National roaming Beeline. Beeline intranet roaming

National roaming Beeline.  Beeline intranet roaming
National roaming Beeline. Beeline intranet roaming

Roaming is a type of communication with which you can call and send messages from anywhere in the world, while your phone number remains the same. Today, thousands of people can and do use roaming. It is useful not only for those who travel around the world, but also for those who travel to other areas of the country for work. This type of roaming is called intranet roaming. This roaming from Beeline allows customers to get very favorable conditions for mobile communications. Below is detailed description similar roaming.

Beeline intranet roaming, which few people know. It allows customers to enjoy all mobile services anywhere in Russia at preferential rates. This tariff will be set for a specific region of the country. Its effect applies to all calls within the Beeline network, as well as to calls to numbers of other mobile operators.

The roaming option is provided on a paid basis, and is debited from the subscriber’s balance. Sometimes you also have to pay a certain fixed amount for the connection itself. As for deactivating roaming, this is a separate operation that can be performed using special service codes or contacting company employees.

Roaming within the network can be enabled automatically. Therefore, clients sometimes will not need to connect it themselves, but they can forcefully activate it. To enable intranet roaming, the subscriber should use any convenient method:

  1. You can go to any Beeline store and write a request for activation, but for intranet roaming such an action is not necessary, since activation is carried out automatically.
  2. Use a special combination of characters that is dialed on your phone.
  3. Call the telecom operator at hotline and ask to activate the service or use voice menu for self-activation.
  4. Use your personal account on the company website to enable it. This may require you to go through quick registration and receive a password for authorization.

Conditions and cost

Cost of communication with similar service in Russia it will look like this:

  1. For all incoming calls, clients will pay 9.95 rubles/min.
  2. To make calls to any mobile numbers in Russia, you will need to pay 9.95 rubles per minute of communication.
  3. The cost of text messages will be 4.95 rubles.
  4. The cost of MMS messages will be 5.95 rubles.
  5. As for the price for using Internet traffic and the Internet, the tariff will be according to the activated tariff plan.

Often mobile devices independently register in the company’s network. If there are failures, clients will be able to select a network on their own, manual mode. To do this, use the menu and settings of your mobile device.

To reduce prices for call tariffs in intranet roaming, you need to understand the terms of provision and use. In some regions, intranet roaming will only work if there is a 3G network. Therefore, when traveling in such regions, you should use mobile devices that can support such communication standards.

  1. As a rule, it is recommended to top up your mobile account with a small reserve before traveling to other areas of the country, since the cost of calls is slightly higher than when using a tariff in home region.
  2. It should be noted that all calculations and the system as a whole may function with a slight delay, which means that clients should not be surprised if nothing has been withdrawn from the account after communication. This is not true; the money may be written off a little later.
  3. You should also remember that not only outgoing calls are charged, but incoming calls are also charged.
  4. It is recommended to clarify information about the cost of calls in individual regions before going on a trip or business trip.
  5. It is recommended to use some options from the company or special rates, which can minimize the cost of calls in intranet roaming.

Attention! On August 20, 2018, Beeline will cancel intranet roaming completely. You can read about this.

I have already written an article about changes in Beeline roaming conditions, you can read it. In this publication I will share additional information.

Let's start with the fact that Beeline published news on April 13, 2018 on its official website, which states that changes in Beeline roaming will begin on April 24, 2018.

Briefly about the changes

I will very briefly remind you or tell those who have not read the last article about the changes. The region of your stay, that is, the region to which you are traveling, will now be considered home, and communications will be provided there under appropriate conditions.

But with other regions the connection will be long-distance. It seems that everything is fine - a reduction in roaming prices, but Beeline, like MTS, has introduced paid incoming calls from other regions, including the connection region (that is, the real home region).

An attempt to mislead

And now an example of how mobile operators present their changes in a good light. Here is a comparison of “what was then” using the example of the “Zero Doubts” tariff from the official news on the Beeline website.

