What is laptop sleep mode and how to enable it. Sleep missing from PC shutdown options

What is laptop sleep mode and how to enable it.  Sleep missing from PC shutdown options
What is laptop sleep mode and how to enable it. Sleep missing from PC shutdown options

Windows 10, like previous versions system, has several built-in energy saving modes. Standby mode appeared in Windows XP, but in subsequent versions of Windows, Microsoft developers revised the principle of its operation. Since then, 3 standby modes have been available in Microsoft OS:

  • Sleep mode.
  • Hibernation and its associated function - quick start.
  • Hybrid sleep mode.

In this article we will figure out how these modes differ and how they can be turned on or off.

Does the computer support sleep, hibernation, and hybrid sleep?

First, let's note that these modes do not work on all devices. The computer components must meet certain requirements, and its manufacturer must provide support for power saving modes in the BIOS. You can check which mode your computer supports in the following way:

You will receive a list of features that your device supports. Here standby mode (S3)- This dream.

Sleep mode in Windows 10

What is hibernation mode (sleep)

When going to sleep, the system turns off the screen, HDD and processor. Only the RAM and a small number of associated components remain operational. Thanks to this, waking up from sleep mode takes literally a couple of seconds and returns Windows and applications to the same state in which the user put the PC to sleep. The downside of this mode is that it consumes quite a lot of energy compared to turning off the computer. Please note that if you disconnect from the network (for example, if the battery runs out), all data about the state of the system and applications will be lost.

How to set or disable automatic sleep mode in Settings

How to set or disable sleep mode in Control Panel

How to disable sleep mode when closing the laptop lid

The settings that we discussed above only affect the automatic transition to sleep mode. You've probably noticed that laptops also fall asleep when you close the lid, and tablets - when you press the power button.

How to add or remove Sleep from the Start menu

Default button Shutdown on the menu Start Displays only shutdown and reboot. If desired, you can add a switch to sleep mode there.

Hibernation in Windows 10

What is hibernation

When this mode is activated, the system overwrites all data from random access memory to the hard drive, after which the device turns off. When you turn on the computer, loading takes up to a couple of tens of seconds, depending on the speed of the drive. At this time, data from the disk is rewritten back into RAM, which allows you to completely restore the state of the system and applications. The undoubted advantage of this mode is zero power consumption and the ability to restore data even when the network is disconnected. The disadvantages include long loading times and constant writes to the disk, which are not recommended on SSD drives.

The most important role in making hibernation work is played by the file hyberfil.sys, located at the root system partition. This is where Windows records the state of the system and programs. Its size is usually approx. 70% amount of RAM.

What is fast startup and how to disable it

IN latest versions Windows has a feature closely related to hibernation enabled by default. quick launch. The system saves some important files in hyberfil.sys, which allows you to noticeably speed up Windows loading. The downside of this mode is problems with the BIOS, as well as the occurrence of slowdowns and if you do not reboot the PC for a long time.

You can disable fast startup in the following way:

How to enable hibernation in Windows 10

The system will create the file hyberfil.sys and will add hibernation-related options to the power settings. Please note that point Hibernation on the menu Shutdown will not be added automatically.

The settings for automatically switching to hibernation, activating it when closing the lid and adding an item to the shutdown menu are absolutely similar to sleep mode. The only difference is that they will only appear in the Control Panel, not in Settings.

How to disable hibernation in Windows 10

File hyberfil.sys will be deleted. Function quick launch the system will also become unavailable. If you want to keep the fast startup option but disable hibernation, you can reduce the file size hyberfil.sys.

How to reduce the size of the hyberfil.sys file

The hibernation feature will be disabled, but the Quick Start option will remain. If you want to change everything back, use the following command: powercfg /h /type full.

Hybrid sleep mode in Windows 10

This mode is a mixture of sleep and hibernation. The system behaves in the same way as when entering sleep mode, but it creates backup copy data from RAM on the hard drive. After a power outage, Windows will attempt to restore the state of applications and the system.

Hybrid sleep is enabled by default on supported devices. In principle, there are no settings for it and it simply replaces sleep mode. All the previously discussed sleep parameters work with it. However, due to some disadvantages, you may want to disable hybrid sleep:

  • Intensive load on the hard drive. This is contraindicated on SSD drives.
  • Inability to use hibernation when hybrid sleep mode is enabled. To activate the hibernation function, you will have to disable hybrid sleep and vice versa.

How to disable hybrid sleep mode in Windows 10

Sleep and hibernation issues

Sometimes you may experience some problems when using standby modes. Let's look at the most common of them.

The screen turns off when sleep, hibernation, and display blackout are not activated

The problem is probably caused by the screensaver being turned on.

The computer turns on or wakes up from sleep mode

The computer does not wake up from sleep mode

This problem may occur due to problems with the chipset drivers. Go to the device manufacturer's website, download and install the latest available versions drivers.

Users of the most recent editions of Windows (versions 7 and 8) also have a combined hybrid sleep mode. Let's take a look at all three options.

