Irina's recipes. Irina's recipes Salad from garden weeds

Irina's recipes.  Irina's recipes Salad from garden weeds
Irina's recipes. Irina's recipes Salad from garden weeds

Grate the raw carrots on a coarse grater, cut the peeled apples into thin slices, and finely chop the walnuts. Mix everything and pour melted... honey! Tasty and healthy!


Cut peeled raw carrots, salad celery and peeled apples into small strips, and fresh tomatoes and plums into slices. Mix and season with mayonnaise.


Sea kale, grated cheese, crushed garlic with a little salt, season with mayonnaise, stir, add herbs (dill, onions, etc.) with boiled (and even young) potatoes - delicious!

Garden weed salad

Pick the tops of quinoa, clover, radish leaves, young currant tassels and whatever else you like from the usual garden leaves, add a hard-boiled egg and anything to your taste, season with sour cream, mayonnaise or vegetable oil, salt and pepper. There will be no harm, and benefits will not keep you waiting!

Recipes from Anna Krinitsa

Cauliflower in crispy batter

A small head of cauliflower, 2-3 eggs, 5-6 tbsp. l. flour, a pinch of ground black pepper or a mixture of peppers to your taste, salt to taste, if you want, you can add 50 g of hard cheese, vegetable oil for frying.

Separate the cauliflower into small florets that are easy to fry and eat, wash them, drain in a colander and cook in boiling water until half cooked (5 minutes). Try the cabbage with a knife - if it is soft, you can remove it. Or you can boil a whole head of cabbage, cool it, and only then divide it into inflorescences - whatever is more convenient for you. Cauliflower in creamy sauce also turns out very tasty.

Batter: beat 2-3 eggs in a bowl, depending on the amount of cauliflower, add salt, pepper, and other seasonings if desired. Turmeric will make the batter more yellow, paprika - red, dried garlic - piquant, Provençal herbs - fragrant. Shake the eggs with salt and spices, grate the cheese if you like, and the taste will become more piquant. Add wheat flour one spoon at a time, stirring vigorously so that no lumps appear. The finished batter should be thick, but fluid and homogeneous. Dip cauliflower inflorescences in batter and place in a hot frying pan with oil and fry. Place the finished cabbage on paper napkins to absorb the fat, and then transfer to a plate.

Cauliflower in sauce with zucchini and mushrooms

A head of cauliflower, 2 zucchini, 100 g of grated cheese, some mushrooms (you can use a pinch of dried porcini mushrooms), salt, white pepper, nutmeg to taste, you can use cream or Bechamel sauce.

If the mushrooms are dried, soak them in a small amount of warm water. Even a pinch of dried porcini mushrooms can dramatically change the taste of a cauliflower dish. Steam the cabbage until half cooked. For the sauce, beat the peeled zucchini (without skin), soaked mushrooms (with the water in which the mushrooms were soaked), you should get a homogeneous white sauce. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg, add a little grated cheese and stir. Creamy cauliflower sauce is ready! Place the boiled cabbage inflorescences in a refractory dish, add salt, and cover with a layer of sauce. Place the pan in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes, the cabbage will become soft and the sauce will thicken. Serve the dish hot as a side dish or as an appetizer.

Irina's recipes

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Irina’s recipes have helped more than one housewife, and for many years now, Irina’s relatives and friends have been using her recipes. She is a professional chef with twenty years of experience who loves to cook and puts her whole soul into her culinary masterpieces. The craftswoman calls her signature dish potato roll with egg and carrots, which more than once took its place of honor in the center of the festive table and became an excellent treat for guests.

But besides the signature dish, Irina has many more recipes in stock that can pleasantly surprise even the most sophisticated gourmet and bring his taste buds to a state of apotheosis. The chef's most amazing culinary inventions include chocolate caramel squares, pudding with orange marmalade in a steam bath, festive semolina pie with bananas, kohlrabi porridge, truffles with dates and honey.

It is worth saying that Irina’s recipes delight not only adults, but also little eaters, who, by the way, are often picky culinary critics. A wonderful dessert for a children's party can be dishes such as cakes with oatmeal, marzipan candies in chocolate glaze, plum cake "Galnae", birthday cake, chocolate meringues with cranberries, apple omelette with watercress, puff cake with oranges or gingerbread "magic lantern with fruits"

The chef herself admits that big secret There is no such thing in the preparation of her dishes, but they turn out so tasty only because the cook puts a small part of his soul into each of them.

Children and adults really like the way Ira cooks, and her recipes can help rank more than one feast and give joy and a lot of pleasant impressions.

Studied to be a lawyer, worked as a salesman

I am a lawyer by training, but I have not worked in my specialty. While I was studying, I worked as a salesman. There were also small part-time jobs related to the elections (distributing leaflets, collecting complaints). In principle, I did not seriously consider these classes, only as a part-time job while studying at the institute. But I didn’t want to be a lawyer either. Parents always said that the main thing is to have higher education and it doesn’t matter which one. In fact, I have always been drawn to working on a computer and working on websites. And first of all, I did it because I liked it. And then I realized that I could also earn extra money.

I remember when I got my first push-button color phone, I saw a website builder and wanted to have my own website. Of course, now I can’t even call that site a site. I just loved doing it. Therefore, at first it was just a website, and then I started making money.

They told me: find a normal job

When I started, I had no money at all. We lived poorly and were constantly in debt. The advantage of business on websites is that you can start with virtually no investment. Domain and hosting costs will definitely be required. But it's pennies.

There is no money for articles - write it yourself. There is no money for a content manager - publish it yourself. There is no money for links - look for free sources of links, make your site interesting and people will link to it anyway. No money for design - take it for now free template. And the words that there is no time, no money, no knowledge, etc. - these are just excuses and unwillingness to do something. There are no freebies here. And nowhere.