Incoming calls from other regions have become almost twice as cheap. Beeline - well done? Although, wait... I have the “Zero Doubts” tariff and incoming calls from other regions when traveling around Russia are free... Here, in fact, is proof:

And then we find out that Beeline decided to make a comparison using the example of archived tariff plans:

Parameters may differ, you say? Yes, and they are different. This is what information about incoming calls should actually look like:

When will Beeline cancel roaming in 2018?

Let's move on now to the latest news. The news on the Beeline website indicates that the changes will begin on April 24, although the SMS that some users received stated “April 18.”

I called Beeline technical support to find out when the roaming changes would take effect. This, by the way, is a separate little story. Previously, on the archived “GO VI” I was not automatically connected to a technical support operator. At the post office [email protected] I was informed that everyone could reach a live operator and that my archived tariff had nothing to do with it. Then I switched to "ALL 1" for the test. A call to number 0611 - everything was fine, the robot spoke the information - we were connected to a live operator. Now I have “Zero doubts” without a subscription fee - again I can’t get through. I had to select the item “Financial issues” (3), and then “Specialist help” (0).

Technical support told me that the changes will be introduced in different regions on different days. For example, For subscribers in the Moscow region, new roaming conditions will begin to apply on May 10, 2018. In general, Beeline is obliged to notify all its subscribers about changes 10 days before the new conditions come into force.

When the changes take effect, the options “My Country”, “My Country (archive)”, “My Country 2013”, “Our Country”, “Our Country +”, “Travel Light”, “Travel for Friends”, "Home Region" and "Home Region +" will no longer operate.

The “Calls within Russia” option will be renamed to “Calls within Russia 2017” and archived.

New Beeline services for traveling around Russia

Instead of the options listed above, others will appear.

  • Favorable intercity. This is an option for tariffs with per-minute billing, for example, “Zero doubts”. All long distance calls at home and while traveling around Russia - 3 rubles per minute. Incoming long-distance calls are free. Subscription fee– 5 rubles per day. You can read the description of this service
  • "Calls within Russia"- an updated option, which is a package of minutes (100 units) for long-distance calls from any region of Russia and free incoming long-distance calls. Its cost is 5 rubles per day. You can get acquainted with its two versions

FAS - who is she really for?

The attempts of the FAS RF are not entirely clear. Cancellation of roaming? Paid inboxes are difficult to reconcile with the cancellation of roaming, don’t you think? I don’t know what the FAS decree looked like to operators, but it was distorted so as not to lose money or even make money from above. So what's the result? MTS introduced its changes with paid incoming messages. Beeline will also introduce it. So, what is next? Will they be fined 100 thousand rubles? Not seriously, to be honest.

When planning a trip abroad or to another region of Russia, Beeline customers need to prepare for the fact that there will be a significant increase in costs for cellular communications and the Internet while roaming. That is why it is necessary to minimize the number and duration of calls and turn off unnecessary applications, used to exchange Internet traffic data. On the other hand, if you know the principles of roaming on Beeline in Russia and abroad, you can always stay in touch and avoid unnecessary overexpenditure of your mobile budget, both on tariffs with prepaid and postpaid systems.

In the article:

The online assistant site will tell you how to enable roaming on Beeline, what its features are and what options will help optimize debiting your balance when traveling outside your home region.

Beeline roaming types

Today, subscribers have access to intranet, national and international Beeline roaming, which differs radically in terms of tariffs. Separate conditions for the provision of communications apply on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula. Beeline roaming is connected automatically and does not require any special manipulations with the phone from the subscriber. The most accessible is intranet communication, which is provided by the Beeline operator in most regions of the Russian Federation at the expense of its cell towers. Often these cellular services do not differ in cost from the basic home tariff.

Previously, the operator’s range included tariff plans from the “All Inclusive” family, which provided an impressive package of calls to local numbers and Beeline of Russia or a large discount on communications with subscribers outside the home region. Now they have been replaced by other, no less profitable tariffs from the “Everything” line, offering unlimited calls, SMS and Internet packages when traveling around the Russian Federation.

More expensive is national Beeline roaming, which operates in those territories of Russia where the operator does not have its own equipment. Using towers from other providers for communication increases the cost of calls and the Internet.

