Secrets of number “666. What happens if you call the number “666”? Secrets of the number “666 Call 666 real

Secrets of number “666.  What happens if you call the number “666”?  Secrets of the number “666 Call 666 real
Secrets of number “666. What happens if you call the number “666”? Secrets of the number “666 Call 666 real

If your brain is constantly being nagged by a little worm of curiosity about what will happen if you call number 666, read this article first. Perhaps you will save yourself and your loved ones from many problems.

Today, more and more information is appearing on the Internet, supported by strange photos and videos in which people claim that they called the number 666. Why is this combination of numbers causing such a stir?

The symbolism of the three “sixes” is often associated with the Devil, in the Bible 666 is called the sign of the Apocalypse or the number of the beast. This beast comes onto land from the sea, it has 7 heads and 5 pairs of horns, it is capable of captivating a person with it, taking over his consciousness. The number of the beast symbolizes the world political system, which destroys any Laws of God. It is this symbol that can cause the Apocalypse and the extinction of humanity. Perhaps, after this definition, a call to number 666 no longer seems so sweet to you.

Call 666: creepy stories

There are a lot of stories floating around on the Internet about what will happen if you call 666. Which of them is true and which is false is, of course, up to you to decide. However, our task is to warn and tell about the most terrible of them so that you can draw your own conclusions.

You already know that the “bad” combination of numbers 666 is associated with the name of Satan. However, in addition to biblical interpretations, there are other explanations for the symbolism of the three sixes.

Number 666 on a car: is it so scary?

Perhaps, we have shed a little light on the magic of the number 666. Therefore, if you do not want to attract mysticism and troubles into your life, it is better not to call this number on the phone. At the same time, some drivers believe that this combination of numbers on the car scares away all sorts of “would-be Schumachers” who like to create emergency situations on the road.

Since ancient times, various household items have been enveloped in an inexplicable mysticism: empty buckets, ladders, mirrors. Fear is caused by a black cat, a bat, a snake. Earth, air, water and fire, the sun make you bow before you. Numbers: 13, even 2, 4, 40, and 666 are terrifying.

It's no secret that in some way numbers have a magical background and influence our modest peaceful life. We are afraid of the approaching mystical Friday the 13th, numbers 2, 4 - the number of flowers for the dead or to death. We don’t celebrate our fortieth birthday because of our belief that it’s not good. And the number 666 is considered the number of the devil, the beast, the code of the Apocalypse. There are many mysteries hidden behind all this.

There have long been various prejudices, mysteries and mysticism surrounding the number. Many are so sure of the devil that they refuse documents, car numbers and telephone numbers with this number. They believe that the cursed combination of three sixes will bring big troubles for a long time and will be extremely difficult to get rid of.

Particularly inquisitive minds thought of starting a lot of rumors around a call to number 666. The population of the planet was divided into several groups that adhere to one of the points of view listed below regarding a call with this unfortunate number.

For some, this call is just a set of numbers and cannot be reached, since the number does not exist; for others, the call will bring a lot of trouble; others believe that by calling it, a person will have nervous breakdowns and mental disorders. There are people who claim that someone then called them back and said that grief would soon come.

There are two options: why can't you call 666?? The first path assumes that, of course, in reality a huge misfortune will come, long misfortunes will come, life will turn into utter hell, the black streak of failures will never end; you will get through to the devil or he will call you back from the other end of the phone; An incomprehensible creature will settle in your sweet, cozy home in the mirror or in the building itself and will ruin your life by sharing dirty tricks. These are all assumptions from a mystical point of view, which still has the right to exist. People want to believe in it and cannot live without it.

The second path comes from psychology. After the call, a person acquires an inexplicable obsessive thought about the inevitable end, that someone is constantly pursuing him, doing dirty tricks. Over time, he begins to pay attention to all sorts of little things, banal coincidences of circumstances, blaming the number 666 for everything. A certain psychological dependence on three numbers appears, which leads to disruption and destruction of the psyche. The world around him is changing in his eyes, just as he himself is changing, without realizing it. The man is going crazy. Some spend the rest of their days in the clinic, others disappear without a trace, leaving their home forever.

According to assumptions, there were mystics: psychics, parapsychologists, esotericists, there is no salvation from one’s indiscretion, and they do not advise joking with fate and the devil. The main thing to remember is the law that thoughts are material, and if you believe in them, they will come true.

For lovers of the supernatural who do not want to fall under the influence of the magical number 666, shrouded in mysticism, it is better to stay away from the desire to call, since who knows whether tomorrow will come in your house after the call or not.