Sleep mode

Characterized by lower power consumption compared to normal computer operation. Some computer components turn off, for example, the hard drive, and some begin to consume less electricity. All running applications remain in the computer's RAM, continue their work, but are in a standby state. Resuming from sleep mode is almost instantaneous, leaving you with a computer ready to go in seconds.

Hibernation Mode

It was designed preferably for use on laptops that require battery life and the ability to quickly use when needed. When hibernation mode is enabled, all running applications from RAM are saved in separate file to the computer's hard drive, and the computer itself turns off. Resuming is slower than resuming from hibernation, but faster than normal Windows boot. And yes, the system is restored to the initial state, preceding the activation of hibernation mode. That is, all running applications and windows will be restored.

Hybrid sleep mode

It will be useful mainly for desktop systems and unreliable power grids. Combines the benefits of sleep mode and hibernation mode. Active applications are saved both in RAM and on the hard drive. The electric meter reduces its speed. The computer will be able to wake up in the correct form even if there are problems with the power supply.


When leaving the computer for a few minutes or for lunch, it is better to use sleep mode. You will save some energy, and when you return, you will be able to get to work very quickly. Using hibernation mode is important for laptop computers. It is best to use it during long breaks from working with the computer, but at the same time wanting to get a working system in a fairly short time. By using hybrid sleep mode, you can be sure that a low laptop battery or a sudden power loss won't result in the loss of unsaved data.

Sleep mode in Windows 10 allows you to save energy when you're not working or playing games on your PC. All users know that if you stop activity for a while, the computer “falls asleep.” Clicking any button launches all previously open windows and applications.

Sleep in Windows 10 VS Hibernation

Often these two concepts are replaced by each other, but there are differences.

  1. When you turn off the PC from the power supply during sleep, its state is reset. A full reboot is taking place.
  2. If the PC is in , then even if the power is completely turned off, all data is saved. In this case, when loading, all windows and applications that were used before it was turned off will open in front of you.

Reduced power supply - that's what hibernation mode is Windows computer 10. The processor, hard drive and other components stop consuming electricity, only the RAM remains active. During hibernation, all devices “sleep”.

How to set up sleep mode on Windows 10

To make sleep mode in Windows 10 happen automatically or by pressing a button, you need to change its settings. First of all, let's check what parameters are generally available on a PC. The fact is that the hardware and BIOS do not always support hibernation or sleep.

  • Using the main menu (Start), open command line on behalf of the administrator.
  • Type powercfg /a and press Enter.

Waiting is synonymous with sleep.

Now we’ll tell you how to set up sleep mode in Windows 10. To get to the settings window, you can use different methods.

Control Panel

Enter the name in the search and open.

In the window, click on the “Power Options” option.


From the main menu, open the window with computer settings.

Open the system. In the Power and Sleep section you will find quick settings. You can specify a time period for the operating system during which no action is taken. The OS will automatically perform the sleep procedure.

When you need more fine settings, click on " Extra options power supply."

Run window

Press the WIN+R key combination and enter the line control powercfg.cpl.

In any case, a window will open. Here you can select the type of saving and configure the scheme.

And you can choose fine settings for the sleeper Windows mode 10 by changing additional parameters.

Here you can see how to increase Windows 10 sleep time individually for different components.

  • In the settings window, click on the “Power button actions” link.

  • Select actions for the power button on the case and the month key on the keyboard.

You can use unavailable options by simply clicking on the link.

They will become active.

By checking the box, you will add the desired item to the Start menu. For example, hibernation.

Thus, it is clear how to enable sleep mode in Windows 10: just use the Start menu or a key on the keyboard. If it is not there (old or simplified model), then you can install this function on the PC power button.

For convenience, when you know how to set sleep mode in Windows 10, but its time varies depending on different parameters, you can create your own scheme.

Customize and create.

Now you can easily switch to the desired option.

This option can be used at different work intensities. For example, when downloading files, sending large amounts of data (quarterly, annual report, etc.), sleep can be canceled or set for a long period of time. This is convenient for administrators - leaving the system overnight, they will be sure that the PC will not go to sleep. And choose the required diagram faster than changing settings.

The computer is so “strange” that its daily repeated starts and shutdowns are, to put it mildly, harmful to it. Keeping it constantly on is a more rational and much less harmful solution for its nodes. This is probably why Windows 7 provides special states that allow you to save energy and allow the most important components of the computer to work in a gentle mode, especially if the user himself is absent and there are simply no real problems to be solved at this moment.

In Windows, there are three special computer power modes:

  1. Sleeping mode;
  2. Hibernation mode;
  3. Hybrid sleep mode.

How to set your sleep mode– more on this later. But first, it is necessary to note that the “Control Panel” window in Windows 7 may look different, for example, like this.

It’s all about the viewing mode; it turns out there are two of them: “Categories” and “Large (Small) Icons”.

Switch to the “Small Icons” mode, and then the “Control Panel” window will take a completely different look:
In which you can easily find the “Power Options” settings section and expand it on the screen in two clicks.