Nobody gives out free money anywhere. Either work or invest correctly.

I was constantly told that I needed to find a normal job. Friends sometimes joked that I work on the Internet and don’t make good money.
But my husband supported me. The fact is that my husband has never worked a regular job. He was a freelancer and liked a flexible schedule. He wanted me to do the same. It was in websites that he never really believed that you could make money on them normally. But it was he who encouraged me to quit my job as a salesman and start working on the Internet. And I realized that I could earn no less even from copywriting than working as a salesperson, but with a more free schedule.

Before the Marathon, I didn’t assemble the core and didn’t count my income

I’ve heard about for a long time and even looked at some of the posts. But I wasn’t going to go to the marathon, because I thought that I already knew enough, and all sorts of SEO stuff was not for me. When I heard that on Kinza ( approx. ed.- conference on online earnings KINZA) Puzat will tell you how they made 200 websites - it was very impressive. I thought I had too many sites. And then there are 200. It’s hooked. Then I watched the video again. I listened to several recordings of Standard and there were no more doubts. I bought it right away and couldn’t wait for the marathon. In the fall of 2016, I completed Sparta, then Teleport 2017 and Olympus 2017.

Already during Sparta, life began to change dramatically. And it's not just about business. I looked differently at all areas of my life and realized that I was mainly working on finance. In other areas I did much worse. Sparta was a turning point, after which I looked differently at life and what I wanted from it. Have I started earning more? I don’t know, because I didn’t count income “before”. But the fact that my life has become more interesting, richer is 100%. And in business, I began to move, as it seems to me, in the right direction.

About the marathon website

Website launch: autumn 2016
Income now: 20-30 thousand rubles/month. For 20,000 rubles/month. the site was released in February 2017.
Investments in the site: about 250 thousand rubles.
Articles on the site: 436 in total; 190 articles were written during the Marathon.
Traffic: 2500-5000 visitors.

I was actively working on the site during the marathon and before the Teleport, because I wanted to get there. The income could have been more, but after that I focused on other projects, since there is a lot of room for improvement, and you won’t have time for everything. The expectations from the marathon were met. Although I was expecting something else. I thought it would be completely terrible and was afraid that I might fly out. That’s why I didn’t go to the event, because I didn’t want to let the team down.

In the end, it was quite easy for me, because some of the lessons overlapped with the Beginning, and some with Evolution. ( approx. ed.- in the fall of 2016 there was a partial overlap of Marathon lessons, now the lessons are divided, each level has its own information and presentation). It was a little disappointing, but I still gained a lot of knowledge and didn’t regret at all that I went to the marathon.

I can list for a long time the lessons I learned after the marathon. First of all, this is a team. A lot was tied to me. I saw important mistakes that make me work more than necessary. The second is content and SL. I didn't collect semantic core for site. Old sites have a lot of content, but their effectiveness is much lower. Third, the realization that I was frozen in place. This is probably even the most useful lesson, since I understand that without developing, over time I could completely lose my business, since technology does not stand still.

I used to work every day, even on vacation

There are no clear accounting and work schedules. I just keep a list of things that need to be done. I am writing a list of goals for the month. I analyze it at the end of the month, and if the goal is not achieved, then I decide whether it is important to me or not. It is important to let go of your goals easily, and not beat yourself up for what you didn’t do.

There are days completely free from work when traveling. I used to work every day and even on vacation. But now I realized that this has a bad effect and you can’t rest properly. How do I distract myself from work on normal days? This mainly means reading books, getting rid of trash in the house and putting things in order, going out somewhere with family or friends, for example, playing Board games, and there is also meditation and yoga.

At Olympus 2017, Irina was the only female webmaster among the brutal Golden Marathoners

I have 2 approaches to content creation

The first type of articles is written immediately on a turn-key basis. There is an editor and copywriters, and I communicate with the editors. I used to work with copywriters myself, and it was hard, I had to communicate with too many people. There are also content managers and semantic specialists, from whom I order cores for my sites.

The second type of content is not written on a turn-key basis. I have craftswomen who do master classes (article + cooking photos) for culinary sites. There are content managers who post these articles. And there are people who edit this content on a turnkey basis.

I had thoughts about an office, but after Olympus I realized that I didn’t want to open an office. This limits freedom too much.

What am I doing on my own? On this moment I do technical specifications for articles myself, but I plan to delegate this in the near future. I pay for everyone's reports. I am engaged in monetization of projects. I am drawing up technical specifications for a programmer or designer. I open new sites and explore new perspectives. I am engaged in promoting groups on social networks and recruiting subscribers for mailing lists.

Sometimes I can do the work of an employee one day in order to study and, perhaps, give new instructions and advice on how to improve the work. Sometimes it happens that something may change, but you yourself are not following it and did not know that the work could be done more efficiently. Plus additional control of employees.

About changes in life and plans for the year

When the income from the sites began to grow, we began to travel more, I visited countries where I had never dreamed of being before. We bought a 3-room apartment and made renovations.

Goals for the year are to form a team so that the system works well without me. In part, I have already done a lot, but there are still things that I do myself, otherwise the work stops. There are several interesting ideas that I want to implement on existing projects.

Another important goal for the year is to work on yourself. These include regular nutrition, exercise and meditation. At first I set myself clear numbers for such goals, but over time I realized that sometimes they demotivate me, when you set yourself a goal to eat 4-5 times a day every day, but in the end you didn’t achieve half of it for some reason. This year I learned a good skill - the joy of working on myself. Habits cannot all become good at once. But every day becoming better than yesterday is the main task.