The laptop does not start and says bootmgr is missing. Bootmgr is Missing or Compressed - what to do? Checking BIOS boot devices

The laptop does not start and says bootmgr is missing.  Bootmgr is Missing or Compressed - what to do?  Checking BIOS boot devices
The laptop does not start and says bootmgr is missing. Bootmgr is Missing or Compressed - what to do? Checking BIOS boot devices

Many users, since the release of the Windows 7 desktop system, have encountered a very unpleasant problem: when turning on the computer with a message “BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart” and nothing else happened. This really puzzled many people, and few knew how to fix this error. But, in principle, this problem not as destructive and scary as it seems at first glance.

Reasons for the BOOTMGR is missing error

The Bootmgr is missing error is directly related to the operating system loader, a small program that launches the rest Windows programs. Sometimes, it happens that for some reason the BIOS cannot find this program, as a result of which further loading of the OS is impossible and an error message is displayed on the screen. There can be a lot of reasons for this: incorrect shutdown of the computer, or BIOS settings, damage to the hard disk, or even due to malware.

To solve this problem, you need to try several options:

  1. Check your BIOS settings; you may have selected the wrong boot device;
  2. If everything is set correctly in the BIOS, you need to restore the bootmgr bootloader. This is carried out in automatic mode;
  3. There may be an error BOOTMGR is missing, which can be fixed using the regular command line.

Checking BIOS boot devices

This step is performed only if your personal computer has more than one hard drive. It is worth noting that we are talking specifically about “hard drives”, and not partitions on the disk, such as C, D, E, etc. Otherwise, you simply skip this step. If you use bootable flash drives, you should make sure that they are not connected to the computer. It often happens that booting occurs from the wrong hard drive. At this point we need to select in the BIOS required disk and download from it. Due to the fact that the BIOS shell may differ depending on different manufacturers, I dedicated a separate, capacious .

We automatically fix “BOOTMGR is missing”

Developers from Microsoft have finally developed a so-called recovery environment specifically for this purpose, which allows you to solve problems that arise when using its OS. To start this environment, you must press the “F8” button before the error appears, until the menu appears on the display dark background.

If the menu does not appear, you will need to look for a special installation disk or a flash card with Windows 7, you can also use a recovery disk. We load files from this disk or card, and do not forget that you need to press any key if the message “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD” appears on a black background. Otherwise, the installation will be performed from the hard drive, and you will again see the error you encountered. Select the “System Restore” item at the very bottom.

Special utility recovery will try to fully diagnose your system and identify errors like Bootmgr is missing that are interfering with operation. The user can only accept the proposed corrections and restart the computer.

If no visible changes have occurred and the error problem remains, you will need to download the installation disk again, then select “System Restore” and simply select the “Next” button from the list of available operating systems.

Click on the “Startup Recovery” item.

If everything turned out well, then you can be congratulated. A malfunction in the form of BOOTMGR is missing can be considered defeated!

How to solve the bootloader problem using the command line?

This process can be considered more efficient, but also more labor-intensive. As in the previous option, first you will need to load the so-called recovery environment, but do not select the “Startup Recovery” item, but click on the “Command Line” tab.

To understand what's the matter, you should know that when Windows installation the system automatically creates a special 100MB partition, which is reserved for the needs of the system itself. When you start the system, you will not be able to see its symbols like the letters C and D. But this disk plays an important role, since it contains a special file, or rather the bootmgr mini-program, necessary to start the system. If the halyard breaks or for some reason does not perform the necessary functions, then the error “ BOOTMGR is missing. Press Ctrl Alt Del to restart." And this is where your task is to restore this file by copying it from the installation card or disk.

And this is where the black window launched by you, which is called the command line, will help us. Depending on the configuration and a bunch of other parameters on different PCs, the drive letters may differ from each other, and you will need to decide from which drive and to which you will need to copy the file.

You can check which disk it is by typing the command:


Look at the partition size, which is 100MB, and determine which letter is assigned to it.

Next you will need to enter the commands:

1. Exit diskpart program:


2. Go to the CD-ROM letter, first you must determine which letter is assigned to this partition:

And the last step is to copy the bootmgr file to a disk with a capacity of 100 MB:

copy bootmgr C:\

As a result, a message should appear on your PC screen indicating that one file was copied successfully.