You will see the entire arsenal of tools for setting up the system's power supply. By the way, for desktop computers it is recommended to use the standard power plan - “High Performance”. Having constant access to the power grid, there is no point in limiting the system and reducing its performance. However, for optimal sleep mode settings in windows 7 you need a tab: “Setting up a power plan”, this is where the options are located that allow you to configure the sleep mode the way you want.

By the way, the screenshot shows the tab for desktop computer, but in a laptop it looks a little different - the “Battery Power” item will appear there.

But let's return to sleep mode. Now you need to determine the time period after which the computer goes into sleep mode. The choice is simply huge - from one minute to 5 long hours! However, most often, 10 minutes of screen time and 30 minutes of sleep time is quite enough. In general, on this setting sleep mode It would have been possible to finish it if various annoying inconsistencies did not arise in practice.

Why doesn't my computer want to sleep?

If you have already tried to put your computer into a sleep state, then most likely you have encountered the stubborn reluctance of the “smart hardware” to fall asleep when necessary and wake up completely out of place. This can be very annoying, and therefore it is worth it to understand in detail the reasons for such “insomnia”.

Most often, the reasons for disobedient behavior computer system There are contradictions in the settings of the services of Windows 7 itself or peripherals: mouse, printer, network card. To prevent accidental interference with the sleep mode of individual devices, you need to change something in their settings.

First, through the “Start” menu and the “Control Panel” section, go to “Device Manager”.

Here you can freely select any computer device and check its settings. Let’s choose, for example, a mouse - it is the one that “misbehaves” more often than others and wakes up the computer. On the “Mice and other pointing devices” tab, expand the settings that control power supply and uncheck the box next to the “Allow...” option.

Save the setting with the “OK” button. After such changes, your computer will no longer wake up in panic from a mouse accidentally shaking on the table. And you can always wake up your iron friend with a gentle click on any keyboard button.

Often the reasons for computer insomnia are some daily task or, for example, regular Windows function on maintenance. To resolve inconsistencies from the power plan settings, go to the tab additional settings. Here we will be interested in the “Sleep” drop-down menu, and in it there is an item with the properties of the wake-up timer.

Select the “Disable” option and do not forget to save the changes. It seems that these actions are quite enough to solve the problems of restful sleep of your favorite computer.

Surely you have heard about sleeping or waiting mode, which are available in Windows.

Many people do not understand the difference between these modes, which causes confusion. Microsoft itself (Windows developer) added fuel to the fire.

The fact is that in the Russian-speaking Windows versions XP mode " Sleep mode" or " Stand by", which should have been translated as " Sleeping", was translated as " Waiting", and the mode " Hybernate" translated as " Sleeping" Users got used to these names and with the advent Windows Vista a misunderstanding arose, since starting with Vista the “ Sleep mode" or " Stand by" translated as " Dream", and the mode " Hybernate" , How " Hibernation».

These are the difficulties translators create...

Now, in order not to get confused in these modes again, I propose to consider them separately for Windows XP and others Windows families(Vista, 7 and 8).

So, Windows XP.

Standby mode in the family of these operating systems meant the computer switched to a mode of reduced power consumption. This means that if you have some documents running on your computer and you go into standby mode, the computer turns off all unused devices, but continues to power the RAM, which stores information about running programs and documents.

If at this moment there is a power surge or the lights are simply turned off, then information about open applications and documents will disappear, and if you forget to save the document, then all newly acquired data will also disappear. For this reason, when putting your computer into standby mode, you MUST save all open documents.

Standby mode is very convenient to use when working with a laptop. If you need to take it with you and continue working a little later, then you do not have to close all programs and documents. It is enough to put the laptop into standby mode, and when you need to resume work, the laptop will “wake up” in just a few seconds, and all open windows programs will be in the same state as they were when they entered standby mode.

We've sorted out the standby mode. Let's move on to the sleeping person.

When you put your computer into sleep mode, all data from RAM is saved to the hard drive in a special file (memory image), after which the computer turns off.

After you turn on the computer, it will begin to boot in standard mode, but when it detects memory images stored on the hard drive, it uses them when booting and restores the contents of RAM to the state it was before the computer went into sleep mode. This means that all the same program and document windows will be open as before turning off the computer. Moreover, even if you forgot to save a document, the information will not disappear anywhere and it will be restored in the same form as before putting the computer into sleep mode.

A laptop usually goes into sleep mode when its battery charge reaches a certain minimum level. It is also common to default to sleep mode when closing the laptop lid.

You can “wake up” your computer different ways For example, this could be pressing the power button, opening the laptop lid, or pressing any key on the keyboard. There is no pattern here and a lot depends on specific model laptop or motherboard your computer.

Another important point should be considered. For sleep mode to work, you must have enough free space on your computer. system disk(that is, on the disk on which the operating system Windows), since the image from RAM is written to a special file hiberfil.sys, the size of which can be very significant. Therefore, the amount of free space on the system disk must be no less than the amount of RAM installed in the computer.

I will continue this topic in the next post, in which I will also talk about the hybrid mode.