Comparison of tank characteristics in World of Tanks. Medium tanks in World of Tanks: class analytics Based on engine power to weight ratio

Comparison of tank characteristics in World of Tanks. Medium tanks in World of Tanks: class analytics Based on engine power to weight ratio


The release of update 9.15 will give players expanded information about the tactical and technical characteristics of combat vehicles - both those in the Hangar and those just waiting to be studied or purchased. You will have access to information about new parameters, such as vehicle camouflage, vertical aiming angles, and some others. Dynamic changes in performance characteristics will also be added depending on the installed equipment, modules, equipment (including camouflage), skills and abilities of the crew. There will be an opportunity to familiarize yourself in advance with the characteristics of a new, not yet purchased tank and carefully examine its appearance.

Below we will tell you in more detail about the updated display of vehicle parameters in the Hangar.

New performance characteristics format

In the game settings, it will be possible to choose the usual format for displaying vehicle parameters or switch to a new one - the so-called simplified performance characteristics. To do this, you need to go to the settings menu and check or uncheck the “Show simplified performance characteristics in the Hangar” box.

Simplified performance characteristics- This selected groups of characteristics that combine parameters that are similar in their influence on combat. We divided all parameters into five groups: firepower, survivability, mobility, camouflage, surveillance.

  • Firepower — a group of parameters describing the combat qualities of a gun and aiming parameters:
    • damage from a basic projectile;
    • armor penetration of the base projectile;
    • gun rate of fire;
    • gun reload time;
    • horizontal guidance speed;
    • turret rotation speed;
    • turret rotation angles;
    • elevation angles;
    • horizontal aiming angles;
    • reloading the magazine/drum (if equipped);
    • mixing time;
    • spread 100 meters;
    • average damage per minute.
  • Vitality - a group of parameters that affect the combat qualities of a tank, increasing its survivability in battle:
    • number of strength points;
    • hull reservation;
    • tower reservation.
  • Mobility - a group of parameters that describe the mobility of the machine:
    • weight/maximum weight of the tank;
    • engine power;
    • specific power (ratio of tank mass and engine power);
    • maximum forward and reverse speed;
    • chassis turning speed.
  • Disguisea new parameter indicating the effectiveness of tank camouflage:
    • invisibility of a stationary vehicle (before and after the shot);
    • invisibility of the vehicle in motion (before and after the shot);
  • Observation a group of parameters that influence the effectiveness of detection of enemy equipment and radio communications with allies:
    • viewing range;
    • communication range.

Dynamic performance characteristics

Dynamic are parameters that can change their value after installing equipment, as they study the main specialty of tankers, as well as skills and abilities, install various equipment and new modules. Changes in performance characteristics in one direction or another will be displayed in the Hangar. So, for example, if the entire crew has mastered the “Combat Brotherhood” skill, you will be able to see the effect it has on the parameters of the combat vehicle.

The information messages that appear when you hover and hold the cursor over the icon of a module or equipment have also changed. Now from them you will not only receive general information about the module, but also learn in advance about changes in performance characteristics that will occur after its installation. This will allow you to be aware of what exactly the module or equipment affects and how, and make an informed decision.

In addition to dynamic performance characteristics, other information appeared on the pop-up screens. For example, notifications describing shells now contain information about armor penetration at a distance.

Vehicle preview mode

You will have the opportunity to study the new tank in detail before purchasing, not only its combat qualities, but also its appearance: players will have access to a preview of a combat vehicle that has not yet been purchased in the Hangar. You can go to the preview screen from the research tree, from the Warehouse or from the Store.

While viewing, you will see what the vehicle looks like, you will be able to find out the performance characteristics in various configurations of modules (for example, with a basic or “top” gun) and get a general idea of ​​the tank’s features.


After the official release of World of Tanks, we expect to see players of different levels. Some may already be an experienced tanker, while others, on the contrary, will press the “Battle!” button for the first time.