There are times when, when installing a system on a disk that has been previously divided into parts, you will not be able to find or calculate the disk’s capacity, which is 100 MB. Then you will just need to copy the bootmgr file directly to the root of the system data disk. If you don’t want to fool yourself with determining which disk your system is installed on, simply copy the file to all disks. An example might look like this:

copy bootmgr D:\

copy bootmgr E:\

Reboot your PC and check the result. If it is not there, then you need to enter the following command:

bootsect /nt60 All

Reboot your computer again. If the BOOTMGR is missing error does not disappear, then there is only one possible option - the wrong disk or partition is marked as “Active”.

How to make a disk active from the command line

It is important that the boot partition with the system must, in addition to the bootmgr file it contains, also be labeled “Active”, which means that booting will be possible. As we already know, in cases of erroneous disc labeling, the result will be sad.

We also make this solution from the regular command line:


list disk

In the window you will see a numbered list hard drives that are connected to the system. Next, based on the volume, select a disk with the operating system installed. When you have one unpartitioned disk, there is no need to guess anything. Enter the following command:

select disk 0 or 1

numbers 0 And 1 These are the disk partition numbers. After that, enter the command in the line to display the existing partitions of the selected disk:

list partition

We are looking for a 100 MB partition in the list, and if you have Windows 8 installed, then you need to look for a 350 MB partition. There are times when such a section is not in the list of available ones, then you need to select the first or second, depending on which local disk C:\ or D:\ the system is installed. Next, use the command to select the partition number:

select partition 1 or 2

and make the section active:



After entering the “active” command, a message will appear indicating that the partition has become active and we will reboot the PC.

If the error cannot be resolved using the above methods, perhaps an article about the error will help you. These two common errors are very similar to each other, and perhaps the steps taken to resolve the NTLDR is missing problem will be useful in resolving this problem.

Most inexperienced users who first encountered the message “bootmgr is missing press ctrl+alt+del to restart” when turning on the computer think that this is “the end.”

Which is understandable: an incomprehensible inscription on a black background for novice users seems almost like a harbinger of the apocalypse, and when, after a dozen useless attempts to reboot the system, the message does not disappear, it seems that it’s time to call the omniscient computer experts.

However, in most cases of this error, the user himself is to blame, and he is able to fix the problem on his own.

What does the “bootmgr is missing” error mean and how can I fix it?

So, from the text of the message it follows that the system simply cannot detect the boot sector to launch the OS correctly.

Possible reasons there is a lot of damage to it - from incorrect work with partitions hard drive and incorrect shutdown of the computer, resulting in damage to the system by various viruses.

Fortunately, Microsoft developers did not stay away from this problem and offered several options for troubleshooting.

Method 1

To implement this method, you must have bootable media with the operating system, since the first method involves using the capabilities of recovery tools.

In fact, any Windows 7 or 8 OS image will do, even if it has nothing to do with the existing installed version operating system.

  • Using the operating system startup options (or setting the appropriate priority in the BIOS), boot Windows from the media you are using and go to the section with the “Install” button.
  • Go to the “System Restore” subsection.
  • In the next window you will be asked to select an operating system - select the one you need and click the “Next” button.
  • Next, the “System Recovery Options” window will open, in which select the first line “Startup Repair”.
  • In the window that opens, you can see the process of identifying existing problems and automatically correcting them.
  • Once the scan is complete, you should reboot and start the system in normal mode.

If this option didn't help, you can try alternative way- use of the “Computer troubleshooting” option, which can be activated through the “Advanced boot options” section, which opens using the “F8” button when the system starts.

Method 2

The first few steps are performed similarly to the method described above with the text “bootmgr is missing...” only in the “System Recovery Options” window you must select the last item called “Command Prompt”.

So, this method uses a more flexible system recovery tool - “Bootrec.exe.”.

Depending on the specific problem at hand, you should add “Bootrec.exe.” to the tool. two more parameters:

“/FixMbr” - intended for entering into system partition boot record;

“/FixBoot” - adds a new boot sector to the system partition.

If you discard the “Fix” prefix in these parameters, you will get the name “BOOTMBR”, the absence or damage of which is notified by the operating system when a malfunction occurs.

The parameters “/FixMbr” and “FixBoot” are entered and executed one by one (the Enter button).

After executing the commands, you should also check the functionality of the operating system.

As an alternative, based on Microsoft's recommendation, you can use the /RebuildBcd option to rebuild the boot configuration data store.