There are many scary stories floating around on the Internet related to the number 666. The mysticism that accompanies the three times repeated six, which some did not even suspect before watching the TV series “The Omen,” makes some fear dangerous consequences, and others shrug their shoulders in bewilderment, they say, this is all nonsense. Which one is right? Let's figure out together what will happen if you call 666.

Number 666 in the Bible

Christians consider 666 to be the number of the beast. Mentioned in the Revelation of John the Theologian, it is associated with the Antichrist, who will emerge from the sea and become a harbinger of the apocalypse, unleash a war against the saints and reign for three and a half years. The end of his reign will be put by Christ, who will again appear to the world to defeat evil and bring salvation to all believers.

Anyone who follows the devil, the Bible states, will be marked with the number 666, which will appear on his forehead or hand. A Christian who is firm in his faith and does not have such a mark on his body, says the Holy Scripture, in those troubled times “will neither be able to sell nor buy.”

It was this prediction that at one time became the reason for the mass refusal of believers to receive identification numbers: in their opinion, the parallels between the devil’s mark and the assignment of a TIN were too clearly visible.

However, the number of the beast may not be a triple repeat of six. It turns out that 2 thousand years ago, when the Bible was written, the decimal number system did not yet exist, and letters were used to convey numbers.

Therefore, some researchers argue: when rewriting the texts of the Holy Scriptures, inaccuracies were made, which resulted in the appearance of an error in the composition of the devil’s number. In fact, it is a combination of numbers 616, as evidenced by some sources of earlier origin that describe the coming of the Antichrist to this world.

The debate is still ongoing, but it is important for us to understand the main thing: the fact that there are three sixes in the mystical number is doubtful.

Number 666 in science

Science, which is not accustomed to taking anything for granted and does not have substantiated evidence of the negative energy of the number 666, considers this combination of numbers as a code for carbon - one of the chemical elements that make up organic matter and laid the foundation for life on our planet. A carbon molecule consists of 6 neutrons, 6 protons and 6 electrons - that’s all mysticism.

In astronomy, the name NGC 666 is one of the galaxies located in the constellation Triangulum.

In psychology, the fear of three sixes is called hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia, and psychoanalysts even conduct therapy sessions to get rid of such fear.

The Chinese have the easiest time: in their culture, 6 is considered a lucky number, and therefore they are not worried about the question of what will happen if you call the number 666.

We are trying to call number 666

On the Internet, statistical information is circulating from site to site linking calls made to telephone number 666 with suicides: supposedly in the United States, 72% of suicides dialed this number before committing suicide. The reliability of this data is questionable, since no one provides a link to either the source of this information or the organization that conducted such research.

A letter from a teenager, in which he talks about the appearance of a red-haired man demanding his soul after a significant call to an ominous number, also causes skepticism: was there a boy? Let's say the person who wrote such a message really existed, then wasn't he sick with any mental disorders?

We looked on the Internet for reviews from our compatriots who tried to call 666 from different operators. It turned out the following:

  • When dialing from a landline (landline) phone, nothing mystical or scary happens. A dull silence reigns on the receiver, indicating that the automatic telephone exchange is waiting for the moment when the subscriber will continue dialing numbers;
  • attempts to call the other world from cell phones serviced by the Tele2 operator end with a response from an automated robot informing: such a number does not exist;
  • attempts to contact the other world through the MTS network also did not bring results: there is no such number there;

  • The Ukrainian operator Life contacts subscriber 666, but does not reach the point of settling accounts with life. Well, you won’t commit suicide because of the gap in your budget? This number is a paid number, and when you call it, a certain amount will be debited from your account. Mobile operators provide three-digit paid numbers for use as part of TV projects and social programs;
  • intentions to establish contact with the next world from Estonia through the EMT operator also failed: the caller was notified “Wrong number dialed” and disconnected;
  • the same thing befell Russian Beeline subscribers who tried to call the underworld.

By dialing 666 on your phone, you are unlikely to end up in the devil's waiting room, but we still do not advise tempting fate. Firstly, the number may turn out to be a paid number, and your phone bill will be reset to zero in a couple of minutes. Secondly, you may belong to the category of suspicious people to whom a network failure will seem like a bad omen and a reason to start looking around for signs of trouble.

Live with God in your heart, believe in the best, and it will definitely happen.

