupted. For the same reason, experts advise against buying iPhones from a storefront.

🕵 Appearance of the smartphone.There should be no dents, scratches, chips, cracks or other damage on the case and screen. Protective films should fit tightly to the screen and body, and there should be no air bubbles under the films.

🕵 Completeness of the device.Along with the phone, the package should include a charger, a package of documents, and in some models, headphones, wipes for wiping the screen, and other additions.

🕵 Package of documents.The box must contain instructions, a cash receipt, a purchase coupon, and a letter of guarantee for the right to service. Mandatory information must include a description of the phone - model and serial number, date of purchase, cost, receipt or invoice number, contact information for contacting the dealer. All documents must be marked as certified by an official Apple dealer.

🕵 Warranty coverage.Double-check that under the guise of a new iPhone, they are not selling you a smartphone of the REF category - previously repaired, refurbished, or returned to the seller for other reasons. To check, use the serial numbers, imei on the case, on the SIM card tray and on the box - they all must match. Information that the phone was restored is indicated on the official Apple website; you can check it using the imei number. It is important to remember that a refurbished iPhone was activated before you and is not covered by the manufacturer's warranty.

Greetings! Today there will be a short note on iPhone certification for various markets. Why short? Because the topic itself has already been chewed and chewed on the Internet, and I’m unlikely to tell you anything completely new here (but I’ll try :)).

Why then write the same thing over and over again? Questions just keep coming in in the comments to the articles:

  1. Should I take Eurotest or Rostest?
  2. What happens if you take a European's iPhone?
  3. What is the difference?

Well, everything like that... Repeating the same thing over and over is hard, but not answering at all is wrong. That’s why this article was born, telling us what iPhone certification you might encounter when buying it in Russia and what exactly is the difference between them? Let's go!

So, the most common iPhones on our market are:

  • Rostest.
  • European.
  • American.
  • Don't understand which ones.

We will not consider American ones and “I don’t understand which ones” in detail. About American ones, everything is clear - they were produced for sale in America, they can be blocked for a certain operator, they are contract, until recently they were not covered by a guarantee in the Russian Federation (some models are still not subject to free repair in Russia), etc.

And by incomprehensible iPhones, I mean approximately the following devices - .

Rostest or “white” iPhones

With Rostest (PCT), everything is basically clear - these are iPhones officially imported into Russia, with all the ensuing consequences: guarantee, certification, taxes and fees provided for by Russian legislation, recommended market price :)

Sometimes they are also called “whites”. Of course, not because of the color of the case - it is assumed that they have gone through all the necessary paper procedures, were imported in compliance with the law and are completely “white” before the law.

Important! Recently, instead of the letters PCT on the iPhone box, you can find other symbols - EAC. This is a mark of Eurasian conformity and certification of the Customs Union (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan). If you look at it from the consumer's point of view, Rostest and EAC are absolutely similar certifications, so there is no need to worry about this. If it is marked EAC, it means the iPhone is official and “white”.

Such gadgets are sold from official dealers. When buying them, you can be sure that they will definitely support all the necessary frequencies, work with all Russian SIM cards, and so on.

European or “gray” iPhones

For sellers in our stores, in most cases it is customary to call an iPhone with Eurotest certification any smartphone from Apple that is not Rostest. All that was brought in bypassing official supplies is the iPhone with Eurotest (“gray” devices). Sometimes American gadgets are also brought in here, but this is probably wrong.

They are transported for resale from European countries, which allows you to save on paying taxes, duties, certification, etc. As a result, all this has a positive effect on the final price of the device.

iPhone Eurotest or Rostest - what to choose?

It is clear that Rostest seems to be a priori better; if you buy a “white” and certified device, you feel calm and confident. So why do some people prefer the Eurotest iPhone, is it better or worse?

To begin with, the most important thing to decide is this: these are absolutely the same iPhones as those sold in Russia. There is practically no difference! But in some cases there are still differences and they lie in the firmware - for some countries in the iPhone:

  1. There is a limit on the maximum volume of music in headphones.
  2. FaceTime won't work.
  3. You cannot turn off the camera shutter sound.