Method 3

Like method No. 2, it is implemented using the command line.

To fix the error, you will need to run the command “bcdboot c:\windows" - to create a new boot configuration.

After executing the command in the root system disk the current configuration will be saved in the “Boot” directory.

Method 4

And finally, an option that is suitable for more confident users who know how to work with the command line, since you will need to take the following sequential steps:

  • Also, using bootable media, go to the “Command Prompt” section;
  • After starting the console, enter and execute the commands “diskpart” (step 1) and “list volume” (step 2);
  • You will see a table with the available disk partitions, which will also show hidden subpartitions where the boot sector is stored. Look for the disk marked “Reserved” and the boot/installation media itself - it may be displayed as “CD-ROM”; also look for the displayed disk capacity in the “Size” column. After completing the search, remember the names assigned to the partitions (volume and letter) and close the “diskpart” program with the “exit” command (step 3).
  • Using the resulting bootable media letter with the OS image, enter it into the console to open and further work with him. For example, if the drive letter is “F”, enter “F:” to open it (step 4).
  • Next, enter and execute the command “copy bootmgr C:\” to copy the bootloader file (step 5);
  • After notification of successful copying, close the disk with the “exit” command (step 6);

After performing these manipulations, the system should boot without errors. But, if the same situation arises again, then you should open the command line again and run the command “bootsect /nt60 All/”.

If this does not help, then you should be patient and open the command line again: because. from the repetition of the error it follows that the disk to which the boot file was copied is not active, which, accordingly, needs to be corrected:

  • Execute the commands “diskpart” (step 1) and “list disk” (step 2) one by one;
  • By analogy, identify the physical disk on which the operating system is installed and run the command “select disk 0”, where instead of “0” is the number of the identified disk; (step 3)
  • Next, you need to view the partitions (partitions) available on the disk using the “list partition” command; (step 4)
  • A table will open in front of you, where all partitions of the selected disk will be displayed, in which you need to pay attention to the 100 MB partition and open it with the command “Select Partition 1” (instead of “1” is the assigned partition number); (step 5)
  • Finally, make the selected partition active with the “Active” command, and after notifying that “Partition is marked as active” (step 6), close it with the “Exit” command.


So, the above five options for solving problems with boot file in 90% of cases they solve the problem, the remaining 10% are due to incorrect implementation of recommendations and situations where nothing other than reinstalling the operating system helps.

As an alternative, in situations where you do not have an operating system image at hand, you can use any convenient LiveCD that has similar recovery functionality, essentially using the same tools as .

When working at a computer, system messages with the names of various errors may appear on the monitor. An advanced user will not be confused, but what should an ordinary user who is unfamiliar with the intricacies of computer terminology do? That's why many people get confused and don't know what to do if the BOOTMGR is missing error keeps appearing when starting up their PC.

This error is quite common and completely solvable. Therefore, you should not give in to panic and immediately run for help to the nearest service center for equipment repair.

In case of such an error, instead of the usual loading of the Windows operating system and the desktop appearing only a black screen is displayed with the message BOOTMGR is missing. The line below usually says Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart. Translated, this means “Press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart the device.” However, if you follow this recommendation, the error will most likely appear again the next time you boot your computer.

Main causes of the problem

As a rule, the vast majority of computer problems when working with Windows appear due to the fault of the users themselves due to inept use computer devices or programs.

However, having certain skills in working at a PC, a person becomes much more comfortable and easier to resolve any problems that arise. And subsequently such cases when absolutely no idea what to do, If windows error boot manager appears again and again, becoming much smaller.

The message BOOTMGR is missing appeared on the monitor screen. What to do? Windows XP or Windows 8, 10 OS version - a computer user with any version of the Windows operating system may encounter this error. It is connected directly to the Windows boot loader itself.

The Windows boot loader is a program responsible for launching various kinds of utilities simultaneously with turning on the operating system. But due to some kind of system failure, the BIOS cannot find this bootloader when trying to turn on the OS and writes a message about this on the screen.