Three sixes can be called a cult concept. The vast majority of people consider it the number of the devil. There are many legends associated with him, and sooner or later this one was bound to appear. Curiosity awoke in the man, and he began to wonder what would happen if he called number 666. The Internet was blown up by articles, videos, and interviews with eyewitnesses of the terrible events that were the result of a call to the ominous number. Some of this flow of information is more reminiscent of a fairy tale or a classic horror film with intrigue and blood, tragedies and mystical coincidences. Something is quite realistic and even “scientifically proven”, but is it true?

Where did the devil's number come from and why does it look the way it does?

The combination of three sixes has long been called the symbol of the devil. The first mention of the so-called Number of the Beast appears in the most mysterious and dark part of the Bible, Revelation. This sign is believed to belong to the Antichrist, which is why 666 is used in satanic cults. Three sixes are considered a symbol of misfortune and even the apocalypse. Therefore, most people try to avoid encountering this number in life. Phone numbers are changed, people don’t get into cars with that number, and some even try to get their passports changed. In the page number of the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation, someone saw this ominous number in innocent curlicues. Although it is unlikely that anyone will be able to achieve such changes due to superstitions and speculation.

Call to a mysterious number, version of the Internet prophets

Scary stories about what will happen if you call 666 have flooded the World Wide Web and frighten naive users. However, for most, this causes an irresistible desire to test the mystical aura of the call for themselves. Here are the most common stories about this:

    If you call number 666, you will not hear the usual beeps, only silence and ominous crackling. This is explained by the fact that in this way you connect with yourself (the fire in the boilers is apparently crackling);

    The second version is that a man will definitely call you back from this number, promising you misfortune and trouble. You understand who this mysterious stranger is, right?

    Some say that calling 666 drives you crazy and even leads to suicide;

    The most innocent version is that it is simply impossible to reach this number.

Where is the truth?

Among all the mysterious explanations, is there at least one truth, and what will happen if you call 666? In fact, everything is much more mundane. In different countries the result will be different. Somewhere three-digit numbers exist, and a regular call will be made there, no different from the standard ones. In countries where such numbers are not serviced, a polite email will simply explain that the number you dialed does not exist. Well, or simply the call will not be made at all.

Should you believe in the Devil's number?

Even the very idea of ​​the devil's number is erroneous. The Bible indicates the number “Six hundred sixty-six”, however, the designation itself 666 is incorrect, because decimal calculation was invented much later in India. Another proof in favor of innocent numbers can be considered carbon, which is familiar to us all. It consists of six protons, six neutrons and six electrons. It is unlikely that there will be a daredevil who will encroach on this element, which is part of many substances vital for humans.

To believe or not in the mystical meaning of the three sixes and the number 666 is the choice of each of us. Of course, there is a scientific explanation, but maybe we are not interested in living without mystery? If you decide to check what happens if you call this number, write in the comments what happened to you. But remember that people are very suggestible and most often they convince themselves of something, so be careful with your thoughts, because very often they lead to unpleasant consequences.

Statistics collected in America report: approximately 70% of suicides called 6-6-6 before their death. Many brave souls, disputing this information, decide to call this number, but do not tempt fate.

So, what happens if you call 666? If you dial this number, you will not hear any beeps or answering machine voices, only silence with slight crackling sounds in the phone. All those who did this thought that everything was fine, and that calling a bad number was not scary.

This is one of the versions. If you accidentally dialed this number, I don’t think anything terrible will happen to you. If you are a believer, you should not be afraid of this.

Video about the number 666

Many people do not associate the number 666 with misfortune. After all, we are all very suggestible. So in fact, number 666 is the code to enter the programming mode of the Multicom mini PBX from the system device. In addition, the carbon atom, which is the basis of organic life, has the following composition: 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons.

People have different opinions about what will happen after the call. But those who decided to do this experiment did not have any problems; they remained alive. Therefore, the opinion that 666 is the number of the devil is wrong. There are many stories about this, but there is no convincing evidence in them.

Number of the beast

The number of the beast is a number mentioned in the Bible, under which the name of the beast of the Apocalypse is hidden - a character in the last book of the Bible. 666 is a frequently used element of Satanic paraphernalia, along with an inverted cross and an inverted pentagram. At the beginning of the Christian era, theology established the opinion that the Antichrist is depicted in the Bible under the guise of an apocalyptic beast. Quote from the revelation of St. John: “He who has understanding, let him count the number of the beast, for this is the number of a man,” therefore, in the name or appearance of the person in whom the Antichrist was seen, they looked for 666. The painful fear of this number has a scientific name - “Hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia” , since "six hundred sixty-six" in Greek is written as "hexakosioi hexēkonta hex".