When you enter the game for the first time, you will have Tier 1 tanks at your disposal (one from each nation), as well as three empty slots for placing other vehicles (additional slots can be purchased with in-game gold). To instantly ride the selected vehicle into battle, simply press the button. However, you can pre-customize your tank by pressing a button - you can select the type of shells, and also purchase various equipment that will be useful in battle, such as a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit.

Tanks in the game are different from each other: they can be fast or clumsy, heavy with strong armor or medium with an accurate gun, inconspicuous tank destroyers, agile scouts (light tanks) or deadly self-propelled guns. After playing with different vehicle classes, you will be able to determine which one is most suitable for your playstyle. Feel free to experiment and choose the technique to your liking!

You may notice that tanks have characteristics depending on the nation or their “branch” in the development tree. For example, most German equipment has thick frontal armor and accurate and powerful weapons. British heavy tanks and tank destroyers rely on their strong armor and gun fire rate, but they are also slow. But American tanks do not have any distinct features. Therefore, if you are looking for a universal car, choose American technology. But remember that their armor is not as strong as that of British heavy tanks, and their guns are not as accurate as those of German vehicles.

While in the Hangar, select the tank whose characteristics you want to see. Click - in the new horse you will see a detailed description of the selected car.

The first column displays installed modules: engine, gun, turret and chassis. You can improve these modules in the "Packages" section. To get there, being on the “Tanks” tab and selecting the desired vehicle, press the button.

The next three columns show the contents of your tank: equipment, equipment and ammunition. To purchase them, select a tank in the Hangar, click the button and select the appropriate item in the drop-down menu. Equipment is sold only for silver, but equipment and shells can be purchased for both silver and in-game gold.

The “Hull Armor” scale displays the thickness of the armor on three sides (front/sides/rear). A tank's durability refers to its "health" - the amount of damage required to destroy it. For example, the T-15 has less durability and thinner armor than the M26 Pershing.

If the scale of any tank characteristic is not completely filled, this means that you can still purchase the next package of modules that will improve these indicators.

Additional information about each vehicle can be found on the official portal in the “Tank Science” section.

Good luck on the battlefields!

Despite the ease of learning, the online game World of Tanks is a complex computer game, with many parameters and characteristics, including tanks.

What do we see in our hangar with each of our tanks? Yes, these are various characteristics of the machine, but not only are the parameters given not all, but also inaccurate. Let's just show it using the example of a reservation, which is simply indicated in millimeters. But such armor exists only on a portion of the area of ​​each projection; there are zones of weakened armor, and there is a strong gun mantlet.

The situation is approximately the same with almost all characteristics. In addition, part of the performance characteristics of the tank in the hangar are, in principle, not displayed, although they can be viewed on the website www.. For example, the UVN and UGN of guns are not reflected in the game client itself, but they can be found on the official World of Tanks Wikipedia. But not everything is reflected there either.

Let's begin to understand why developers are so reluctant to please players with the exact characteristics of game armored vehicles and a thorough description of the principles of game mechanics.

No need to complicate things

No, you shouldn’t immediately think about the insidious conspiracy of the no less insidious Wargaming, although we will also talk about this in this article, but a little later. The first reason is banal and logical - players simply do not need detailed information. To put it in more detail and more precisely, most players do not need such information. I will say more, many do not attach importance even to the performance characteristics that are indicated directly in the hangar to the right of the tank.

Developers need profit, which means their product must meet the aspirations of the majority, even to the detriment of those who are interested in all the performance characteristics of armored vehicles. In addition, there will be some complication in the game client itself; something would have to be thought about displaying a large amount of technical data, and this would be extra work for programmers, extra costs for developing the world of tanks.

So simple logic and the lack of interest in technical details among the target audience lead to the fact that there is very little information about tanks in the wot client. Fortunately, those who wish can get acquainted with additional performance characteristics on official resources. But there are also characteristics that you will not find anywhere.

Secret game KVG

But here, yes, we are talking about a conspiracy among the developers. More precisely, there is no conspiracy, it’s just an additional element that allows you to correct the balance without any announcement. They are going to change the slope of the armor plates in 0.8.8 Super Pershing, what a fuss there is among the players. But you can change the parameters of camouflage and chassis cross-country ability quietly, without unnecessary noise and dust.