International roaming covers more than 120 countries and uses exclusively guest networks to provide mobile communications and Internet traffic, which becomes the main reason for the highest prices for services. There is also always charging for incoming calls.

How to connect Beeline roaming

We have already mentioned that the operator independently enables intranet roaming on prepaid and postpaid tariff plans, saving subscribers from a tedious task. The same algorithm applies when traveling abroad. But there is an important financial nuance that every owner of a prepaid tariff should know.

If the personal account balance is less than 600 rubles, Beeline national or international roaming will not turn on and the user will be left without communication. Also, the service is blocked if, while outside the Russian Federation, the balance falls below the 300 rub.

To avoid this situation, it is best to top up your account with a reserve or temporarily switch to a tariff optimized for foreign trips or calls, for example “All for 1800 + roaming”, which provides 15 GB of Internet and the following communication prices:

  • Georgia, Ukraine, CIS – 30 rubles/minute;
  • China, America, Türkiye, Europe – 50 rubles/minute;
  • Other countries – 80 rubles/minute;
  • Outgoing and incoming calls to Beeline numbers when traveling within Russia – 0 rubles/minute.

When you activate the “Welcome to EVERYTHING” option by calling 067 401 501, the cost of a minute of conversation is significantly reduced.

Deactivation of the service occurs by calling 067 401 5000. It is important to take into account here that the option is compatible with all “All” tariffs, including archived ones.

How to reduce roaming costs

Until recently, a significant reduction in the cost of communication in roaming on Beeline in Russia and the world was provided by special services“My Country” and “My Planet”, which were connected for 25 rubles. and provided for the price of a minute of conversation in the amount of 3 rubles. and 25 rub. respectively. Now they are not available for connection, which is quite logical, since the tariffs of the “Everyone” family have integrated packages of minutes, SMS and Internet, which can be used both in the home region and when traveling around the country.

When traveling abroad, it is advisable to use Beeline roaming. For tariffs with a postpaid system, the “International Communication” option is provided, which is activated free of charge by USSD request * 110 * 131 # or after calling 067 409 131. What is important here is to have a balance of at least RUR 1,500.

For subscribers with prepaid tariff plans, the “Most profitable roaming” service is provided, which is activated automatically if there are funds in the account in the amount of 600 rubles or more. The cost of services depends on the specific country of residence (see table).

If the subscriber is in one of the unpopular countries, the cost of incoming calls will be 25 rubles/min. Outgoing calls to Russia and other countries will be charged at 100 rubles/min. More details with a list of countries and their distribution in one or another price category communications, can be found on the page of the service “The most profitable roaming”.

An important advantage of the option is that you pay for packages of minutes and Internet only on the days of their actual use.

The service from Beeline has the same advantage. Unlimited Internet in roaming", which, when connected to a prepaid tariff, provides the subscriber with unlimited access to global network for 350 rub. in a day. To activate the option, it is best to use the USSD combination * 110 * 20171 # . It is also important to consider that the “Unlimited Internet in Roaming” service has an unlimited status, so upon returning from abroad it must be disabled via USSD request * 110 * 20170 # so as not to overpay for the Internet.

One of the disadvantages of this option is the gradual slowdown of traffic. Only the first 100 MB per day are provided at the maximum high speed. If this state of affairs does not suit the user, it is possible to connect “Extend speed in roaming” packages of 50 MB for 150 rubles or 300 MB for 600 rubles. To do this, use USSD commands * 110 * 121 # or * 110 * 122 # respectively. If you connect several packages in series at once, the total high-speed traffic that will be available during the day will be summed up.

For owners of premium Visa cards (Platinum, Signature, Infinite), who regularly use them to top up their Beeline balance using the “Autopay” service, the “Unlimited Internet in roaming” option is provided free of charge for a period of 7 to 28 days.


Internet assistant hopes that our article provided you with the necessary answers to the question of how to enable roaming on Beeline, and also suggested ways to effectively save on communication services when traveling around Russia and international calls in any direction. We also took care of a thematic video that will allow you to systematize the material you have read and will help you accurately set up your Beeline SIM card. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments to the article. Our site will also welcome feedback and suggestions for optimizing the work of the Beeline online assistant.