There are several reasons that can lead to the error:

  1. Incorrect settings in the device BIOS. For example, when a user who is poorly versed in technology and does not have the proper set of knowledge and skills decides to randomly change the settings in the BIOS system personal computer or, for example, a laptop.
  2. Frequent incorrect shutdown of the computer. For example, if the device is constantly turned off directly from the outlet while it is still working.
  3. Too frequent cleaning of the PC from excess garbage, that is, temporary files and cache. For example, we can cite a case where, due to inexperience, a user accidentally deleted some system file for the sake of saving space, considering it unnecessary.
  4. A serious system virus that has penetrated a device that does not have high-quality antivirus program. A virus can also appear on a computer when the user has not updated the anti-virus database for a long time.
  5. Most serious reason The occurrence of an error means physical damage to the hard drive. This can happen when you carelessly carry the computer somewhere or in cases of physical impact on the device, for example, strong shaking or something similar. In such a situation hard drive The computer may be seriously damaged and become unusable. To resume work on such a PC, you will need to repair or replace the hard drive with a new one.

Troubleshooting yourself

If the PC user has a rough idea of ​​the reason that could have caused the error, this will significantly simplify the task of eliminating it. To understand what to do, if bootmgr is missing error in Windows 7 or any other OS version appears regularly, it is important to make sure that the device’s hard drive has not been subjected to rough physical impact. Otherwise, you should take the device's hard drive for repair or even replace it completely.

For other situations, when the user is sure that hard drive everything is in order, other methods of solving the problem will do.

Correct BIOS setup

Most advanced PC users will advise you to first go into the device BIOS. It is quite possible that the cause of the persistent error is an incorrectly selected boot disk. The system can boot Windows OS only from the disk on which the operating system is installed. But if the computer’s CD-ROM is selected as the boot device, and there is no disk with Windows OS in the PC, then the device will not be able to start booting.

First of all, by going into the BIOS (in some cases it is called EFI/UEFI) of the computer, make sure that in the section called Andanced BIOS Features, in the First Boot Device and similar items, those devices with an operating system are selected.

Most often, in the section called First Boot Device, most users select the Hard Disk item, and in the Second Boot Device section - CD-ROM. When you select these settings, the computer will first try to load operating system from the connected internal hard drive, and secondly - through the disk inserted into the drive.

Please note: if your OS is located on a flash drive or USB hard drive and you want to boot it, this means that you should select a flash drive or USB device as the first startup device (i.e. in the First Boot Device section), not Hard Disk.

In addition, a system failure that causes the BOOTMGR error to appear endlessly can occur after connecting a bootable USB flash drive to the computer. It is likely that the PC will try to launch the OS from it, and you have long removed the flash drive from the device or erased the data containing boot components from the flash drive.

System Restore

Another method that can help resolve the problem associated with the BOOTMGR error, as well as similar ones, for example, when the inscription appears missing MBR Helper, Invalid Partition Table, NTLDR is missing or BOOTMGR is compressed, is a launch tool to restore the Windows system to its previous state. Many modern computers have a convenient recovery mechanism - rolling back the system state to its working mode.

To start using the built-in System Restore utility, you must restart your computer and press the F8 key on your keyboard at startup. E if everything is done correctly and your device has a built-in recovery utility, a unique menu will appear. Moving through its items, you need to select the line called “Troubleshooting computer problems”, and then press the Enter key.

Perhaps running a system restore tool will be enough, and the computer itself will be able to restore all damaged files and eventually start up without problems.

Using a boot disk

BOOTMGR is missing Windows 7. How to fix this error using the tools located on the bootable USB flash drive or disk with Windows.

Procedure when using this method:

Using the command line

If none of the proposed solution methods helps you, and the bootmgr is missing error still appears when installing from a flash drive, try another way to fix your computer. At first you will need to do all the steps from the previous method using boot disk or flash drive, however, when the first window appears, you must select the “Command Prompt” section instead of “System Restore”.

A command prompt window will open. To restore normal operation of your computer, do the following:

Other methods to solve the problem

In general, there are many proven methods for fixing the BOOTMGR error. For those cases when nothing helps, there is special software that allows you to resuscitate the operating system. Such programs include Bootice, MbrFix and many other utilities with similar properties and functionality. Keep in mind that it is recommended to use such software only if you have knowledge, skills and good experience working on a PC, since otherwise you can only worsen the situation by provoking new problems.

In addition, pay attention to the state of the computer’s hard drive, whether it is displayed in the system BIOS. If only some clusters of the hard drive are damaged, you can always use hard drive recovery programs. For example, such utilities include HDD Regenerator.