All these restrictions depend on the legislation of the country in which it is intended for sale. In essence, there is nothing wrong, but if you buy an iPhone with European certification, you may encounter this.

It is also necessary to remember that in some countries the iPhone may be sold locked to a specific telecom operator - the gadget will only work with its SIM card. When buying in a store, you are unlikely to encounter this, but if you take it from an ad, then anything can happen... By the way, the Rostest iPhone does not have any of the above.

In addition, there are four more important differences between Rostest iPhone and Eurotest:

As they say, the choice is yours. Save money and lose something (in my opinion, the biggest omission is the warranty period). Or buy Rostest, but more expensive.

P.S. What do you think? What's better? Write in the comments!

P.S.S. It's good that we have a choice, right? “Like” for this! :)

Updated! Dear readers, please do not ask me to recommend any store to buy Eurotest iPhone. It's not that I'm so bad and I'm sorry. No. I just can’t be completely confident in any store - even in those where I have already purchased before. Don't get me wrong - I don't want the purchase on my advice to be unsuccessful and instead of joy to bring disappointment. Thank you.

Updated 2! The question is often asked in the comments: “Where to buy Eurotest and save money”? I answer. In fact, there are a huge number of shops. As I already wrote, it is not in my power to recommend any one of them. But I can suggest something else:

  1. To save money and get some money back from your purchase (it should be enough for a protective glass or case).
  2. After registration, we look at stores and compare prices. We take it where it is cheaper and get part of the money spent back.

As a result: we bought an iPhone (there are really a lot of stores - you can find Rostest and Eurotest phones) and saved money. Beauty!

When choosing a new phone, you probably noticed a significant difference in price for the same models. Many people are surprised: “Why is it so much cheaper here?” “Maybe it’s a fake?” etc.

When you start to delve into and understand, you come across a bunch of “smart” words, such as “ROSTEST”, “EUROTEST”.
What is ROSTEST? And is it really needed? And most importantly, is it worth overpaying?

Read the short text below and make the right decision!

Firstly, let’s immediately leave the word “EUROTEST” alone. There is no "EUROTEST". This beautiful word (specially similar to “ROSTEST”) was invented in order to more beautifully sell goods without the “ROSTEST” mark. There are products with the PCT (ROSTEST) mark, and there are those without it. That's all!

What's the difference between them?

Imagine that you are flying to Germany or America on a business trip (and you were just thinking about buying a new smartphone)... Will the absence of a PCT icon on the phone that you like stop you?

Ha ha! Of course not!

So, these are exactly the phones that are sold in Russia without the ROSTEST mark. They simply end up in Russia, bypassing official supply channels. How? This is already a problem for suppliers. The main thing is that they bypass a huge number of fees, one of which is ROSTEST certification.

It can be assumed that during certification, each phone undergoes many tests for performance, security, and so on. Unfortunately, it is not. The certificate is issued for a batch of products. The presence of a PCT certificate does not mean that every phone from the entire batch has been subjected to thorough checks and testing. Paid and received.

Here are the five main differences between ROSTEST and non-ROSTEST:

1. Price Perhaps, for many, this is the most important point. And this is exactly why you started reading this text: the surcharge for ROSTEST is about 30% of the cost of the product;

2. Modern technology is very reliable and hardly fails when used correctly. But we have all long been accustomed to the fact that the manufacturer gives a guarantee.

The important point is that the official guarantee is valid in the country where the product is sold (in the country where the device was brought from), and the guarantee in Russia is given by the store that sold the device. Therefore, if you buy a phone without the ROSTEST mark, then it is very important to choose the right store where to buy a new gadget.

ROSTEST devices have an official manufacturer's warranty. The manufacturer accepts equipment for repair if it breaks down during the warranty period (usually 1 year). But at the same time, it is worth considering that the manufacturer is not obliged to make repairs quickly. Therefore, the manufacturer usually takes a long time to carry out warranty repairs: by law, 45 days are allotted for this.