A number of tank characteristics are not published at all. A very important characteristic is the tank’s stealth factor; you won’t find it. The developers themselves edit these parameters, without our knowledge and without announcing changes. Hiding behind bushes is useful - but to what extent? In 0.8.6 the effect of the bushes was weakened, but by how much? About 20%, but how much was it initially?

Do you think that the dynamics and maximum speed of a tank depend on the engine power and the weight of the armored vehicle? Yes, but in a spherical vacuum, because the tank moves along the ground with its tracks, and the cross-country ability of the chassis is not announced anywhere. Sometimes developers publish changes to these characteristics, but what to compare with, since the value itself was not named.

There are many examples here, and about each of them on www.. This gives the developers a wide field for maneuver; you can change the tank without changing the open performance characteristics, without attracting much attention to it. And KVG does not intend to lose such an advantage.


By and large, this article should not be considered an expose, because exposure implies some kind of deception. In fact, the world of tanks game belongs entirely to the developers; players have no rights. We may or may not play tanks, and let the donors not think that they somehow stand out from the gray mass, but that’s a different story.

Let’s just note here that not all the performance characteristics of the tanks, and the parameters of the game, are known to us. The developers simply did not include a lot of things in the game client, so as not to burden the average player who came to the world of tanks to relax with unnecessary data. The developers keep other game parameters secret to make the game easier to manipulate.

World of Tanks is the undoubted flagship of historically accurate games. Therefore, most tanks in the game are divided into subclasses, including:

  • Heavy tanks (TT);
  • Medium tanks (ST);
  • Light tanks (LT);
  • tank destroyer (tank destroyer);

Heavy tanks in World Of Tanks

A heavy tank is the steely left cheek of your team, because it is they who ideally receive the first attacks and start the battle, determining the combat situation. The TTs themselves are the vanguard of any battle, protected by strong long-range allies such as self-propelled guns and tank destroyers. In addition, TTs often have large-caliber guns, which allows them to inflict enormous damage on opponents.

Pros and cons of heavy tanks in WOT

  • Powerful armor;
  • Many high-level CTs have additional protective shields;
  • High damage;
  • Large margin of safety;
  • High firing range.
  • Low speed of movement due to the weight of the equipment;
  • Long reload time for the gun.

Medium tanks in World Of Tanks

It is worth noting that in military affairs there is no such subsection of tanks as “medium”. There are only light and heavy tanks, divided by weight. However, in WOT, medium tanks were a forced introduction in order to more clearly separate the roles of vehicles in battle. It is also worth noting that although there is no such thing as “medium tanks” in military affairs, all the equipment in this section is historically reliable and existed in reality, but was divided into heavy and light in weight. This fact is the reason why medium tanks in WOT do not have a designated overall role and the role of each individual tank varies depending on its technical characteristics.

First role: for heavier and armored tanks.
So, medium tanks in the game can serve as a vanguard, covering heavy tanks and replacing them when destroyed. Don't fly ahead of the TTs: just cover and support them - this will be MUCH more beneficial than if you just fly forward and merge. But you can fly forward - you have less armor, and the chassis is about the same, which allows you to develop high speed.

Second role: for lighter tanks.
Your task is similar to that of light tanks in WOT - just move forward unnoticed and try to shine for your art. You can also take a place in some inconspicuous bush and shine from there, remaining unnoticed. You can also support your vanguard with fire if you have a powerful weapon, but if your weapon is weak, then you can also support the tanks in battle, but without throwing yourself under fire, because your main task in case of bad circumstances is to replace the holy men (light tanks) .

Pros and cons of medium tanks inWe will not describe WOT, because they coincide with either LT or TT.

Light tanks in World Of Tanks

From the previous words, you can already understand the role of light tanks - highlighting opponents for your artillery and, if possible, destroying enemy artillery. You can compare the role of LT in WOT with the role of pawns that reach the edge of the playing table. Pawns become queens, and LTs become the most useful tanks in battle. However, it is worth noting that this goal is rarely achieved, because the enemy does not sleep.