However, if the hard drive has serious physical damage and it is not displayed in the BIOS, then the computer should be taken to a specialized service center. There, the repairs will be carried out by experienced technicians who will quickly get your computer in order.

When loading the Windows system, you may encounter a "" error that will prevent you from booting to the desktop. This error is due to a damaged bootloader, or more specifically the bootmgr file, which cannot boot. BOOTMGR - abbreviation for Windows Boot Manager, refers to a small fragment software, loaded from the volume boot code. Typically the BOOTMGR file is read-only and is located in the boot directory of the partition that is set to "active". The error can occur in any version of the Windows operating system, starting with Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and the solutions will be almost the same.

BOOTMGR is missing - Fix error in Windows 10/8.1/7

The first thing you should do is pull everything out of the system USB devices, including the keyboard and mouse, restart the PC and check for the BOOTMGR is missing error. If this does not help, then below we will look at ways to resolve the error.

Additional tip

1 . In some cases, the problem may be with the hard drive itself. He may have already done his job, or he has bad sectors. In the first case, you will have to replace the disk. In the second case, you can check and correct these sectors. You need to launch the command line through the WinRE environment and enter the command chkdsk /f /r.

2 . If you can't get into Advanced Boot Options or another WinRE to run Command Prompt, Startup/System Repair, then you need to create bootable USB flash drive with Windows and boot from it. As soon as you reach the installation point, click on " System Restore". You will then be taken to the WinRE or "Advanced Boot Options" environment.

1. Download priority

You need to go into the BIOS/UEFI and check that the first boot space is the disk on which the Windows system is installed. Restart your PC or laptop and immediately press the button DEL or F2 to get into BIOS settings. Next you must count Boot and select there in the first place your hard drive on which Windows is located. Because BIOS versions the name of the parameter differs a lot, but usually it is " Boot option" or " 1st Boot Device". Below links will help you:

  • . (only you need your own disk)

2. Startup recovery

You need to go to additional boot options. To do this, press the power button on your PC and hold it down for 10 seconds to turn off your PC or laptop. When WinRE mode appears, go to " Troubleshooting" > "Additional options " > "". This will perform a startup repair and will also resolve the BOOTMGR is missing error. If the error still persists, you can move on to the next step.

Note: If you cannot get into the additional parameters, then see the “additional tips 2” method above

3. Restore BCD or fixboot

Let's try to restore using bootrec via cmd. Log back into the WinRE environment as described above and go to " Troubleshooting" > "Additional options" > "Command line".

IN command line enter the commands one by one, restarting the PC:

  • bootrec /rebuildbcd- This will restore BCD functionality, reboot your PC and check if the error is resolved. If not, then enter the command below.
  • bootrec/fixboot- This will fix all booting problems on your system.

It may be that your Windows system itself is located not on the C: drive, but on another one, but it will be shown that it is on the C: drive, and when you enter the above commands, you will receive errors. In this case, refer to this guide on Windows.<--Там есть ниже видео инструкция.

4. Perform a system restore

There is also a System Restore feature in WinRE that will help you fix the BOOTMGR is missing error. Boot into advanced options as described in method 1 and go to " Troubleshooting" > "Additional options" > "System Restore".

Last time Windows users 7 left a lot of feedback about the fact that a kind of glitch occurs during the startup of the operating system. This failure appears as an error with the following content: “Bootmgr is missing. Press Ctrl Alt Del to restart." The notification indicates that the OS boot file was not found. To fix the problem, you need to follow some steps that we have outlined below.

But first, you need to briefly describe the current situation. At the moment of switching on computer equipment The search for software responsible for loading the operating system is activated on the hard drive (hereinafter referred to as HDD). Sometimes access to this program becomes impossible due to its possible corruption. The bootmgr is missing error can occur due to several reasons:

  • firstly, a failure in the power supply system;
  • secondly, incorrect shutdown of computer equipment;
  • thirdly, incorrect actions in bios;
  • fourthly, the virus.

Effective methods to fix the problem

There are three ways out of this situation:

  • check and make sure that the boot disk is used in Bios;
  • automatic recovery of the boot loader for Windows 7;
  • Troubleshooting the “bootmgr is missing” problem using the command line.