3. Channels of import into the Russian Federation- this is what affects the final price of the product in the first place. The ROSTESTA certificate is issued only for goods for which all taxes and customs duties have been paid. You also need to pay for the ROSTEST certificate. In fact, this is where almost the entire price difference comes from. The rest of the equipment was imported into Russia, bypassing official supply channels.

That is, this is equipment produced on the same assembly line, by the same workers, but arrived in Russia slightly differently.

4. Russification was really very important while phones had buttons. Now that the vast majority of phones have a touch screen, this is no longer relevant. In any smartphone, the Russian language can be selected in the menu at the very beginning of working with it, quite simply.

5. Instructions in Russian ROSTEST devices are always included in the kit. In other cases, everything is at the discretion of the seller. In any case, the instructions in Russian can always be downloaded from the manufacturer’s official website. Everyone always has instructions in English.

The choice is yours. The main thing to remember: the product is the same!

You can determine which model of iPhone 8, 8 Plus or iPhone X is in front of you without opening the box - the model number must be indicated on the back of the box. The designation ROSTEST (PCT) for the iPhone 6S has no technical meaning, and even in terms of warranty service there are no differences with smartphones supplied to European countries. What is the real reason for the difference in price and is it true that iPhones for different countries have different power supply plugs? The greatest influence is exerted by Apple's pricing policy, which sets the price for America for the iPhone 5S 16Gb at $649.00, and for Europe at €699.00. We already have a significant discrepancy. If not all iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C models support 4G, then you can imagine how difficult it will be for an uninformed buyer to figure out what exactly he is buying.

Rostest (RST) or Eurotest?

In general, smartphones that meet European standards will be in no way inferior to Rostest. But CE is not the notorious Eurotest. If you have not found an answer to your question or something has not worked out for you, and there is no suitable solution in the comments below, ask a question through our help form.

Previously, consumers did not even think about what ROSTEST is and what the ROSTEST icon looks like. The term EUROTEST itself is an invention of sellers who, by analogy with ROSTEST, decided to name their phones. A device with European compliance can be absolutely similar to a product with ROSTEST certification and have the same build quality and functionality. Devices for the European market and ROSTEST can be produced at the same plant. Nikita, thanks for your answer. I read on the Internet that in the event of a breakdown of a product that has passed the European test, you cannot contact the manufacturer’s dealer centers located in our country. As far as I know, without it the phone is considered gray, regardless of whether it is grown or has European certification. Tell me please, is it normal to buy an iPhone 5 without RST? If an iPhone doesn’t RST, does it mean it’s a Eurotest?

Mobile phone certification

Mandatory certification of mobile devices in Russia was canceled three years ago. But this does not mean that phones are not checked in any way before import. Before importing a batch of phones into Russia, the supplier must notify the FSB that the devices contain encryption elements. To obtain such a certificate, the manufacturer or supplier must submit an application and samples of phones and chargers to one of the certification centers.

The 7th generation Phone is available in two versions that support wireless connections. In fact, only the model number matters - for example, the A1688 model, no matter where it was brought to Russia, has official warranty support at authorized service centers. Phone 5S model A1457 - supplied to European countries, including Russia, has a normal plug with two round pins, supports LTE bands 7 and 20 from those allowed in Russia. If you need the ability to connect to the network at 4G speeds, it is better to buy an iPhone 5S of European or Asian models. Most online stores supply the iPhone 5S with the necessary network adapters for free.

Long before the date of official sales on the Russian market, another new product from Apple - the iPhone 4 smartphone - intrigued fans of this company. A little confusion was caused by the difference in the cost of the models designated as iPhone 4 Rostest and iPhone 4 Eurotest, several thousand rubles. What intrigued me most was the question of how smartphone communicators with the “Rostest” prefix actually differ from their counterparts with the “Eurotest” prefix in their names. The whole secret is that all iPhones that are assembled at official Apple factories are certified in accordance with their intended purpose for sale in other countries. Regarding the adaptation of smartphones with the EUROtest designation. Ask, how and where are phones with the EUROtest designation produced?