Light tanks are very fast for a reason - they have incredibly little armor! Therefore, one stray shell and all that will be left of your rattler is a smoking hull. Therefore, use your resource correctly in battle. To play LT you need to follow the well-known principle: “Float like a butterfly - sting like a bee” - and only then will you be able to achieve incredible success in the game!

Pros and cons of light tanks in World Of Tanks

  • High speed;
  • Sometimes a strong weapon;
  • Often a low body, which allows you to destroy TTs that you approach point-blank (they cannot turn the barrel on you).
  • Weak armor;
  • Small margin of safety;
  • Sometimes a weak weapon.

Tank destroyer in World of Tanks

Another interesting type of tank in World Of Tanks is the tank destroyer. What is so interesting about this class? It's simple: VERY. STRONG. WEAPON - this is the whole essence of the tank destroyer!

It is also possible that PT units have different bonuses depending on the nation.
For example:

  • The USSR is a powerful weapon;
  • The French – high speed;
  • USA - strong armor;
  • The Nazis have good armor and weapons, but worse than those of the USSR and the USA.

Often, playing as a tank destroyer means that you sit in the bushes and wait for light, supporting your vanguard with fire.

Pros and cons of tank destroyers in WOT

  • High damage;
  • Fast recharge;
  • High range;
  • Acceptable speed;
  • Increased stealth.
  • Low hull strength;
  • Relatively low armor;
  • Weak radio, relative to self-propelled guns.

Artillery (self-propelled guns) in World Of Tanks

This is the reason why most inexperienced players get into trouble! Just one successful level 6 artillery shell and even the most powerful level 10 TT, it was not worth it. After this, of course, it’s difficult not to break out not only in the game, but also in reality.

Previously, artillery was more vulnerable, because after its shot there was a wild trail from the tracer, along which the opponents covered you. However, now there are no tracers and it has become easier to play on art. In fact, the whole game boils down to the fact that at the beginning of the battle you take a position on the edge of the map and then simply cover the enemies in the light. It is worth noting that it is not so easy for beginners to master this type of tank in World Of Tanks, such as self-propelled guns, because although the game for it is more casual than for other tanks, you need to be able to hit it correctly.

Often, all types of tanks in World of Tanks fire at direct fire, and self-propelled guns shoot as if with a canopy, which is also not easy to master, but the moments when you destroy the most armored tanks with one shot are priceless.

It is also worth noting that the art is more dependent on the team than the team is on the art. Therefore, one way or another, you need to have the support of an experienced team that will not immediately let crazy LTs through to you.

Pros and cons of self-propelled guns in World Of Tanks

  • Huge firing range;
  • Incredibly high damage;
  • A powerful walkie-talkie that covers the entire map;
  • Low speed;
  • Low armor;
  • Small margin of safety;
  • Often low speed.

We express the hope that our description of the types and types of tanks inWorldOfTanks will help you further in your game!

We have collected statistical data from World of Tanks for all combat vehicles presented in the game.

We analyzed all tanks according to 24 main indicators and collected their key characteristics in tables. Below you will see a comparison of the performance characteristics of tanks in terms of damage, movement speed, penetration, strength, initial projectile speed, power and armor thickness.

Tank comparison

The data in the tables is distributed by characteristics and represents the top lines of the list of all WOT tanks, sorted by the selected indicator.

By damage per minute DMP

The most dangerous tanks in World of Tanks in terms of maximum damage per minute of battle. The shorter the encounter with these fighting machines face to face, the greater the chance of survival.

Place Name Class Level gun DPM
1 Tortoise Fri-Sau 9 120 mm AT Gun L1A1 3380,28
2 Strv 103B Fri-Sau 10 10.5 cm kan strv 103 L/62 3342,86
3 ISU-122S Fri-Sau 7 122 mm D-25S mod. 1944 3162,16
4 SU-152 Fri-Sau 7 122 mm D-25S mod. 1944 3162,16
5 T57 Heavy tt 10 120 mm Gun T179 3096,77
6 Object 263 Fri-Sau 10 130 mm S-70A 3084,11
7 Conway Fri-Sau 9 120 mm AT Gun L1A1 3076,92
8 T18 Fri-Sau 2 Browning MG caliber .50 HB, M2 3021,46

By maximum speed

The fastest tanks are presented in the table according to their maximum movement speed. Tanks reach a given speed at different times. Here we compared tanks in terms of movement speed on the map in World of Tanks.