Checking Bios settings

Take this step if you have at least two hard drives installed on your computer. We are talking about physical hard drives, and not about partitions C, D, E, etc. If you have only one hard drive installed on your computer, then feel free to proceed to the second method of solving the problem. But be that as it may, remove any storage media (flash drives, external hard drives) from the computer. Then restart your PC.

Sometimes a problem arises when completely randomly in Bios settings The wrong disk is located. It is necessary to double-check which disk is being selected. If it is incorrect, then try to replace it with the correct disk and make it active. Then restart your computer.

Automatically fix bootloader problem

The positive thing is that Microsoft has developed a specific recovery environment that makes it possible to eliminate many problems with the operating system, including the bootmgr is missing error. In order to launch it, you should constantly press “F8” until the notification appears until you see the corresponding menu.

If this does not happen, you need to find a recovery disk or flash drive that is current Windows versions. Download from your existing device. When the notification appears: “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD,” enter a key. If you do not do this, the download will begin to be replayed from the hard drive, which will again lead to the bootmgr is missing error. Without completing the installation, select the “System Restore” request at the bottom of the page.

Following this, the recovery utility will perform a diagnostic examination of the hard drive and begin automatic search possible problems. Then you need to accept the troubleshooting and restart your computer.

If after the work done, you do not see any qualitative changes, then you need to resort to re-booting from the installation flash drive, select “System Restore”. When a list of available operating systems appears, select the one you want installed Windows and click Next.

Click on “Startup Repair”.

When will the successful Windows startup, then this will mean that the “bootmgr is missing” problem is solved.

Troubleshooting using the command line

The current bootmgr is missing treatment method is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but it is the most effective. Load the recovery environment, click “Command Prompt”.

During the installation process of Windows 7, a specific hidden 100 MB block is created, which is reserved by the operating system. In loaded Windows 7, it is not designated by a letter (like other drives C or D, E or F). Despite this, the partition you create is very important because it contains a miniature program responsible for booting the system, containing bootmgr. When problems occur with this file or when it disappears, a known error is generated. Therefore it is necessary to restore it. This can be done by transferring it from the installation device.

It is possible to perform a similar step via the command line. Simply put, a black window you recently launched. First, take a close look at the drives and find out where and where you will need to transfer an important file. After all, the letter names of the drives may be different on different devices.

  • enter: diskpart;
  • after that, write: list volume;
  • Keep an eye on the partition with a total volume of 100 MB and consider what letter it belongs to.

Important! In our picture containing the sample, the corresponding disk is located under the letter C.

In the same way, CD/DVD-ROM is limited to the letter “F”. "D" stands for data disk.
After this, in a clear sequence, perform the following actions:

  1. Complete the diskpart request: exit.
  2. Make the transition to a CD/DVD-ROM disc. In our sample it is "F": F.
  3. Copy the bootmgr file to a small disk. In our picture “C”: copy bootmgr C:\.

After this, a message should appear indicating that one file was successfully copied.

However, it often happens that after recording the current OS on a previously partitioned disk, it is impossible to find the hidden 100 MB section. In such circumstances, you need to transfer the bootmgr file directly to the data disks. In order to simplify the task of indicating the location of the required file, and also to prevent subsequent occurrences of the “bootmgr is missing” error, copy it to disk. Using the example from our picture, we're talking about about device D. Thus, the following action must be performed: copy bootmgr D:\.

Restart your PC. When no changes have occurred, access the command line again using the following action: bootsect /nt60 All.

Restart your computer. When the bootmgr is missing error exists, the disk is not marked as active.

Making the disk “Active” using the command line

The disk with the boot file must include bootmgr and also be listed as active. If it is in an active state, then in principle it becomes possible Windows boot. If the wrong disk is considered active, the system boot result will henceforth be “incorrect”.

Restart the command line:

  1. Enter the already known ones: diskpart and list disk;
  2. A list will open in front of you containing hard drives. From it, select the disk storing the operating system. Make this step based on the size of the disks. If there is only one disk installed on your computer, select it using the action: select disk 0 or 1.
  3. After that, enter a query to view all its sections: list partition;
  4. Look for the required section of 100 MB in size. If you do not find a small section, select the first or second section, taking into account which disk Windows was installed on. Decide on the section number: select partition 1 (2), and also activate the section: active, then click exit. Before making an exit request, a notification like this should appear: “The section is marked as active.”
  5. Restart your computer.

The problem has been fixed. Now you know what to do and how to solve the bootloader problem. Work with pleasure!