Their main difference from RosTest devices is the charger with a European plug. For the riskiest, we can recommend a service well-known on ebay, which undertakes to unlock American iPhones. This means that if you purchase an iPhone released for countries in Europe and Asia, you will automatically lose the opportunity for service in your city. If the data does not match, then most likely the iPhone has already been to a warranty workshop. We are waiting for the cellular network icon to appear. If this does not happen or an unknown operator is displayed, then the phone may be locked.

However, such iPhones are initially intended specifically for the European market, and therefore there is a big risk of encountering a phone without a Russian interface and menu, as well as with a locked device. These smartphones will not be covered by official warranty service. On the territory of the Russian Federation, both iPhones with PCT markings and SIM-Free can be found. The situation with iPhone certification is generally the same as it was for cell phones.

But the most important thing is to check the phone’s unlock, which means its ability to work at our latitudes.

What does the inscription on the iPhone box mean? Fed_Commissions

When purchasing, the serial number of any phone can be checked on the Apple website for activation. Bottom line: the main thing is the iPhone model number, not the country of destination. I came and was given a new phone, also without a box, but there was no sticker either (if I had read your article earlier, I would have asked), and there was a receipt with the phone. The box and all the documents with imei are from the old phone, and the new phone, of course, is with the new imei. The warranty was extended only for the number of days that the iPhone was in the service center.

FCC is a mark assigned by the US Federal Communications Agency. It indicates that the device meets all signal reception and transmission standards. Some Chinese counterfeits may contain the FCC inscription itself without markings. Understanding what RosTest for iPhone is, you can draw certain conclusions: give preference to a “white” or “gray” gadget. A certified iPhone means quality and a guarantee of service.

The fact is that the device must undergo certification, and this, as you understand, costs money. Accordingly, part of the costs for this falls on the shoulders of buyers. In the case of Eurotest, the guarantee is given by the seller, and it is impossible to say which is better in this case. In rare cases, there will be a difference between Rostest and Eurotest devices.

Does it make sense to overpay for a certified device?

The following agreement exists between the owners of i-equipment and Apple - the user has the right to receive full warranty service in the country in which the device was purchased. The second device does not have a PCT sign, which means there may be problems when contacting the service center.

It is logical that in this situation, many are trying to buy the coveted apple phone over the hill. The outcome of the battle depends on you: save your hard-earned money, but take a risk, or prefer official delivery and sleep peacefully. Moreover, the unlocking procedure will have to be repeated when new firmware is released. That is why it is important to carefully check the iPhone after purchase, especially if you suspect that you have got into your hands a representative of the “gray” class.

To find out where a specific device model comes from, you should look at the box or find the data in the device itself along the path “Settings - General - about this device”. Information about the country is carried by the last two Latin letters in your model code. Once you have decided on the origin of the model, you can understand the distinctive features of the device.

For me, the authority of Appl is an infinite number of times higher than the illiterate officials of this seedy office in a country that is not the most technically developed... By the way, this does not mean AT ALL that they are being tested in Russia. In the BEST case, they tested 1 (one) copy at one time... And most likely they didn’t even do that - they’re not complete idiots, they’ll have to check for Appl...

It is clear that Rostest seems to be a priori better; if you buy a “white” and certified device, you feel calm and confident. As they say, the choice is yours. Save money and lose something (in my opinion, the biggest omission is the warranty period). Hello. In my opinion, no. I have little faith in the fact that there is a person at the Apple factory during production and determines which country to send which phone to. 6S 16GB. According to reviews on Yandex Market, the store is normal, but I was confused when someone wrote that they sell refurbished iPhones. It's an iPhone! And a priori it cannot be cheap!!! Tell me please, is this a normal price? And yet, Beeline is an official Apple seller, I’m afraid I might run into a Chinese phone. The most correct option is when buying, ask where the iPhone will be from and look for information on the Internet.

The fact is that a PCT device will cost 3-7 thousand more than a smartphone without this abbreviation on the box.