Also, in terms of maximum speed, the last two places in the table are not inferior to the light tanks T-50-2, A-20 and T2 Light.

By breaking through armor

Not a single enemy can stand against tanks from this table. It contains combat vehicles capable of penetrating the thickest frontal armor with a high degree of probability. It is better to protect yourself from shots from such equipment behind obstacles.

Place Name Class Level gun Penetration, mm One-time damage, HP
1 FV215b 183 Fri-Sau 10 183 mm L4 310 1150
2 FV4005 Fri-Sau 10 183 mm L4 310 1150
3 Strv 103B Fri-Sau 10 10.5 cm kan strv 103 L/62 308 390
4 Strv 103-0 Fri-Sau 9 10.5 cm kan strv 103 L/62 308 390
5 Object 268 Fri-Sau 10 152 mm M-64 303 750
6 Object 268 5 Fri-Sau 10 152 mm M-53 303 750
7 Jg.Pz. E 100 Fri-Sau 10 17cm Pak 299 1050
8 T110E3 Fri-Sau 10 155 mm AT Gun T7E2 295 750

By safety factor

These tanks have no equal in terms of hit points. Often, to destroy any of the tanks from the strength table, you will need the ammunition of more than one tank!

Place Name Class Level Hitpoints Weight, kg
1 Maus tt 10 3200 188680
2 Type 5 Heavy tt 10 2900 149700
3 E 100 tt 10 2700 129390
4 FV215b tt 10 2500 69700
5 IS-4 tt 10 2500 59724
6 Pz.Kpfw. VII tt 10 2500 119730
7 VK 72.01 K tt 10 2500 119700
8 113 tt 10 2300 44700

Also, the following tanks in World of Tanks have 2300 HP: 113 BO and Mauschen.

By projectile speed

These are the leaders among WoT tanks in terms of the maximum initial velocity of a fired projectile. Against these tanks, it will not be possible to slip between buildings at a great distance. Hitting shells from such tanks has a high chance of penetrating armor.

Place Name Class Level Speed, m/s
1 (R)T-62A st 10 1535
2 Object 140 st 10 1535
3 Object 430 st 10 1535
4 Object 907 st 10 1535
5 T-22 med. st 10 1535
6 T-62A st 10 1535
7 AMX 30 B st 10 1535
8 AMX 30 st 9 1525

Also, the AMX Cda 105 tank has an initial projectile speed of 1525 meters/s.

Based on engine power to weight ratio

This table presents the characteristics of tanks that are faster than others in gaining maximum speed. Their engine power often exceeds what is required. These tanks are good for reconnaissance or moving among many enemies. Leading shots against tanks from the table below have little chance of success. It is best to hit these combat vehicles with a shot to the forehead or while the tank is standing still.

According to the thickness of the hull armor

The comparative tables of characteristics are crowned by a list of the most protected tanks in World of Tanks. There are no tanks here that can be easily penetrated. All equipment is protected and has incredible frontal armor, which only a few of all combat vehicles from the world of tanks can penetrate. Fighting them head-on is the most hopeless idea. This technique was created for tanking in the front rows at a long distance, as well as for conducting positional battles.

Place Name Class Level Forehead, mm Board, mm Feed, mm
1 T95 Fri-Sau 9 305 152 50
2 Type 5 Heavy tt 10 270 160 150
3 T110E3 Fri-Sau 10 305 76 38
4 Type 4 Heavy tt 9 250 140 150
5 Pz.Kpfw. VII tt 10 240 160 120
6 VK 72.01 K tt 10 240 160 120
7 Tortoise Fri-Sau 9 228 152 101
8 AT 15 Fri-Sau 8 228 152 101