If you want everything to always work stably, do not buy Eurotest.

Important: the smartphones themselves are absolutely no different; they are produced at the same factory. The main difference is the price: Rostest is on average 20-25% more expensive than the EXACT SAME device, but not certified for the Russian market.

Let’s say a “disconnect” store sells only certified products. The buyer benefits from the fact that he purchased the device entirely in Russian, can have it repaired at the ASC and has no problems with updating. Minus - the store will receive less profit than a store selling “Eurotest” at the price of “Rostest”. Since he needs to repair a technically complex product, and not all online stores have their own service centers, especially small sharashkas who just want to sell something. Either give 5,990 rubles or give away the goods for the same 4,000 rubles, the second option is much more profitable.

When choosing a new phone, you probably noticed a significant difference in price for the same models. When you start to delve into and understand, you come across a bunch of “smart” words, such as “ROSTEST”, “EUROTEST”. The main thing is that they bypass a huge number of fees, one of which is ROSTEST certification. But we have all long been accustomed to the fact that the manufacturer gives a guarantee. The manufacturer accepts equipment for repair if it breaks down during the warranty period (usually 1 year). But at the same time, it is worth considering that the manufacturer is not obliged to make repairs quickly.

First and most importantly, an iPhone officially imported into Russia must have a cellular retailer’s warranty. Second, but no less important: sometimes the warranty card may be missing, but this does not mean that the phone is illegal and not grown. Then you just need to look at the back of the phone box.

If the EAC icon is drawn on the box, this is also essentially Rostest, only this is a sign of compliance with the norms of the Eurasian Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan). The PCT icon is already outdated and for a long time on the boxes of new iPhones you can only see the EAC sign. But since few people know EAC, the word Rostest is often used in advertisements or in colloquial speech. Typically, these phones are sold at suggested prices, which are the same as the prices on Apple.com.

3. Models from the USA and other countries (except Europe) can be repaired under warranty only in the country where this model is officially sold. The one-year warranty applies to the codes listed for the PCT, but it doesn’t matter where the device comes from. Moreover, it is supported by Apple. For US iPhones – 1 year, Europe 1 year 3 months. For PCT phones replaced under warranty - 2 years from the date of purchase of the first one that was broken and replaced. If on the territory of the Russian Federation you replace a device certified for sale in the country (PCT) under warranty, then according to the law on ZPP, the warranty period must be recalculated. Read paragraph 2 of Art. 21 PDO. It's another matter if the device is not PCT. But here you can go straight to the forest, at least with regard to the second year of the warranty.

Despite the huge number of materials on the topic of product certification for various markets, potential buyers of Apple products continue to be concerned with the question: which iPhone to buy - Rostest or Eurotest?

Currently on the Russian market you can find American iPhones, European, Asian ones and those with Rostest certification. With the first, everything is clear: mobile devices were produced for the American market, which means they can be locked to a specific operator.

IPhone Rostest is the same “white” iPhone legally imported into Russia. The Rostest quality certificate confirms that the products have passed all the necessary tests, meet all requirements for them and are safe for the consumer.

But there really is no such thing as a Eurotest. iPhone sellers call “Eurotest” any mobile device that does not have a PCT conformity mark on its packaging. These can be not only European models of mobile devices, but also any others, even fakes. Of course, in the European Union, mobile devices are also subject to certification, but those that have passed it have a CE mark on the packaging (i.e. Conformité Européenne - European conformity).

Rostest (RST) or Eurotest?

In general, smartphones that meet European standards will be in no way inferior to Rostest. But CE is not the notorious Eurotest. So, when choosing between Rostest and Eurotest, it is obviously worth giving preference to a product with the PCT mark. This way, you will be sure that the purchased iPhone:
  • is not subject to restrictions adopted in some countries, such as the inability to turn off the camera shutter sound;
  • not blocked for a specific operator;
  • The included network adapter has a standard plug for Russia.

If you have not found an answer to your question or something has not worked out for you, and there is no suitable solution in the comments below, ask a question through our